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Messages - Jamestown

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You don't like Sandypants? Sorry, I was born with this bizarre urge to give people nicknames. It kind of fits, however. Your next book is about a bag of sand, you wear pants, etc.

The ARCs should be done in September (the book comes out next March 13th). Don't worry, you'll be getting one! I need that Sanderson quote: "Good gods above - Dashner writes like freaking Stephen King; I laughed, I cried, I peed my pants."

Hey, is Scholastic's plan to have one Alcatraz book a year, every October? If you sell Scribbler, would it perchance come out under a different name or what? I guess an author can have 3 series out at once, but it would seem odd.

I know I'll be chastised by Brandon's brother, but I admit up front that I am a newbie of the highest order, ignorant to all forum etiquette. I figured this was a good a place as any to post a quick comment.

First off, for the record, I just want to say I dig Brandon "Sandypants" Sanderson and all of his books. I'm especially looking forward to Alcatraz. I heard Brandon read the first couple of chapters, and it's very good--it has that certain indefinable "magic" that I love about children's fantasy literature. I hereby predict that in five years (or less), he will be famous around the world as a children's author, not a grumpy-old-adult author. (I admit some bias here)

Brandon, I met with Chris at Shadow Mountain yesterday and he told me of your idea to do a "Three Amigos" tour of independent bookstores with Dave Wolverton and myself next spring. This sounded like the single coolest idea in the history of cool ideas to me. I hope it works out.

Anyway, I check this forum all the time and figured it was high time I left a message. I know some of you and you guys crack me up.


James Dashner

Writing Group / Re: Ten tips guaranteed to get MS looked at
« on: February 22, 2006, 12:12:17 PM »
Pardon my subpar usage of computer speak---it slipped. I humbly admit that I never sent an email, and I am ashamed.

Writing Group / Re: Ten tips guaranteed to get MS looked at
« on: February 22, 2006, 11:19:34 AM »
So he looks a lot like you, except not actually anything like you?

Kinda like how I look a lot like Jessica Alba.

Sorry for the sarcasm, but it's ten minutes until I go home from work and I'm bored.

Sorry, that was my lame attempt to make a joke. I only wish I was a sexy soldier-lookin dude so someone would say ow-ow about me. By the way, that's the first time I've ever used the words sexy and ow-ow in an email.

Writing Group / Re: James Dashner speaking tonight! (Feb 22nd)
« on: February 22, 2006, 11:13:44 AM »
Do I have to pay you for every one of these posts? Actually, I don't know why I should have to pay you, all I get out of this is more anxiety!

Thanks again. Now I feel all pressured to not suck.

See ya tonight.

Stephanie Fowers / Re: James Dashner speaks...
« on: February 22, 2006, 11:08:26 AM »
Thanks, Steph, for the plug! I'll give you your twenty bucks tonight. Actually, don't I owe you dinner? Or is it Josi I have to buy dinner for?

I can only hope my discussion sparks the hot debates that Jeff's did. That would mean it was interesting.

It actually should be a lot of fun. See some of you there. Well, at least Steph.

Writing Group / Re: Ten tips guaranteed to get MS looked at
« on: February 22, 2006, 02:53:13 AM »
By the way, welcome to the boards, Jamestown!

Thanks for the welcome. The new guy on one of these forums always feels like an idiot, so thanks. Hey, it was so fun talking to you on the way to the airport---I owe Dan "Free" Willis a favor for being too scared to drive in the snow.

If any of you guys live in Provo, I'm speaking at the library tomorrow (tonight?) at 7:00. Of course, most of you probably got plenty of Dashner blabber at LTUE. Enough already! Shut it!

That dude in the picture up there looks a lot like me, by the way, except I'm way uglier and don't have a lot of hair like that.

Talk about a disjointed message. See ya.

Writing Group / Re: Ten tips guaranteed to get MS looked at
« on: February 19, 2006, 02:57:10 AM »
Hi, I'm new here. I just wasted a disgusting amount of time reading a million posts, so I think this group is aptly named.

Thanks to certain cool people at LTUE who invited me to join.

As for agent queries, I'm right in the middle of that whole process, and it's enough to make a man want to leave his wife and start smoking doobies. I've done neither of those things yet, but I did get some pretty bad gastro-intestinal problems in the last week. This is a cruel, miserable, brutal business.

I highly respect Jeff "EatsLikeA" Savage, but he and I agree to disagree on the SASE and photo thing. In my opinion, the SASE has no downside, only upside. I doubt any agent has ever decided to request a manuscript because there was no SASE, but I bet some have decided NOT to request it because there was no SASE. I think you risk your sense of professionalism if you don't send one.

As for the photo, I can't articulate my thoughts. But it just seems like something the psychos who get those cheesy studio glamour shots would do.

Final analysis: Jeff "SmellsLikeA" Savage has an agent, I do not. Maybe we should listen to the guy. The man has huevos the size of Mt. St. Helens. (He's an excellent writer, by the way, and a good friend)

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