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Messages - Eagle Prince

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Role-Playing Games / Re: TWG Ever-Changing Dungeon
« on: January 28, 2007, 11:24:11 PM »
Room: Through a Glass, Darkly

Start: Into the Looking Glass

Description: This land of perpetual twilight is a shadowy reflection of the real world.  The people of the Hamlet of Shades now resemble phantoms, and their darkest desires visible in their countenance.  Even the strongest stone buildings wish to crumble back to the earth from where they came.  Everything is the same, but only a shadow of its former self, frightening and sinister.

Event: Anyone from the real world who comes here has a chance to lose themselves to their darkest desires, and each day fighting it off beomes harder.  Characters wearing Rose Coloured Glasses are immune to this effect.

Exit: Hamlet of Shades, Forest of Twilight

Give me a little credit, I do know a thing or two about real swordfighting.  Just saying that adventuring equipment is a bit overpriced.  Full plate is 1,500 gp, coverted to 217,500$.  That is more than even a good job pays in a year, but even in the middle ages, a year's wages of a blacksmith (who made decent money) supposedly could fully equip a knight.  That would be armor, weapons, and mount.

Role-Playing Games / Re: review: Complete Mage
« on: January 28, 2007, 08:45:57 AM »
I was looking at Minor Shapeshift reserve feat.  If you have a polymorph spell in reserve, then you can use a swift action to gain various bonuses, lasts for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell (4 rounds for polymorph).  One gives you temp hp equal to HD.  Temp hit points from the same source don't stack, but still you could use a swift action every round to regain those hp.

I have a cleric with divine vigor from Complete Warrior, it is actually better than this feat, but each use uses up a turn attempt, so I can't use it at will.  That might tip the scales slightly in favor of Minor Shapeshift.  One of the biggest things that might make the reserve feats too good (other than at-will abilities can be problematic at times) is the competence bonus to caster level.  Usually named bonuses don't stack, but if you read in the reserve feat description, it says they stack.

So when I'm packing around my greatsword, that is worth 50gp in DnD.  Which converts to over 7000$, a lot more than I actually paid for it.  Of course, I would be a tougher challege to get it compared to someone armed with a wallet full of cash and a walkman.

Role-Playing Games / Re: Complete Scoundrel
« on: January 19, 2007, 12:22:22 AM »
Learning tricks is easy enough, but if you used Tome of Battle, Tome of Magic, Magic of Incarnum... um, seems like I'm missing one, but those books would take more effort to include.  Tome of Magic actually has 3 different magic systems.  Of those, adding in tricks is definatily easiest.

Role-Playing Games / Complete Scoundrel
« on: January 18, 2007, 09:06:37 PM »
This book has a new mechanic of sorts called tricks.  You can have 1/2 your character level in total tricks, and each one costs 2 skill points to learn and can be used once per encounter.  For example, one trick is acrobatic backstab, you need 12 ranks in tumble to get it (which costs 2 more skill points to buy the trick).  Then, once per encounter, you could tumble through someone's space (IIRC, that is a DC 25 tumble check, +2 per extra person threatening you).  If it works, then they are flat-footed against your next melee attack (meaningyou could sneak attack them).

There are also these new kind of feats with a [Luck] descriptor.  They each grant an extra 'luck reroll' per day, one of them actually gives you 2 extra luck rerolls, and something you can use your 'luck rerolls' on.  So one feat might let you spend a luck reroll to reroll certain kinds of skill checks, or reroll a saving throw, and then you spend your luck uses on those abilities however you like.  There is one that lets you turn a natural 1 on a saving throw (auto-fail) into a natural 20 (auto-succeed), but you can only use that one once per day, even if you have more luck uses than that.  There's a similar one for an attack roll too.

There are some multiclassing feats that are pretty good, ie lets you multiclass monk and ninja, and you add those class levels together to determine your ninja ki pool and monk unarmed damage.  The prestige classes are okay, I think the most interesting one is Combat Trapsmith, it lets you make and set traps during combat.  Main problem with it is I don't think the traps are powerful enough, even the best ones only do like 5d6 damage (reflex half) or duplicate a 2nd level spell.

There isn't many new magic items, but there are new alchemical items and poisons.  There are also a few 'living items', ie a bottle with a super-brite firefly that you can use as a torch (but you have to keep him fed and such).

There is also a bunch of advice stuff, like how to run a 'scoundrel' game and how to make scoundrel characters, etc.  The making scoundrel advice isn't too bad really.

Role-Playing Games / Re: TWG Ever-Changing Dungeon
« on: January 18, 2007, 08:30:44 PM »
Room: Glade of the Unicorn Prince

Start: Into Happy Unicorn Forest

Description: The forest breaks into a beautiful open glade.  The small, sparkling creek that weaves through the trees is fed by a glacier high in the mountains, and it tastes sweet and cool.  This place seems to be protected by some kind of blessing, as the plants never seem to age or sicken, and fatigue seems to vanish from the weary.

Event: Evil PCs and monsters are soon attacked by a powerful, half celestial unicorn that lords over and defends all creatures of this forest.  Good-hearted PCs are instead greeted by the unicorn, who lets them rest away their troubles in his forest.  Any good creature who rests in the glade is cured of any poison or disease, heals all damage, and is otherwise fully rested, ready for more adventuring and slaying of evil things.

Exit: Orc in a Hole, Hamlet of Shades

Movies and TV / Re: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
« on: January 09, 2007, 12:39:53 PM »
I don't think there was any specific details, at least that I remember.  But I think they were focusing a lot on the post-apocalyptic stuff and less on the actual story/characters.

Movies and TV / Re: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
« on: January 08, 2007, 10:55:34 PM »
I believe Brooks sold the rights to a Shannara movie once before, but they changed the book so much that he pulled the plug.  So I am guessing that he wouldn't let them make a bad Shannara movie.

Movies and TV / Re: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
« on: January 08, 2007, 07:52:34 AM »
They are probably going to make a Shannara movie, they are talking about it on Brook's website I think (like guessing what book they'll do, etc).  Also heard they were thinking about doing Magic Kingdom For Sale, I think someone bought the rights to do it, but I haven't heard anything else since.

Movies and TV / Re: Eragon
« on: December 24, 2006, 04:12:00 AM »
Sure, above average but not good.  I'd think an average movie like 3, good something like 4 to 5, and plain awesome 5-1/2 or 6.  Below average probably 2 or 2-1/2, terrible something below that depending on just how bad.  If you like playing D&D, then I think you'd like the movie.  If you don't go to the movies too much, there are other shows that came out this month I'd see before this; in that case better to watch it on video.  But I know a few people who average about 2 movies a week at the theatre.

Comparing it to some of the other movies I've saw this month, I thought Rocky Balboa and Apocalypto were both good; better than Eragon.  I'd buy Rocky on dvd and probably even Eragon, but probably not Apocalypto, even though I thought it was a much better movie than Eragon.  Apocalypto just isn't the kind of movie meant for numerous rewatchings, but of the three I'd say its the one to see in the theatre as it will lose a lot of its effect when not on the big screen.

Movies and TV / Re: Eragon
« on: December 18, 2006, 03:04:19 PM »
I saw Eragon and right after went back and saw Apocalypto.  I think Apocalytpo was better, but it also creeped me out; I liked it though.  Eragon is something I wouldn't mind having on dvd and rewatching every now and then.  If anything, it was a bit too short, probably would have been better with some more time for character and story development.  Also, the dragons are real smart like in D&D and can understand people talking, they can also talk to their dragonrider telepathically, but I don't think they can just talk out loud to anyone.  I think it deserves a sequel, if they improve on the faults of the first one.

Sounds good, I'll start on some NPCs.  Things I would be most interested, stuff most likely to actually get used.

Role-Playing Games / Re: review: Complete Mage
« on: December 06, 2006, 12:42:13 AM »
This book is probably better than Complete Arcane, but I haven't finished reading it let alone used this stuff in a game.  Main fault I think is it kind of suffers from power creep.  Of course the power creep goes both ways, just look at MM III and IV.

The reserve feats are probably alright, but its hard to say because at-will abilities can always lead to abuse.

Movies and TV / Re: Superman
« on: December 06, 2006, 12:21:58 AM »
Doh, sorry about the wrong spelling.

In the first movie, Perry White says find out if he stands for truth, justice, and the American way.  In Returns, he says find out if he still stands for truth, justice... all that stuff.  Yeah it was dumb, yeah it was cliche to purposely hack out "American way".  Maybe their next target will be another of my old favorite superhero shows, the Greatest American hero to 'the Greatest... uh, Hero".

Yes there are some analogies to Christ, but they've always been there.  Don't forget everything Jor-El says is from the first movie.  Did Returns handle it as well as the original, I don't know.  Probably not.

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