Author Topic: Please please, do your worst. [critic a prologue]  (Read 1380 times)


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Please please, do your worst. [critic a prologue]
« on: December 12, 2009, 07:25:23 AM »

So this is supposed to be one of those prologues that makes you go, WAIT!  What?  Why did that happen?! 

Please please, if you have a few minutes to spare I want all your super criticism and hacking and slashing.  Rip it apart.

Thanks. =]

Jeb pulled the worn wooden handle from the pocket on his old coat.  He was surrounded, in front of him stood three Samurai, behind him two more Samurai and an Itako, to his sides, fifty foot brick walls.  The corner of his mouth raised slightly and he let out a small laugh, “So, you think you've got me do you?  Let's play.”  He squeezed the object in his hand.  It came to life, cloth grew from underneath his hand and wrapped around itself.  From the back a wooden pommel formed, on the front a wooden hand guard grew.  A blade thrust out of the hand guard, slightly curved, stopping at four feet in length.

   Jeb bent his knees, then pressed down hard.  His body was shot backward, his sword buried itself in the Itako's chest.  Best to get her out of the way first.  I'm lucky Itako are blind and no one else was paying attention.  Before he could fully release his sword from her body, the other five Samurai were on him.  He ducked the first stroke of an enemy blade and pulled his sword free.  Jumping over the next he struck downward cutting nearly a foot into the shoulder of one of the Samurai who had accompanied the Itako.

   “Gyaaaah!” He had been hit, his left arm was bleeding profusely.  He couldn't guard against all of them at once.  He swung at one of the closer Samurai, aiming for his side, but he was struck from behind on the back of his leg.  He stumbled and missed.  “Heh heh.  Looks like you really did get me this time.  Huh?”  Something had hit the ground next to him.  A man in a floor length brown cloak – the Samurai surrounding them fell to the ground.

   Jeb bowed his head, “Master, I thought you were . . . I mean, thank you.  I owe you my life.”  The man looked down at him scornfully and reached his hand down to help him back to his feet.  Jeb reached up and the man smiled.

   “You'll never learn to not take on more than you're ready for will you?”  The two of them laughed together as the cloaked figure helped Jeb walk down the alley.  “I've got much to tell you of my recent endeavors.  Because of their importance, I couldn't let anyone know I was still . . . “  He stopped.  Jeb's sudden, dead weight was too much for him to hold.  The old man let Jeb's body slide slowly to the ground.  He looked down at his student, an arrow standing in his chest.

   Looking back down the alley he could see the Itako.  Standing on  her knees, bow in hand.  A trail of blood began to form in the corner of her mouth and she fell face down on the asphalt.  The man looked back down to Jeb, tears forming in his eyes.  “No, no, you can't die on me.  You're the only friend I've ever known. “

   Jeb smiled, looking up at the cloaked figure his long blonde hair covering his face haphazardly, “Come on old man, we knew this day would come.  They've been scared of me since the day I got my Tsuka.  There's no way they would have let me live long enough to complete my Daisho.  Here,” he held up the wooden handle, “you know where to take it.  He was destined to have it, even more so than me.”

   “Don't say that Jeb.  You'll live.  We have an Itako not ten miles from here.  I can get you to her and everything will be fine,”  He frantically began to try and lift Jeb over his shoulders.  The muscles in his neck and back strained, blood dripping down his cloak as he struggled.

   “Don't waste your energy old man.  Let me die in peace will you?  I died honorably.  If I had survived this encounter, they only would have sent more next time, and who's to say you'd be there again?  No, it's best this way,” He coughed, specks of blood splattered across the old man's face.

   The elder Samurai bowed his head taking the handle from him.  “You will not be forgotten my friend.”

Andrew the Great

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Re: Please please, do your worst. [critic a prologue]
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2009, 08:06:19 AM »
It seems more random than anything else. It doesn't really elicit a shocked reaction at all, but it was kind of like, "what exactly was the point of that?"

The sword from little stick thing was pretty awesome. I liked it.

The fight scene was disappointingly short. We got like three sword strokes, and then the Itako is "dead," Jeb is bleeding profusely, and the other Samurai are all dead. There are five samurai here. You give us quite a setup. I'm expecting more action.

When you'r fighting, you don't stop to say, "Heh heh. Looks like you really did get me this time." You're either a) busy trying to screw your enemies left and right, or b) screaming as you bleed profusely (apparently the more likely of the two here). Now, he may be some sort of super-warrior who doesn't scream, but even then, you'd think he'd just be silent. This comes across as like an egotistical wimpy wanna-be.

Yeah, the whole thing where his master saves him, then he's killed by an arrow from someone who he's apparently already killed seemed a little odd, and almost contrived.

You give us a few intriguing things here. For instance, I want to know who "he" is, who is better with the sword thing than Jeb is. This is good.

Jeb is kind of an annoying name to me, but that's just personal preference.

I will say, it had its good elements. It has real potential too. It just needs a little more development. Also, I'm not really sure I like the way Jeb died. I much prefer random new enemy appearing with crossbow than person who's supposed to be dead.

Ok, I think that's about it for now.

Oh, also, FYI, the normal method of submitting something is to post in the Email list and Submissions thread, then wait for approval, then send it to all[squiggly at thingy] We'll all get it, and then it's not posted here for all the world to see. Though this way, people who aren't on the mailing list can comment on it too, if that matters.
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Re: Please please, do your worst. [critic a prologue]
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2009, 08:20:47 AM »

I was worried about the fight being too short.  Thanks.

Yeah, it is overused.  I'll see what I can work in with a new person showing up instead of the "dead" one. 

That's just the character he is.  Laughing all the way 'til death.  He never takes things seriously.  He's just . . . well he's just that way.

Yeah, the name is kind of lame.

Thanks for the advice.


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Re: Please please, do your worst. [critic a prologue]
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2009, 01:25:49 AM »
In the future, please submit it through the email list. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.


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Re: Please please, do your worst. [critic a prologue]
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2009, 05:05:26 PM »
I'll second Andrew's comments and elaborate a little.  I think my main problem here is that we really don't get any sense of character at all, no real emotion.  There is lots of sword waiving and slashing and death, but nothing to make us really care about who dies.  I think it might be a case of you starting too late.  We have to have some reason to like/dislike "Jeb", otherwise, the rest of the chapter is a "so what?"
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Re: Please please, do your worst. [critic a prologue]
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2009, 06:43:28 AM »
Dialogue is a little cliche, action is a little confusing. I'm confused by the living cloth thing that turns into wood. There's no description of what an Itako is. I know what a Samurai is, but because it's so specific to feudal Japan, I feel like using that term in any other world is a bad idea. POV switches from Jeb to old man in mid-paragraph.

Jeb is forgettable. Because I know nothing about him, I don't really feel saddened by his death. I don't feel any sense of urgency to deliver the sword to someone else because I have nothing invested in the quest yet. Bottom line: I'm not hooked.


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Re: Please please, do your worst. [critic a prologue]
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2009, 05:19:54 PM »
Samurai don't cut at people's legs.  If you're using the term Samurai, and jumping swings that's weird.  Unless this guy is something out of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and jumps like 30 feet up.  But I certainly didn't see him being super powered.