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Messages - pengwenn

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Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: October 04, 2007, 12:22:21 AM »
I have 10 pages to go in Mistborn 2 and someone at work has the audicity to interrupt me and ask a question.  (okay, my break ended 5 minutes ago but I'm not watching a clock here people I'M READING!)

Crusty Gizzardface

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon, maybe a good sign?
« on: October 03, 2007, 11:34:49 PM »
I promised my brother I'd get him a video game if he did something.  Well he did it and I thought he would ask for Halo 3 or something.  He asked if he could get a book instead.  Guess what he asked for?  Mistborn 2 Well of Ascension.  I got Brandon to autograph a copy of Mistborn: The Final Empire for him at Conduit and I gave it to my brother for his birthday in July.  He loved the fact that it was autographed.  He's not much of a reader but I've been working on him for the last 2 years.  So far I've gotten him to fall in love with Orson Scott Card's work, the Harry Potter novels, Tad Williams's Otherland series and now Brandon's Mistborn series.  I'm having him read only the best.  :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: EUOL: Writing question based upon MB2 annotation
« on: September 28, 2007, 11:51:04 PM »
I think the best thing is to give recaps, but not to over due it. Keep it short and simple, readers will remember with a small reminder.

I think if you read the Harry Potter books you'll find that Rowling got much better at recaping what had gone on before in the later books than how she did it in the first books.  With books 2 & 3 there's a big info dump at everything in the past.  Those info dumps (especially about Quidditch) are smaller and smoother in the later books.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Revenge of Grumpy Bear
« on: September 20, 2007, 07:03:06 PM »
A crack in a band new pair of contacts.

I finally got my copy of the book from Amazon.  I can't wait to read it.

In other news, at my local Barnes & Noble the paperback release of  Mistborn: The Final Empire has been given a very prominent display in the center of the store as you come through the front doors.  It looks like they might have 20+ copies on display too.  (I don't know how many are left since I've been in.)  That's In addition to the ones they have up in the fantasy section on the second floor.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Revenge of Grumpy Bear
« on: August 28, 2007, 08:05:14 PM »
I had a dentist appointment Thursday and I've been in more pain afterwards than what I was in before.  Dentists are evil spawn torturing the innocent one mouth at a time.

Writing Group / Re: Writing Rules from Kurt Vonnegut
« on: August 09, 2007, 11:12:37 PM »
I've heard those before but I could never remember who said them.

Books / Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ***Spoilers***
« on: August 03, 2007, 10:29:37 PM »
I've finished the book but I'm still undecided as to what I think.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 31, 2007, 10:42:19 PM »
The Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon

Video Games / Re: calling all ps2 gamerss!
« on: April 02, 2007, 06:24:55 PM »
Oh, I had to break out my list of game.  Here are my suggestions:

PS1 games:
Ape Escape (capture the monkeys)
Abe's Oddysee (hilarious use of "speech" in any game I've seen)
Pipe Dreams 3D (an addicting puzzler)
Chrono Cross (multipath/multicharacter rpg)
Final Fantasy IX (Vivi!!!!)
Final Fantasy Tactics (what's your sign?)
Legend of Dragoon (first RPG I ever finished and still good today even if the graphics are a bit blocky)
Legend of Legaia (an RPG with mist....)

PS2 games:
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits (where your enemy will become your friend)
Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance (hack and slash your way through the throngs of enemy)
Champions of Norrath (see above)
Dark Cloud (you said you had the second one)
Ever Grace (two story lines, but how will they cross?)
Jak & Daxter (platformer with some humor)
Kingdom Hearts (Disney meets Square Enix)
Maximo and the Army of Zen (nothing like fighting the hordes of the undead in your boxers)
Ratchet & Clank (another platformer with humor)
SSX Tricky (snowboarding uber tricks . . . enough said)
Time Splitters (shoot first, ask questions. . . no just shoot first)
Xenosaga (only if you like watching movies while occassionally playing a video game)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn as a Video Game
« on: March 28, 2007, 06:15:48 PM »
Ohhh . . . I can just image combat, not with swords and bows, but with coins being thrown about, bodies flying all around and mist and ash swirling in the air. 

It sounds like we need someone on the inside to keep him in check.  Do you think Brandon would want to be the write in VP?  If anyone has the desire to thwart Scalzi's evil plans I think it would be him.   ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Deseret News Article
« on: March 12, 2007, 09:18:50 PM »
The pic's not so bad . . . just looks like you need to get more sun.  Now I've got a picture you hold up in some basement furiously typing for your sanity.  Good job, keep it up!   ;D

Books / Re: Harry Potter, third of sales for decoration only
« on: March 12, 2007, 09:00:41 PM »
My problem is I buy books faster than I can read them.  A lot of them sit on the shelf for years before I get around to picking them up.  I will read every book I own . . . eventually.

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