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Messages - kaelocari

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Okay, I'm hooked.
« on: April 10, 2007, 07:05:42 AM »
Hey hey,

Not sure if there's a newcomers' thread but I couldn't see one so I decided to just post here since this thread is the closest to how much I feel about Brandon Sanderson's books. I won't go on a long tirade about how much the books rocked my socks but I will say that it's like a deep breath of fresh air after crawling out of the monotony of eternally repetitive fantasy serieses (I made a new word!). Elantris shocked my imagination back to life once more, being an on and off roleplayer/writer. From my point of view, it was a battle of scientific reason vs. irrational belief and somehow Brandon managed to blend it in Elantris. I won't put out any spoilers for those who haven't read yet but the ending revitalized my hope that believing in fantasy is not a bad thing. :D

Mistborn was great in that the set up was amazing. How much more epic can you get than a "simple" slave outcaste rebelling against a god that's made history for at least the last millennium? Furthermore, the unique "magic" system and symbols (in Elantris as well) both provided a great sense of originality. I can't wait to explore the rest of the world of Mistborn and discover the secrets behind the Hero of the Ages. :D

Good work and keep it up!

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