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Messages - Master Bombadil

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 15, 2007, 08:53:37 AM »
I think the action plot line is mostly Vasher, but there will be more action with Lightsong soon.  I can't really tell WHAT Vivenna's plot line is supposed to be; it's almost as though she exists to become more open-minded and Hallandren.  That is the most important thing that she has done so far.

Also, the mercs have a definite action role, but Brandon can't write from their perspective he'll spoil the mystery.  It seems as if Vivenna is there to tie up loose ends: show the mercs, what is happening in T'Telir, random other bits of information relevant to the plot (such as Vasher's and Denth's rivalry) and learn to be open-minded (a moral lesson Brandon seems quite intent on including).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 15, 2007, 02:14:25 AM »
I don't see what you mean by Vivenna lacking purpose; it is basically all there has been to her the entire book.  First she is being prepared to become the God King's wife, then she is going to attempt to cripple Hallandren, but she does not have much personality.  I liked the scenes where she was escaping Vasher and Denth quite a bit, and it seems to me that her character is good for action but not for personality, if you know what I mean.

She has been spending her entire time in T'Telir 'standing up and doing something about it.'  Again, 'do' seems to be the only thing she does since leaving Idris, more machinery than actual personality.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 14, 2007, 07:16:00 PM »
I think Dreamking has a point about Vivenna's first pathetic act being going to Hallandren, though I wonder if her whole life hasn't been a bit pathetic.  I think maybe she is disliked because she is a boring person with a boring life (at least until she got kidnapped a few times; then she is the stuck-up know-it-all who is being taught a lesson).  It makes me wonder if Brandon has based her on someone he knows in real life, though it's hard to say since I don't think he knows my sisters :-)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 13, 2007, 05:46:38 AM »
I don't think Vivenna has been that pathetic for most of the book, only the last bit.  She was trying quite hard to hamper Hallandren's armies (even if she was being manipulated by Denth) and was plainly not 'just accepting everything'.  It is only the last bit where she was brought low, I think because she was supposed to learn that not everything was perfectly black and white.  Brandon merely got rather over-zealous with that bit.

I also don't think she is supposed to be a likable character; she is shown as being rather prissy and self-righteous, then learns that she was wrong.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 12, 2007, 11:29:28 PM »
I agree with Dreamking about Vivenna's intelligence.  I think the reason readers think of her as 'smart' is partly her attitude (she definitely thinks she's smart, or used to anyway) and party that she was 'trained,' though I don't think Idris can provide a good political education.  It's a bit...I dunno...rustic?

As for her father wanting her to rule Idris, I think that is because her viewed her as perfect, not smart.  It's made very clear in the early chapters that she (Vivenna) goes along with anything she is told by the proper authorities, and is though of very highly for it.  I don't think many people in that culture question much of anything (Siri did, and she was plainly in the minority), so someone who questions practically nothing is viewed as 'better'.

I do like amyface's point about the would not seem quite as overdone and would also show her learning to understand those around her better, which I think is a major theme with her.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 11, 2007, 06:43:39 AM »
In regards to the many complaints about the term 'BioCroma':

I think it is supposed to sound more advanced.  I get the idea that in Hallandren society, there is a lot of research into BioCroma (comments about 'modern commands' and Hallandren being 'the center of BioCromatic research' come to mind) but otherwise they haven't really advanced beyond the middle ages;  it would make sense because those with the leisure and wealth to conduct research would also have Breaths, and be able to extend their powers by researching that field.  BioCroma looks anachronistic because it is so far ahead of everything else.

About Vivenna's education:

Many seem to be surprised that the perfect little child who grew up in a near theocracy (religion controls seemingly every action in Idris, from how you dress to when you're allowed to have emotions) would have difficulty adjusting to a 'heretical' society.  Her tutors very likely were monks, as (at least in our middle ages) monks were responsible for much of the teaching and learning.

She would have been prepared to marry Susebron and deal with political maneuvering, but that does not quite cover organizing terrorist attacks (and these WERE terrorist; Denth organized them to spread fear and incite a war), surviving on the streets (why would the future queen of Hallandren ever need to know what to do when she had nothing?).  Denth and Tonk Fah are both extremely skilled and experienced professionals, and should easily be able to manipulate a complete stranger to T'Telir.

Though I will say that the thing with the prostitutes was laying it on a bit thick...

Regarding Vasher:

Of course we all want him to be a good guy!  People are naturally inclined to hope for the best in others, even if they don't expect it.  That is a lot of how Denth and Tonk Fah were able to take in Vivenna (as well as all us readers, I might add).  Still, we can say that Vasher is no friend of Denth, or of scheming priests; that definitely speaks for him not being a completely rotten apple.  Good thing is, we're sure to be seeing more of him now.

Official predictions of Master Bombadil (for what they're worth):

Vasher teaches Vivenna to use her Breaths.

At least one of Siri's political maneuverings will blow up in her face.

Lightsong, Blushweaver and Llahrimar enter the tunnels together, when they finally do.

Lightsong dies.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 10, 2007, 04:33:39 AM »
I have also wondered about how Susebron is supposed to pass on his Breath.  Since i don't think his priests are stupid enough to make that bad of a mistake, they must know something about BioCroma we don't that allows him to use it without his voice, or maybe they plan on persuading a Returned to sacrifice themselves to heal him.

Speaking of BioCroma, I think it's supposed to sound like a science.  That's the impression I have had since the first chapter, when Vasher was thinking of Hallandren as 'the center of BioCromatic research.'  Brandon's magical systems usually are rather scientific, which is something I personally like.  There are not enough well-designed scientific magical systems in fantasy, and too much hand-waving and weird words with no further explanation than 'they're magic.'

As for Vivenna, I think Brandon's planned storyline requires Vivenna to be in T'Telir and making trouble for reasons not revealed until later.  She is also supposed to be moralistic and somewhat naive: half of what's been written about her so far has been about how religious and sheltered she has been.  Siri was right when she decided that Vivenna would not have been able to deal with the shock of marrying Susebron.

I love the mercs to.  Every book needs at least one disaster like that.  And I wouldn't worry about Vasher having an easy time beating Denth...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 07, 2007, 08:16:10 PM »
I don't think it's OOC for Lightsong to stop pestering Llahrimar about his past.  He's distracted by his investigation of the murder and realizes that pestering Llahrimar will not help uncover his past; the main reason he asked about his past before was because he wanted to complain about not knowing.  Now he is discovering some things on his own and is excited about his investigation.

As for Blushweaver...SOMETHING has to be going on with her, otherwise Brandon has wasted a lot of pages.  I'm fairly sure she was lying when she claimed that she refused the tunnel connection to her palace because she didn't want noise; she may have had the connection built, but I think it's more likely she refused out of paranoia.  She also may have had something to do with following Vasher, but I doubt she did it herself, because it just doesn't seem in character for her to do it herself, not to mention how conspicuous her aura would be.  She'd kill herself if she tried to hide it in something.

Now, here's another possibility: what if the person who killed the servant was a priest who left the tunnel after Vasher entered, and killed the servant because he was seen.  I know it's a little far-fetched, but...I don't like priests much.  How loyal are they to their gods, anyway?  It seems they are religiously devoted, even if they are plotting against their own gods.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 07, 2007, 06:46:04 AM »
I have just discovered Warbreaker a few days ago and have acquired an obsession for it.  Does it go away?  I'm not sure whether I want it to.

A few ideas/points:

If a war begins, Susebron's Breaths could give him enough power to put a stop to it (I think he's an Awakener not a Returned) if he still had his tongue.  One of the Returned could sacrifice themselves to heal him; perhaps this would be a heroic second death to match Lightsong's first?  We all know Brandon's habit of killing one main character.

Vivenna's Breaths can't be what Denth is after because he refused to accept in chapter 13.

I did not think Vivenna's escape from Denth and his cronies was very plausible, so I though of another way it could have happened: Tonk Fah and Denth could notice the cuts on her wrist and AFTER they surprise her in the basement, and them realize that she had been kidnapped; they also realize that Peprin's body would be difficult to explain and that they have just missed an opportunity to increase her trust and instead revealed themselves.  Perhaps one of them had realized earlier that Vivenna might not have left willingly and had opposed torturing Peprin.  Then they say 'i told you so' and an argument begins.  This would give Vivenna plenty of time to order Clod to attack and flee in the confusion.

Pterath: what you think Denth would WANT Peprin as a Lifeless?  They only have the skills they had in life, which is not much in Peprin's case.

We don't know that the person who followed Vasher into Mercystar's palace hid his BioCroma; he may not have had any.

I think that Blushweaver is doing what she thinks is best for the country, and is not Denth's employer.

I keep worrying that Susebron's priests can overhear Vivenna and know what she's teaching Susebron even though she whispers but are pretending they don't.  Am I being paranoid?

Wouldn't Bluefingers owe Vivenna a favor for getting his countrywomen promoted?  He seems very intent on getting them good positions, and would likely be more willing to help Vivenna after she ordered her servants switched.

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