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Messages - FirstMateJack

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Video Games / Re: Xenosaga
« on: July 29, 2006, 01:54:29 AM »
I have been keeping up on it too.

My wife is also excited.

Video Games / Re: Warcraft III
« on: July 29, 2006, 01:53:00 AM »
Even for the day, the graphics were a little muddy, but all of the little tidbits and doodads blizzard adds are beautiful.

I recently did a LAN party with War3, we played DOTA all night.

Got a couple guys really pissed off at me and my good friend when we got two sheep sticks (polymorph staffs) and never let them do anything.

Fun game for LAN's

Movies and TV / Re: Review: Lady in the Water
« on: July 28, 2006, 03:31:29 AM »

With the Big Bang, we don't *know* what the matter was like even nanoseconds before this proposed explosion. It could be that the instant this "infinite mass" was formed it blew up: forming the mass itself causing the explosion. Nothing before the big bang is *measurable*. This by no stretch of the imagination means that before the Big Bang there was *nothing*.

The physics of the big bang say that all space and time were in one spot while the piece of mass was floating around. Which means, 1. Space did not exist. 2. Time did not exist.

The "ball" if you will never came together because all time and space were together. The big bang happened everywhere, becuse everywhere was all in one spot. IThere was never a time before it, since time was all in one spot.

You can't measure anything before, because it didn't exist according to the most commonly accepted version of the theory. It's not something that came together, it is something that happened.

So, where did it come from, what was it doing? The physics answer is that we cannot comprehend it.

According to all observations, all parts of the universe are moving away from each other at an equal pace, and all parts, when moved backwards, come from each other.

My whole point is that physics do nothing more than tell us what we have observed. Just because you have not observed something does not mean it cannot exist.

Scientists argue all the time because they observe the same things diferent ways.

Don't get me wrong, the movie Signs is absurd.

Again, all I am saying is that all science is based on observation and that sometimes our observations our wrong, or contridict themselves.

A better example would be that our laws of thermodynamics both prove and disprove the idea of cold fusion or zero point energy.

It's all where you observe it. We don't know the absolute truth of the matter.

Movies and TV / Re: Review: Lady in the Water
« on: July 21, 2006, 10:40:27 PM »

As science fiction, "Signs" is idiotic. From a pure science standpoint the idea of aliens who are destroyed by water is a blatant violation of the immutable laws of physics, which are the same on every planet. Any astrophycist who past 5th grade will tell there are two thing necessary to support life: Water, and energy.

Hehe, then you take collgiate astrophysics and learn that the reason physiscists argue all of the time is because they disagree on these immutable laws.

Quantum tunneling came from the discovery that the sun is temperature is off for how fast the atoms are moving inside. Therefore they must just be jumping around without actually moving.

The scientists at ground zero for the first nuclear warhead were taking bets for whether or not they would start a fuse that would actually ignite the entire world. They decided it wouldn't. But if cold fusion were possible, it would have fused, and ignited the next atom, which would ignite the next would would etc......

Hehehe. when you get down to it, we really know nothing of physics. Ask a scientist or a professor.

This is a good one:

So, an object will do exactly what it did 5 seconds ago unless something acted on it. Everything was together (even time and space) before the big bang. What acted on the infinite mass to make it blow up?

"We don't know"

some physics we have not discovered?

Who knows.

Movies and TV / Re: review: Pirates of the Caribbean 2
« on: July 18, 2006, 01:20:14 PM »
I noticed the same thing.. You see what, like 3 different crews to the ship, and they all die. And then other crews..And you know that no one you know or care about (if you indeed did care bout them) was going to die.

As a general rule of thumb, don't get attached to anyone who was not in, or at least mentioned by name in the first movie, and you won't have to worry about them dying. Everyone else is fish food.

Movies and TV / Re: Transformers The Movie!  (again)
« on: July 17, 2006, 09:02:37 PM »
or perhaps you're just a colossal dork.

At least he is in the right forum. What's your excuse?

:P  ;D :P

Movies and TV / Re: review: Pirates of the Caribbean 2
« on: July 17, 2006, 08:59:14 PM »
I liked it too.

I can see why some people didn't. It had a ton of plot, did not end, and had a ton of slap you in the face drama and action.

Oh, and the fact that Jack seemed to be idolized through out the entire show. That did bug me quite a bit.

Anyway! I will like to see the third.

Everything Else / Re: Bye-Bye CleanFlicks
« on: July 17, 2006, 08:55:33 PM »
I'll believe Hollywood is sincere in caring about artistic integrity, and that the original work of art should not be altered to conform to the purchaser's taste, just as soon as directors start refusing to alter scripts, in order to protect the artistic vision of the screenwriter.

hahaha, best argument made thus far.

Anyway, the easier it becomes to access violence, porn, language, etc... the more those things prevail in society. Yes, society has always done, and always will push the envelopes of it's own verboten.

One example, or one leader can entirely change how an entire people feels about some subject.

I agree with E on the "facts of life" part. There is a difference between historical value and entertainment. The concentration camps made lampshades out of the skin of those they gased. I hope no one would feel this would be the best part of some movie they watched.

I think some of you are thinking I am for legislation that requires Hollywood to prevent making these movies, or that They cannot stop people from censoring them.

My only point, I said earlier, I don't care, they can make what they want; I am ranting on the fact that Hollywood does it, because I feel that it does have an effect on society.

I don't think that is an arguable point, that's all.   :)

Everything Else / Re: Computer hacked!!
« on: July 17, 2006, 08:19:40 PM »
And Russia and North Korea.

Movies and TV / Transformers The Movie!  (again)
« on: July 16, 2006, 09:09:29 PM »
I did some quick searches, they said it is going to be live action.

Hmm.. I wish they would have showed one of the robots during the trailer at the beginning of Pirates 2.

Anyone have links to such?

Everything Else / Re: Computer hacked!!
« on: July 16, 2006, 09:03:20 PM »
I don't know... If Wyoming went up, I saw on Discovery that there is a giant caldera there that would take out the whole Western half of the United States if it went up. Of course... that would be nice for the people in Oregon, Washington and California that would be spared from dying in the Earthquakes and Tsunamis that occured from all the faults on that side of the world.

And don't think you Easterners think you are safe, think again, the Canary islands have a volcano that is just waiting to erupt and slide a good quarter of it into the ocean causing a wave that would destroy the entire Eastern Coastline 12 miles inland.

That's if the Celestial bodies don't hit first, or global warming or tornados or plagues of scorpins ("not if... When!")

Man, I get depressed everytime I watch Discovery.

Everything Else / Re: Bye-Bye CleanFlicks
« on: July 16, 2006, 08:55:41 PM »

Strictly speaking, there is no forced market for movies.  No one has to go to these movies at gunpoint.  If no one went to see R rated movies, Hollywood wouldn't be able to afford to make them.  Fact is, people go see these movies of their own free will.  They vote with their dollars, so to speak.  R-rated movies may not do as well as PG-13, but they do well enough for the studios to stay in business.  It bothers me when people suggest that the American public is being victimized by Hollywood.  If you don't like the content of movies, don't go see them.  If you don't go see them, they can't possibly do you any harm.

I stand by what I say when I say that Hollywood creates a market. The things that would have shocked society 50 years ago on the silver screen are now a part of t.v.'s nature; In fact the things that would have shocked us 10 years ago are a part of the nature of t.v.

This isn't because society as a whole suddenly changed and decided it was time to accept more violence, swearing and nudity in our media, it's because the media will start trying something, and in the middle of the outrage will do it to the point that it deadens society to it. And that is where the harm comes in, even if you don't go to see it. I can't agree that every man is a rock or an island in society that remains unaffected by their environment.

If it really was all about the dollar then when R's didn't do as well, they would not make them, since it is better financially to get $14 million than $13 million, any corporation would agree, no matter how you look at it. Unless you were more interested in things that are not financial.

Even George said about Episode I, II and III. He made the movies he wanted to make and told the stories as he wanted them told, what the public wanted didn't matter.

I would feel the same way if I was making a movie or a game or writing a book and I don't think many of us here would disagree. It is my story, I will tell it how I want to tell it and if I make a lot of money in the process, great.

I just wish that Hollywood would stop pumping out the crap, and society didn't get addicted as soon as it saw it.

Everything Else / Re: Computer hacked!!
« on: July 14, 2006, 02:41:11 PM »
I'm confused FMJ, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Well, if it's gone, how will Wyoming ever get people to come visit?  :(

Everything Else / Re: Bye-Bye CleanFlicks
« on: July 14, 2006, 02:37:09 PM »
I still think the movie studios are missing a golden opportunity by not partnering with one of these groups to actually release "edited" versions.  There's a definite market for it.

Tsk tsk tsk, Spriggan.. Hollywood isn't all about money. It's also about creating a forced market that doesn't normaly exist and exposing people to the artistic tastes of the directors and writers. Hollywood doesn't listen to the mainstream public. As a general rule, R rated movies never do as well as pg-13, but Hollywood pumps them out like they are the only thing keeping them in business.

Music / Re: Evanescence!
« on: July 13, 2006, 06:35:05 PM »

Err... okay. They rock!

Oh and yeah, to the other guy, they are still around. Their new album is coming out soon...z0r.

Up with donkey-hugging!

Hehe, the funny thing is E was more serious than you know.

Welcome to the forums, I'm sure you'll love it here. We are great people with great things to say.

I am personally a fan of Evanhoweveryouspellit.

Good stuff.

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