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Messages - ErikHolmes

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Reading Excuses / Re: 4-13-09 ErikHolmes, The Sword of Worlds Chs 1-3
« on: April 15, 2009, 10:15:36 PM »
It's an good beginning. The is an interesting story here and I'd like to read more.  You have taken time to consider the difference between real weapons trauma and manga/anime violence.  Also, you weren't afraid to have wounds bleed.  Though I wonder just how many gallons the lance guy was packing?  Maybe he was doping?  Kail seems to think a bit too, that's always a positive sign in a character.

LOL, did I overdo the blood? Would a shot from a Desert Eagle, at close range, through the heart, not bleed that much? Kail doesn't know this in the scene, but the only reason Lance didn't drop the second he was shot is because he possesses supernatural abilities.  I toyed around with Lance throwing one of those men a few dozen yards across the room.

I was a little disconcerted by the beginning of Ellie's chapter.  It seems that the encounter with Kail needs to be moved.  It it were told from Kails perspective BEFORE he gets to work, or if it were a flashback for ellie it might work better. As it is I have to wonder if it was really him.  A leap back in chronology to catch the reader up on a character works, if it is further along in the story.  But when you are first introducing a new character you want to embed her in the right chronological order as much as possible.

I worry that Chapter Two is too boring for a 2nd Chapter. I like it and it sets up things later on but I sometimes wonder if I should just get rid of it. Chapter Four starts off back at Ellie's house with the goons in suits knocking on her door and things go pretty bad for her. I wonder if it would make a better Chapter Two.

Kail is unnaturally calm.  I've worked in a call center, and the fluff bunnies who live for the next vampire flick don't tend to be the type to notice the details in a firefight or manage to deal with a friend bleeding out, without a bit of panic and hysteria.  The shock response is usually a bit more incapacitating.  But that's just my opinion.

Unnaturally calm works for Kail. I hope its not too unrealistic but there are a lot of reason why I don't see Kail panicking like your average teenager. His mother is ex-special ops and teaches kung fu, Kail has learned martial arts since he was six. It's the kind where coming back form class with a split lip is no big deal. His parents are also both into guns and he's been around them and shooting them since a young age, he isn't gun shy.

Also, this isn't he first time a man has died in his arms like that. Kail watched his own father die after being shot as well. (Damn, and now that I remember that I might need to make some changes to chapters one and three, it would probably bring back memories).

BTW, this paragraph in Chapter Three:
"The second item was something uber. It was made of a wolf something and I’ll describe it later."
Is kind of just a place holder for me. I've been trying to think of something to put there and haven't come up with anything yet. I was spending too much time thinking about it and just wrote past it. Basically, there is an item that's been crafted from some part of a supernatural wolf. A tooth, a claw, something. I just haven't decided what yet.

The tricky part is that it has to come from a wolf (a giant wolf actually), I want it to do something useful, but it isn't enchanted. One idea is that maybe its just something that's scent alone would cause fear in animals (protecting him from beasts) or cause other wolves to treat him like an alpha or something. Still working on it.

Anyway, thanks for all of the comments, They are very helpful!

Books / All my books are read, Looking for suggestions
« on: April 15, 2009, 08:08:34 AM »
Alright, I've finished reading everything on my bookshelf today and now I am looking for something else to read.

I just finished Worldbinder by David Farland, which I really liked.
Last week I read The Hero of Ages, before that I read Tithe and Valiant by Holly Black. (Loved Valiant).
I've recently read the Age of Fire books and Fall with Honor by E. E. Knight.

I've got a few series of books that I haven't finished yet, but then again I am not sure I really want to finish them, they are:

The Merry Gentry Series by Laurell K. Hamilton. I finished Mistral's Kiss. I am a huge fan of all things Fae and Sidhe but the sex is pretty overboard. Not sure if I want to read about any more enchanted, spiritually enlightening, gangbangs.

The Merchant Princes by Charles Stross. I think I finished book two, The Hidden Family and stopped. Anyone know if anything really exciting happens in books 3 or 4?

The Dragonriders of Pern. I think I finished book one and then Well of Ascension came out.

The Thomas Covenant books. A lot of people have told me they are great, I think I got near the end of book two and got bored.

Books that I loved:

The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny. My all time favorite books.
The Vlad Taltos series by Steven Brust.
The Kingdom of Thorn and Bone by Gregory Keyes.
The Rhapsody series by Elizabeth Haydon (I wish she would put out another one already, is the woman dating George R. R. Martin or something?)
The Ender books.
The Crown of Stars by Kate Elliott
The Farseer books by Robin Hobb.
The Fae Fever series by Karen Moning
Name of the Wind

I just don't know what to start on next. I think I would actually really like something along the lines of Valiant or the Merry Gentry series. I like the Fae, Faerie, Sidhe, Tuatha de Danna, etc. I really loved the Fae in Name of the Wind. I don't mean like Tinkerbell but I really like dark Fae from old folk tales, etc. Anything with that kind of a feel would be awesome.

Any suggestions?  ;D

Reading Excuses / Re: Chaos - 4/13/09 - Fateless
« on: April 15, 2009, 06:13:04 AM »
Nice story! I read a lot of short stories in books that I pick up. Usually I'll pick up a book with a dozen or so and read 3 or 4 of them, maybe half. As is this is one I would have read first. I liked the concept and story very much.

Some improvements that I think could be made:

1. When they capture Mithra the action seems broken to me. I was waiting to see Mithra's reaction to having the net thrown on him, even if its just saying that he fell down. I wondered where Hassan was hiding etc.

2. Veresh's plan seem awkward. He's been watching Mithra for days, I would assume planning on how to capture and use him but his first actions are to try to kill him by stabbing him, then my choking him. I understand he is angry but it just makes him seem like a fool, trying to kill the thing he needs to lead him to his goal.

3. I like the ideas you use with the oaths but the logic of the oaths at the end seems flawed to me, maybe it's just the wording. I didn't like how he just claimed Anarax's power. I guess I was waiting for more of an oath to be involved, something like: 'grant me your power and I swear to use it to destroy the gods' type of thing.

4. I did feel a little cheated with the ending. I really disliked the losing consciousness part and I was waiting to see Rashne suffer. Also, I think maybe in the ending there was too much tell and not enough show. I'd like to see more conflict between those two. Rashne raped and killed his wife, I want more then just Veresh telling him to die.

Reading Excuses / 4-13-09 ErikHolmes, The Sword of Worlds Chs 1-3
« on: April 15, 2009, 04:57:17 AM »
Hey Everyone,

Silk allowed me to bend the rules a bit since I am submitting this for a final next week. I look forward to your comments.

My submission is a first draft. Right now I am trying to polish Chapter One some. I'm not really happy with the first few paragraphs. I'm afraid that Kail arguing with an old lady in the first paragraph might turn readers against him, also I want to add more dialog between Kail and Lance. I'm working on taking the information Kail gives on Lance and giving it to the reader in a dialog between them in paragraph two or three.

I'm also worried that Chapter Two might be too much of an info dump. I'm tempted to get rid of it and use Chapter 4 (which starts with more men in suits knocking on Ellie's front door) instead.

Let me know what you think.

I only play one game, Shadowrun, the best FPS ever!

But it's always more fun to have people to play with. My tag is Shoby187. It's funny, I actually don't play on the 360. Shadowrun is a game where I can play on vista against people on 360.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: April 14, 2009, 09:59:50 AM »
LOL, to be honest I am pretty new to writing so I find everything useful.

If its ok I'd like to send the whole thing because I think Brandon wanted 6000 words. But feel free to just read the first three if you want. Right now I am just trying to polish them before turning them in next week. The first chapter is mainly the one I want to fix, the opening paragraphs bug me a little right now.

Thanks for bending the rules for me!   ;D

Reading Excuses / Re: 4-13-09 Renoard-WEIR-Flash Fiction
« on: April 14, 2009, 09:30:49 AM »
I really like the story.

The whole time I read it I had the impression that this was a wolf that turned into a man and not a man that turns into a wolf. Meaning, this creature was born and raised as a wolf then at some point began turning human.

I agree about the secret, It feels off. I think a phrase like that being used in the story would be good, just not that one. Something else that says that the wolf knows he's different.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: April 14, 2009, 08:58:51 AM »
Ok, no problem. Right now each chapter is pretty short, about 1000 words each on average, just about 6000 words for all 5 chapters.

I'm mainly concerned with the first three chapters for now though. I've been taking a class from Brandon and we're supposed to submit 3 chapters for him next week for the final.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: April 14, 2009, 05:02:45 AM »
Erik: Submission dates are every Monday (you're by no means obligated to submit every week). When you want to submit for a given week, let me and Chaos know by posting so in this thread by the Saturday previous to when you want to submit.

We ask you to post a couple of days in advance so that we can keep tabs on how many people submit a week; we don't want to overload everybody with a dozen submissions in a week.

So far we haven't had to turn anybody down because of too many submissions in a week (if we have to start doing that, we'll be favouring those who haven't submitted in a while), but either way, after you post here saying you want to submit, Chaos and/or I will reply and let you know.

Ah, ok. Well I have a book that I have about 5 chapters written for. I would love some feedback on them whenever I can get a turn.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: April 14, 2009, 01:33:44 AM »
Thanks for adding me to the list.

One question, how will I know when it is my turn to submit?

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: April 11, 2009, 09:23:15 PM »
Can I get added to the list? I wouldn't mind helping to critique on Monday.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: April 03, 2009, 07:16:28 PM »
I think its probably YA but I don't know if there is too much violence for that or not. Its pretty light on things like sex and swearing but there is plenty of decapitations and dismemberment's.   ;D

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: April 03, 2009, 06:36:14 PM »
Hey everyone,

I am currently working on my first novel. I like to think that its sort of Roger Zelazny-Amberish, It's about two kids out of high school that travel to various fantasy worlds via a magic sword.

Anyway, I love the idea of this writing group and was wondering if I could be added to the list. My email address is:


Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: March 24, 2009, 09:57:46 PM »
My favorite author is Roger Zelazny. I had the pleasure of receiving a letter from him allowing me to use one of his short stories for the film that got me out of college. Sadly he passed away before I could present him with a copy of the finished film.

Wow, RZ is my favorite author as well. Which short story did you do a film on?

Books / Re: Best book you've ever read...
« on: March 24, 2009, 09:55:59 PM »
Hope its not too late to jump into this thread but here are some of my favorites:

#1 (by a large margin) The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny.
-I probably re-read this series every year, I never get tired of it (and I've played and run more Amber RPG's then any other, I just love the setting).

#2. Everyone has already mentioned Mistborn and Elantris. Both are great.

#3. The Vlad Taltos books. The first one is Jhereg and its great. Each one is a standalone book. They are like mobster stories set in a high powered fantasy world. Vlad is a minor mob boss and assassin.

#4. The Vampire Earth books. This is the best series that no one has heard of. IMO the protagonist is the truest hero I've ever read about. A Vampire-type race from another world has enslaved the planet and turned the population into cattle. The protagonist is part of one of the small groups of resistance.

#5. Valliant. I just finished this one and was really impressed. A high school girl runs away from home when she catches her boyfriend cheating on her with her mom. She ends up staying with some other kids on the street in the city. Her and another girl run into a Troll and she is forced to serve the troll for a month to free her friend.

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