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Topics - Pipe

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Reading Excuses / Reading Excuses - [Pipe] - [2/23/2009] - [Imitation]
« on: February 23, 2009, 06:17:42 AM »
[Repasted from the email]

Hi everyone,

Here's my first submission: it's a stand-alone short story I'm planning to submit to a local publication by the end of the week.

GENRE: Science-Fiction - I wanted to try something outside my usual comfort zone.
POV: Third person, multiple POV's - again, something different from what I'm comfortable doing, but how else do we grow as writers eh?
LENGTH: Approximately 4500 words - I'm sorry it went over the limit, but as this is a complete short story with three parts, I just couldn't cut it in a way that wouldn't affect how the entire thing would read.


OPTIONAL CONTEXT: The piece is set in my home country of the Philippines, and while I don't think familiarity with the Philippines is necessary at all to weigh the story on its merits, I thought I'd provide some bullet-point details here for those who want to know what facts I would assume a local reader would know (and which would color his/her reading of the piece): [For the purposes of the story, even if it is set in the future, I presume a lot of these elements remained the same]

* We're a democracy with a weak party system, with the 'majority' party frequently being a coalition of parties which support the current President.
* While there are President-Vice President tickets, it it possible for the winning President and the winning Vice President to come from different tickets/parties. (Unlike in the US where, if the President wins, his Vice President automatically becomes the VP.)
* Politics in the country is largely personality-based rather than platform-based.
* Many celebrities become politicians, and many politicians are treated like celebrities.


Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this,

- Pipe

Writing Group / Writing the Other
« on: January 17, 2009, 02:05:30 PM »
Hi everyone!

Have you guys seen the on-going heated discussion concerning the portrayal of non-white characters in Speculative Fiction?  To summarize, author Elizabeth Bear wrote a post on her blog that touched upon, in her words, "Writing the Other without being a dick." There's been a firestorm of reaction to her post, much of it passionate but in a lot of cases very well-articulated. I thought I'd share the link to the index of the discussion with the rest of you because some really good points are made regarding a difficult issue which would face a writer who is trying to include perspectives not strictly his/her own.

Part 1 of the index of the discussion so far:

As a Filipino writer who hasn't traveled all that much (and who hasn't read any non-locally written spec fic that involves a member of my race), I found it very educational - but also, I must admit, quite intimidating. 

Anyway, just thought I'd share it with you guys.

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