Local Authors > Brandon Sanderson

I'm very keen to see the Mistborn video game.

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I have been thinking about a game for quite some time now. When I checked my Twitter and saw that Brandon was in talks I got VERY excited.

The best way that I can see a Mistborn game working is building an Assassins Creed type sandbox game. I think that AC2 and Brotherhood actually have a Mistborn feeling already. Mistborn would need a looser, yet more precise feeling to it, and to incorperate allomancy and it'd be half done. One example of this would be (for those who have played it) the inclusion of something like the "ice jump" from inFamous 2 as a steelpush jump. Projectile throwing via steelpushing and pulling, etc.

I think that the game could be amazing in this format. What else do you guys think could work? Have you heard any rumors? Peter, can you please talk Brandon into a PS3 release for the game?

I'll tell you for nothin', that sort of decision is not likely to be in Brandon's hands. It's up to whomever licenses the property to determine platforms for release.

Jason R. Peters:
As an avid gamer and an avid reader, I can honestly say:

I have yet to see a game based on a book that I thought was any good.

It always sounds very cool in concept and then doesn't deliver any of the experiences of the book. These is a particular problem with the concept behind MMOs:

EVERYONE wants to be a hero. EVERYONE wants to be Gandalf or Kelsier or Vin.

Well, when there's thousands of people trying to be that hero, none of them stands out.

And in single player games, they just seem to cheapen plot for the sake of puzzles or platforming or other repetitive play which in no way delivers the mysticism of the stories.


--- Quote from: Jason R. Peters on July 07, 2011, 12:38:41 PM ---As an avid gamer and an avid reader, I can honestly say:

I have yet to see a game based on a book that I thought was any good.

It always sounds very cool in concept and then doesn't deliver any of the experiences of the book. These is a particular problem with the concept behind MMOs:

EVERYONE wants to be a hero. EVERYONE wants to be Gandalf or Kelsier or Vin.

Well, when there's thousands of people trying to be that hero, none of them stands out.

And in single player games, they just seem to cheapen plot for the sake of puzzles or platforming or other repetitive play which in no way delivers the mysticism of the stories.
--- End quote ---

I wouldn't describe MMO that way at all, as it encourages group play, and almost all of them specialize characters into classes that depend on each other. In Mistborn terms, it's more like the group of Mistings on Kelsier's crew than Vin's single-handed heroics.

I share your experience of never having seen a book-to-video-game conversion that I liked, but there's a first time for everything, and Brandon's magic systems seem particularly suited for gaming. I wouldn't be upset by puzzles, platforming, or other repetitive things though, because that's just the framework on which a game is built. As an analogy: I wouldn't complain that D&D is repetitive because it makes me roll dice so much.

The mechanics of Allomancy are particularly well-suited to adaptation for gameplay, but who knows what they'll make of it. The 8 base metals aren't too hard to work out Pewter strength, Copperclouds to hide from enemies, Bronze to detect them, Zinc and Brass to Riot and Soothe, Tin senses, Atium of course... oddly enough, Steel and Iron might be the hardest to implement exactly as they are in the books, since choosing one of a dozen lines in the middle of action using a control pad or even KB&M could get confusing very easily.

Personally, I'd like to see them create an original story, something that takes place maybe between books 1 and 2. I'd even prefer that you not play as Vin or Elend or anyone from the books, but that instead they be NPCs or even just cameos... as much as I love Mistborn (and I've proven it), I think it's not so well-known or popular that you NEED to stick with the story characters, and in fact there's a wide range of benefits to putting the player into a new character with their own story to tell and adventure to experience.


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