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Messages - RedMars11

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Okay, I'm not quite done with the book yet, (Stupid freaking real life and such) but one thing definitely made me laugh in a rather twisted sort of way.  I have to post about it now, as it'll get lost in whatever post I make when I do finish.

Sanderson finally killed Brill.  He wanted to kill the guy in the armies caverns in book one, alpha readers thought it was to cruel for Kelsier to do, so he changed it.  But he finally did it here.  Man, did Sanderson  grow up with a bully named Brill or something?  Oddly enough, I did, so I got some twisted amusement out of the whole situation.

Whoops, an edit because I don't want to double post, yet I want to make a separate post about my feelings on the ending of the book.  Okay, Preservation/Laras was using the Mists to cause Snappings in order to give humans an edge.  It snapped exactly sixteen percent of people, ostensibly 1% per each metal.  But uh.... Atium didn't fit in with the overall table of metals.  It's not one of the sixteen, it's an alloyable god metal outside of the normal rules.  (I was always suspicious of this metal, since it didn't fit in with the periodic table.  Cool to see that nagging annoyance bear some nutty fruit.)  Anyway, what's going on here with this numbers game?

Oh my word... You have to put Hoid in.  The hilarity and years of us acting like it means we know something... or it means we're more lost than ever before... would be priceless.

Thanks for the advice all.  I've already got the Alcatraz books on order, I just also want something meatier.

I've also got Warbreaker ordered, but the problem is I just can't read a lot online.  At least not solid masts of continuous text.  It bothers  me a bit, plus I do a lot of my reading in bed, breaks at work, etc etc.  I'm sure you know what I mean.  And so I wait for the hardcover in June.  Fifth hardcover I've bought in years, and fifth thanks to Sanderson.   (I drive for work, so I can't bring the Hero of Ages hardcover with me.  I haven't taken a lunch break in days.)

And I think I need to clarify:  I'm definitely finishing Hero of Ages.  Like I said, I am amazingly hooked.  I just (In an amazing display of idiocy) spoiled myself silly, and so I know I need something to rebound off of.  I'm psyching myself up for the hidden meaning/angle to the ending, but still.

Ookla, I actually have the Chanur omnibus sitting on my shelf, just waiting for the moment I'm in a sci-fi space opera kind of mood, I also definitally like a good political rangling.   I guess I can shuffle things around, thanks for that suggestion.

Roberts:  The political mess coming out of Illinois right now is all the entertainment I need out of that state for at least two years, thanks though.  ;)

Also, it's not that I don't like a sad ending, it's just that after around 2,000 pages of characters this well written, it's a hard blow.  There are some books where I may like characters, but just go "oh no, not 'him'" when they die, like in a Song of Ice and Fire book, or maybe a Wheel of Time book, and there are others where when it happens, I just feel like doing some cliched kneeling down and shaking my fist at the sky in anger and grief kind of thing.

Edit to an edit:

And I cannot stress enough that anything by Matthew Stover is made of pure win. His style is just so alive. His stuff is really not very comparable to Brandon's, the stuff they write isn't all that similar, (still fantasy/science fiction) but he is just amazing. His characterization is brilliant. He doesn't just tell you a story -- he puts you inside it. And he writes fight scenes like you have never seen them written before.

I've already read his Caine books.  I can't wait for the next two to come out.  I'm a little disappointed that one's a prequel though.  I've been ranting about Mistborn to a few friends, and to describe the fight scenes I say "Almost as good as Stover" to which I get the response "Wow".  I think on that alone I've sold three copies of Mistborn.

Edit to a second Edit:  I totally agree.  More people should read his stuff.  What's holding him back is just his lack of output, and how much Star Wars work he does.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 13, 2009, 03:30:05 AM »
Thanks much.  Everything I wanted to know.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: **SPOILERS! The Shards of Adonalsium
« on: January 13, 2009, 03:13:04 AM »
My question is are we seeing a multiverse created out of something breaking apart at the dawn of creation, with each of the three known worlds being the same planet (More or less) in alternate realities, or are they all in the same dimension/universe/galaxy/however specific you want to get.

Unless future books dealing with Shards include space travel, this probably matters very little.  I mean he could invent a magic which allows for dimmensional travel, or not.  But I've never heard of a magic system which allows for travel across worlds.  So this really only matters when pondering how sci-fi he wants to get in the future.

Also how the physics of each universe work.  Do these Shards just effect their own world, can users of the Dor or Allomancy use it off planet, etc.  The Dor weakened the further the Elantrians got from Elantris, so I'm really wondering how things would get effected if Mr. Sanderson ever went Dark Tower on us.  I hunger for that day I think.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 13, 2009, 02:24:35 AM »
Okay, I haven't read this thread nor the book because I hate reading large texts online, and I am so glad a hardcover is coming out, but some questions regardless:

1.  Does this tie into the larger universe/multiverse/god knows what Mr. Sanderson's been building up in Elantris and Mistborn?

2.  Is it stand alone like Elantris, or clearly meant to lead to something else like the Final Empire but especially the Well of Ascension?

3.  Is the ending more along the lines of an Elantris, or the Hero of Ages?

Please don't bite my head off, since I'm probably repeating previously asked questions.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Splitting A Memory of Light...
« on: January 13, 2009, 02:20:10 AM »
We already know there's a Fourth Age (Right... fourth?) after this present one, and that to me is one of the most interesting things about the series.  How does that time come about?  It appears to be a good age, which got off to a rocky start.  It seemed to have conflicting views of Rand, some good some bad.  The lense of history applied to him is interesting to me.  I wish we could have had a book of future history, going into detail on how empires rose and fell, and how they all thought of the Dragon.

I just finished Memory Sorry and Thorn, saying "The Dragon" in this context still sounds weird.

Brandon Sanderson / What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« on: January 13, 2009, 01:23:50 AM »
For the "tldr" amongst you all, just go to the last paragraph.  (But before the PS one)

Hello all.  I have made an awful mistake.  I've just finished Well of Ascension, which was amazing.  But part way through I spoiled myself for the end of Hero of Ages.   It used to be when I read I would peak ahead randomly for some reason.  Giving me almost a movie trailer look into things to come.  I've been popping out of this bad habbit, but the chapter where the Crew decides to send "the kids" away really got to me and I had to know if they would all die.  I looked ahead and didn't see them near the end.  I looked in THoA, and then I started to freak out when I didn't see Vin or Elend's names near the end of their own story.

I couldn't believe the guy who did Elantris would do this!  Agh!  I'm still banking on some anime-like hidden meaning sniper plot twist to it all as I go into THoA, but I doubt it.

So I come here asking for something else really good to read after that.  Because I can't stop.  These are some of the best realized fictional characters I've ever read.  I cared enough for the crew to spoil myself silly, never mind the main two characters.  I just can't be left hanging after this.  I need something to bounce me back up.  Because just knowing what's coming is tearing me up.  I think it made me actually wake up in the middle of the night.  Reading everything between the two now is like twisting a knife in my gut.  The marriage scene was heartbreaking in its own way.  Yeah, I'm going that melodramatic here.  I really love this series and these characters.  I'm going to need something to save my sanity after this is done.

Okay, I'm definitally being over dramatic.  But anyway, what would be a great kind of short series to read after Mistborn?  Sadly I've already read Elantris.  I'm thinking something trilogy sized or thereabouts.  I'm open to sci-fi and fantasy, although I'm not much in the mood for sci-fi, nor the elves/dwarves/goblins kind of fantasy.  I just can't think of anything near this same level.  I was depressed for a good week after reading His Dark Materials, never mind what's coming here.  I'm looking for something with great characters and inter-character interraction.  Romance would be a plus I guess, but maybe not necessary.

PS:  This in a way is all a testiment to how good Mr. Sanderson is with words.  The fact that I'm feeling so torn up over fictional people does nothing but show how good he is.  I hope he doesn't make the "sad end" the norm, but I'll definitally read anything he writes.  I actually bought all of these in hardcover, and went back and got Elantris in hardcover after having read it because I know I'll want to remember his works as more than a pop novel.  I'm stingy with my book purchases, I've never bought a hardcover before at all.  So yeah, he's got this tightwads endorsment.

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