Author Topic: Let the Games Begin!!!  (Read 52515 times)


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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #45 on: October 12, 2007, 12:20:25 AM »
Oh great! Now it will sound like nepotism if I pick your entry! Did you HAVE to say you were my cousin???--good thing Nessa is here to make us look honest, AT LEAST! That really made me laugh though . You always did have a way of making a completely disgusting guy seem so hawt! Can anyone say Porthos? Ha ha, just kidding! Just kidding! I'm ducking the blows right now! 
"You’ve got more issues than National Geographic!"

"You’re like a soggy brown banana, the only use for you now is to get cooked."


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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2007, 12:59:02 AM »
Mwah ha ha ha ha!

You would've known it was me from the title anyway, ho ho.  And yeah, I wanted to pick the one most people wouldn't go for.  I was gonna try zombie, but I just sat there going...  'Man, I don't think I could handle the smell.  And he'd probably eat babies.'

So no zombie for me.

PORTHOS IS HOT (as long as he's the Oliver Platt version, everyone else makes him so disgusting).


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Screw the Last Entry!
« Reply #47 on: October 12, 2007, 03:11:43 AM »
I changed my mind.  You want creativity?  HAVE SOME CREATIVITY!  >: D

* * * * *

"Halloween is coming up."

I made a noncommittal 'Mm' as I bobbed my head, just so he knew I'd heard, and that I was acknowledging him.  He knew I didn't talk much when I was reading the living section of the newspaper. 

"I should probably start thinking of a cos--"

"Wolverine," I remarked, and turned the page.  I didn't look up, but I could tell he was smiling.

"Wolverine would be great.  HE'S great."  I heard his footsteps as he crossed the room, stopping near the kitchen entrance.  "Don't know if I can pull off the spandex, though."

"Mm," I said again.

Then he cursed.  He didn't usually do that, so I paused, leaving the editorial partially-read as I lifted my eyebrows at him.  He wasn't looking, though, just frowning at the calendar.  "What's up?" I asked, since I knew he wanted me to.

"Full moon on Halloween."

"Oh."  Pause.  "That's too bad."

"Yeah."  He looked somewhat crestfallen.  The guy was like a big kid sometimes, but I was the same way.  We both liked the idea of costumes and dressing up. 

I thought about it for a moment, then said, "Be Chewie."

"Huh?"  He turned, giving me a strange look. 

"Chewie," I said again.  "You know, Chewbacca.  From Star Wars."

He looked at me a moment longer, then looked up at the ceiling for a moment.  "Yeah.  Chewbacca's cool."  He seemed pleased, and his shoulders ceased to slump.  "I can do that."  I smiled and went back to my editorial.

He was quiet for several minutes.  I wasn't sure what he was thinking about, and had forgotten to pay attention after a little while.  I was a little surprised when I felt his chin settle on my knee, and I bent the paper down to look at him.  He knew it was a surefire way to get my attention without nagging, and he smiled every time he did it.  Probably because it worked.

I couldn't resist.  My hand instinctively went for his hair, mussing it affectionately.  "What?" I chuckled.

His grin widened and he closed his eyes for a moment, leaning into my touch.  "Nothing, really.  Just felt like it."

Good answer, I thought to myself.  I didn't know if it was true or not, but it was still pretty sweet.  So I set the paper aside, absently playing with his short, brown hair.  It looked shaggy, but it was soft to the touch.  He sure had a lot of it, too, but that was to be expected, all things considered.

His arm draped across my legs as he settled down next to my chair, leaning in and making himself comfortable.  It was adorable.  It almost seemed a crime to think of a brawny, tough guy like him as 'adorable,' but there was just something about him.  He was warm, cheerful, and endearingly innocent about things.  When he went for a hug, it was just that.  A hug.  He didn't try to squish me up against him, like some guys would in their creepy sort of way.  And when he smiled, he flashed all his teeth, his brown eyes crinkling at the edges.  He had a great smile.

I leaned back in my chair, exhaling quietly as I brushed my thumb over his forehead.  "You know, the weather's still pretty nice, for October."

He didn't say anything, but I could feel his gaze shifting back to me.

"...We could go for a walk in the park," I suggested, and glanced down at him to gauge his reaction.

He flashed another one of those smiles, waggling his eyebrows.  "You gonna make me wear a leash?"

I reached for the newspaper and started rolling it.

"I'm kidding, come on!" he laughed, jerking backwards out of reach and holding up his hands.  "No, really, park sounds good.  Let's do that."  He stood to his feet and reached for my hands, pulling me to my feet.  I didn't let go, just curling my fingers over his as I tugged him closer, and kissed his forever-stubbled cheek.

"Love you," I murmured, smiling up at him.

He smiled back, and looped an arm over my shoulders to draw me to his chest.  He sighed happily, and I did the same.  "Love you too."

We stayed like that for a while, just happy to be next to each other.  I loved his warmth, his scent of pine and clean sweat always present.  I didn't think sweat could smell good, but it suited him somehow.

"Thanks," he said after a moment.  I wasn't sure what he meant, so I shifted, looking up at him inquisitively.  He was looking at some distant point in the room, his smile lopsided.  "You know.  For being with someone like me."

"Like you?"

"Yeah, you know."  He blinked, and looked down at me again.  "A werewolf and all."

I admit, it wasn't easy at first.  He was different in lots of strange ways.  I lectured him pretty sternly when he kept ordering his steaks rare.  'It's not healthy!' I protested.  'Neither is Ben & Jerry's,' he shot back.

He got his steak.

He didn't complain if I didn't feel like shaving my legs.  Heck, he forbade me from getting my eyebrows waxed anyore.  I wanted to cut my hair; it got frizzy when it went past a certain length.  When I told him, his mouth opened into an 'o' of horror, and he flung himself in front of the door.  "I like it long," was all he'd said, giving me his most pathetic look.  So we stayed home and watched a movie instead.

"Well," I drawled thoughtfully, skritching his back.  "I got used to it."


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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #48 on: October 12, 2007, 03:25:01 AM »
Ha ha! I liked your other entry better! Oh, now I'm really in for it!
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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #49 on: October 12, 2007, 03:26:31 AM »


Heresy.  Blasphemy.

Also sign onto AIM, then I can chat at you.


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whoa hold on
« Reply #50 on: October 12, 2007, 04:05:23 AM »
i am glad that i was informed early on that capital letters were so frowned upon. otherwise i might have mistakenly used them.  ::) 
Anyway I must admit that choosing the right guy is always difficult.  When one takes into consideration whom one will be with for an extrodinary amount of time it takes a great deal of time.  And so it is with much pleasure that I present my ideal mate.  I have noticed that this forum has forgotten the all time great, Mister Frankenstein's monster.  Yes who could leave out such a man he is tall, strong,broad shouldered, and he has such a way with children.  He is also quite a fine dresser.  He wears a suit for almost every occasion!  He is quiet yet thoughtful, and such a good listener.  You know that only the best parts went into making such a wonderful man.  Despite a few flaws like some odd body piercings and a little bit of a temper I believe that he would make a wonderful mate.


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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #51 on: October 12, 2007, 02:19:53 PM »
And the winner is…

Did you ACTUALLY think I was just going to tell you like that? No way. I’m gonna make you wait for that breathtaking moment when all your dreams come true. Oh yeah. Let’s give it a couple of days…so, next Tuesday, it is…when the clock strikes some time after midnight on Monday, probably quite a FEW hours after that when I get up to go to work on Tuesday. I'm not completely a martyr, ya know…

So, we’ll see ya here next Tuesday in your black tuxes and slinky dresses appropriate for such an award ceremony as this most certainly will be. Until then you can make appropriate comments!

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"You’re like a soggy brown banana, the only use for you now is to get cooked."


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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #52 on: October 16, 2007, 03:55:42 AM »
Ladies and Gentleman…

Well, so I couldn’t wait until midnight tonight. Either I was just really excited OR I was having a slumber party where there was no internet access tonight (take your pick—we’ll see what kind of person you think I am), SOOOO you’re going to have to get the news early…I am so dreadfully sorry.

Okay, for those who aren’t able to attend the award ceremony at the appointed hour at the appointed place, no worries. My secretary is taking implicit (and rather explicit) minutes of all that is transpiring at this very moment on this, the most magical of evenings.

And if you read ahead, YOU ARE SUCH A JERK…! Okay, let’s do this.

[clear throat] To my right, a group of sophisticated and appropriately gowned individuals applaud madly, and of course, whisper excitedly behind gloved hands (um, that’s you, you’re the nominees). To my left, slick waiters and slinky waitresses weave expertly through the mobs of eager party-goers (don’t worry about them, they’re just there to fill the gaps—I paid ‘em).

Oh, and of course, in the back, Garfield is passed out in a pan of lasagna (why, pick on Garfield?—‘cause I can—he’s an easy target and it’s nicer than picking on the other celebrities I considered).

But who cares about all that, let’s get to the Honorable Mention Awards (and then you may complain all you like, right?).

P.S: Honorable mention does NOT mean that you WON’T win, it JUST means that we think you need honorable mention. Is that alright? Okay…

And no, I didn’t say I was going to do this BUT since I thought it would be more fun, here we go:

Honorable mention goes to (and our envy…yeah, that’s ALL you win for honorable mentions—at this point—unless you are also ‘The Actual Winner’—but that’s yet to be determined at the end of this page. Soooo all you need do now is take your bows. And please put them in your resumes when applying for special positions in the government or when working with small children):

The first and foremost on my mind:
'The Mr. Congeniality Challenged award’   My, oh my, it was a close one…between Saint Ehlers and…SE. BUT AFTER CLOSE EXAMINATION AND MUCH SEARCHING OF MY HEART, this most coveted award… goes to Saint Ehlers AND SE [audience claps politely].

Hey, you worked hard for it. Take it. Take it. You deserve it. You started this contest with a bang and ended it with a bang. Go on, you nut!
[St. Ehlers/ SE takes the award gives a long speech about how he has no one to thank but himself, and after a heated debate on the intricacies of whether an evil arch-nemesis is  a superhero or a villain, leaves the stand escorted by a rather forceful looking fellow only to be saved by his superhero slave. I shake my head fondly]. What a character.

'The Attempted Nepotism Award’ goes to Eve, ur…uh, Faeten…of course. It would’ve worked too…if it hadn’t been for those darn kids…and the fact that she signed it, ‘your cousin.’ Don’t worry, baby. I’ll let you read MY copy of the book.
[thumbs up, she gives me a different sign. Hmmm]

Or how about?
'The Effort to Better our Intellectual Capacity Award’ Of course, it goes to Dan Gaiden.  For encouraging me to google Kandra and making me come to the conclusion that he would like to fall madly in love with a little town in India.

And of course we have the:
'Most Improved Boyfriend Award’ Now, who didn’t think this wouldn’t go to Sigyn? Leaving a string of broken hearts behind her, she broke up with first her fairy, then her angel, only to date some mythological god.  Rumor has it, her beautiful, yet rejected suitors are waging war against all mankind because of the fickleness of women. You rock, girl!

And the:
'Looking on the Bright Side Award’ goes to Pemberly—obviously. If she can’t have her superhero ALL the time, she’ll at least enjoy the perks: awesome dates (like the dizzying feel of being swallowed in the ground before he rotates the world backwards, or having a bit of fun with the crooks before he comes in for the rescue, and flying through the air just minutes before he spins some web and bounces you off it even higher). Yeah, you make Pollyanna proud.

Which brings us to:
‘World Consciousness Award’ Yes, GigglyGirl, this one is for you. I had never thought so deeply about the evils of dating such messed up creatures until your eloquent arguments. And after wiping the single tear from my eye (yes, I only have one…eye that is), I have yet to see the error of my ways. BUT, I vow daily to choose a better monster to be a role model for my future kids. My posterity (should I have one of them) thanks you.

‘Alone, Yet So Brave Award’ We will grant to our very own, Eagle Prince, for having the courage to remain alone rather than to select an undesirable mate. Would that all of us were that strong. Wait, no, I take that back, you settled for the superhero. Still, it was brilliantly done.

Special Consideration goes to:

Chris Smith: For bringing out the sensitive side of the superhero, complete with tragic past. This perfect man closely resembles Luke Skywalker, though he’s certainly not as whiney…just flawed. Maybe what you mean is that your superhero is just like Han Solo…‘cause that man, now he’s hot.

Caps off to Bukayla, for offending St. Ehler’s sensibilities with your perfect rendition of how a Zombie would type an essay were such a poor thing to type one…yes, in ALL CAPS. And then for showing us the Zombie’s perfect humility and grace when his labored efforts were brutally rejected. If we had just looked beyond the caps…yeah, pure genius. NO, FOR REAL, REALLY!

And finally to our dear Swiggly. Surprisingly enough after the Twilight series, you’re our only vampire lover. But when you bring up chocolate in your argument, how can any girl resist such a man?—even at the loss of our souls?

And a Jolly Good effort goes to:

Tink with her short, sweet, albeit logical response. She never chose a man, sure. But that wasn’t what she was all about. She was about getting the details straight…and getting some good heckling done while she was at it. And by George, she accomplished what she set out to do…

Cindylou 33, for bringing true art to this forum. I felt like I was reading a haiku poem. I could almost imagine the funky psychedelic spirals behind it. It dazzled the senses and was, ah, sooo deep and romantic. And we’re all about romance, of course.

The Lizardking, or is she THE Lizardqueen???  Yes, we grant you ‘The Look into the Heart Award.’ May Frankenstein find such a woman as thou art…yeah, you! You looked past those stupid rumors, and saw the true gentleman in Frankenstein. We all thank you this day.

And finally (sort of, but not really ‘cause we have more), a special thanks to our judges:

To Nessa (the ever so beautiful and gracious judge of all that is good), for her countless hours of service. When no one else was writing on my site, she did so…and boldly. She most assuredly would’ve won if not for being the very judge of this contest. We grant her the ‘Humor Steph for the Month Award.’

And of course, The Greatest Award in the World goes to me. For attempting to keep everyone from killing each other, which is a really desperate and heavy responsibility. I just sat there, staring at the screen, rocking back and forth, muttering, “Why, why? Why must the world be full of these…people?”

That’s everybody, right???

Okay, now for our Runner Ups:

Just who were our runner-ups? Well, there were quite a few…let’s see…St. Ehlers (Nessa said she laughed out loud pretty much every time he put anything down), my cousin (but we just didn’t feel right about giving my cousin the prize ‘cause I dunno, everyone would get mad, but we really really liked it), the Lizardking (we suspect she’s my sister…and yeah, you are, so don’t try to hide it!), CindyLou33 (it really made me want to cry…in a good way. I thought it was really cool), Pemberly (Nessa liked the fact that with your superhero you could have a family life and yet be romantic at the same time), Eagle Prince ‘cause it just gave me a good chuckle, that’s why.

Really, I could go on and on about the runner ups, and on all of you actually, BUT shall we proceed to the complaints instead? I mean, announce our winner that is? Okay, the winner, it is.

Drum roll please…

The winner is…BUKAYLA!!!!


Aigh, come on up, girl! You win the prize!

Nessa LOVED your entry (and she wrote LOVE in all caps too, so I knew that she really must).
AND I READ IT OUT LOUD TO MY FAMILY AND THEY ALL THOUGHT IT WAS HILARIOUS TOO (maybe because they didn’t have to read it in all caps, I dunno).
Or maybe St. Ehler’s played the Simon Cowell trick and brought you to our attention…
Or maybe we just liked the fact that someone would give a guy with rotting flesh a chance.
But girl…you got it.

So, my dear Zombie lover, you know who you are, and I’m sure you know how to get to me [private note, your address, blah blah blah] so you can be paid appropriately for your crimes: one free and signed copy of my book, Meet Your Match just as soon as I run and get it at the store.

AND TO EVERYBODY ELSE, I wish I could sprinkle free copies on all of you…which is why maybe I should get together with a fairy…or a millionaire sometime. Until then, I know a great sale…

You ALL did an awesome job (with your added drama, your sweat, tears, and your hilarity). Thank-you ever so kindly for making this so much fun!  Now, I’m in the writing mood, so I’m off to write. I’ll just try not to steal your ideas (‘CAUSE they were ever so awesome!).

Love, Steph (and Nessa)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 09:14:44 PM by guitarbabe »
"You’ve got more issues than National Geographic!"

"You’re like a soggy brown banana, the only use for you now is to get cooked."

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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #53 on: October 17, 2007, 01:43:22 AM »

I can see it now, zombie is clearly the best choice.  Plus, you could always end up with a voodoo zombie.  That way you can avoid the rotting flesh and brain-eatings, they look mostly human and do whatever you say (but they get that glassy-eyed, half-baked blank stare... but then again, how is that different then any other date, honestly?)  Of course, once their family learns that you've been drugging them with zombie powder, they will tear you limb-from-limb, cut out your heart, then burn it and feed the ashes to the zombie (the surefire folk cure for voodoo magic).
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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #54 on: October 17, 2007, 07:16:08 AM »
I am actually adamantly against any type shape or sort of vampire books because I absolutely hate them with no exceptions. Everyone is reading those stupid books. Half of my former friends lie all the time about their secret lives of being vampires with their imaginary brothers and crap. I really hate vampire books and people who think their vampires.

But in theory, a vampire would be a good boyfriend.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2007, 07:07:05 AM by Swiggly »
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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #55 on: October 17, 2007, 04:49:52 PM »

Um. Guitarbabe, get with the program.  ;)  'Kandra' is from Brandon's Mistborn series.
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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #56 on: October 17, 2007, 08:09:31 PM »
Aighhhhhhhhhhhh! Nessa, you're awesome!

Ha ha! I TOLD you that Dan Gaiden was attempting to improve my intellectual capacity, I didn't say that he succeeded! And...ur...yeah...I'm a bad friend. Sorry Brandon!!! It is on my list of things to read (and since I'm always failing at that list...ur yeah--let's just say that all my friends are mad at me). And thank-you Dan, I will always be indebted to you...

So, yeah, what's a kandra? My guess was something that ate people to somehow become them. Don't ask me the details, it was just a guess from what Dan was saying. Am I right? Am I right?
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"You’re like a soggy brown banana, the only use for you now is to get cooked."


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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #57 on: October 17, 2007, 11:59:43 PM »
Glad to be of assistance G-babe.

And yes, you are technically correct about the Kandra.  But they just end up looking like the person that they have previously eaten.  No characteristics change.  This is, unfortunately, one flaw to my otherwise perfect reasoning.  Looks only would change.

Good luck apologizing to Brandon.  I was quite confused at the India reference, but laughing quite heartily upon Nessa's rebuttal.  Always happy to add to the conversation.
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Re: Let the Games Begin!!!
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2007, 03:47:07 AM »
Ah ha ha ha!  I think I win an extra honorable mention for giving you an excuse to use the word 'nepotism'.  ;)

But I agree, Bukayla's entry was awesome, I laughed a lot.  Good job, yo!