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Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Shalan - near end of book **SPOILERS**
« on: September 05, 2010, 11:11:45 PM »
As far as Shallan murdering her father goes, why are people speculating that she killed him with the shardblade? There is a chapter where she begins to draw her father dead at a table, with blood coming from a wound.  Shardblades don't work like that. However, I do agree that the shardblade is definitely what broke the soulcaster.

Got a quote from the book..

"Shallan froze, realizing for the first time what she'd been drawing. Not another scene from the alleyway, but a lavish room with a thick, ornamented rug and swords on the walls.  A long dining table, set with a half-eaten meal.

And a dead man, in fine clothing, lying face-first on the floor, blood pooling around him."

Also, after she was poisened jasnah fraked out causing shallan to give her the soulcaster. However, because jasnah had always used a fake she would not have freaked and shallen would have not needed to give it to her and she wouldn;t have been exposed.

Whether or not she needed the soulcaster, Shallan thought she needed it.  And Jasnah did say that she needed a garnet to do the soulcasting, which Shallan had in her safepouch...which is also where the soulcaster was.  So Shallan would have for sure died if she hadn't opened up her safepouch and revealed its contents to Jasnah.

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