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Messages - sbwtwo

Pages: [1]
Books / Re: Best book you've ever read...
« on: October 01, 2007, 08:25:03 PM »
I'm kind of fond of Modesitt's Recluce series, but of the long list of titles, I would say the Fall of Angels was the best and my favorite.  I recommend it to any and all--it can stand alone even though it's part of a larger series.  Kind of a cross between Sci-Fi and Fantasy (starts out as Sci-Fi and makes the transition to Fantasy), Modesitt has a knack for taking the good vs evil theme and turning it on its head.  I'm also partial to his Corean Chronicles (the first three, less so for the last three). 

Others have mentioned Dune and I agree for sci-fi, though I'm typically not a big sci-fi fan.

But I'm also a sucker for a lot of Jane Austen and find Persuasion to be my all time fave followed by Emma and Pride and Prejudice.

And LeGuin's Earthsea trilogy (the first three of this series) was really compelling (and short).

I just discovered Sanderson's Elantris and Mistborn series and am very happily devouring them.

For me, it's all about escape and feeling good about someone else learning, developing, succeeding.



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