Alternate Realities > TW(i)G

Re: Twig storming

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Jeffe this is for the one we're developing with SE.  If you have any intital comments please keep it to the e-mail disscussion with me, fell, SE and you.  Once we have something set we'll post it here.  But it's mainly SE call since he's project head.

Mad Dr Jeffe:
Well then someone should have said that, This was also for the one with SE .... Perhaps you should lock it then...

SE asked for the board. I'm not sure how he intends to use it, but I imagine that he will tell us.

Watch everyone uhm and ahh until they work out what to say. Like a party where noone knows each other.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
The idea is that we can report progress here, recruit people for the next phase, and get feedback when we're ready for it.

Just as a progress report to non-committee, we have the basics of a world setting that will be able to incorporate a meta-plot (or not) for both miniature gaming and most styles of fantasy roleplaying. We're going to iron out some details and flesh out a lot before we're ready to move ahead though.

Please post interest here if you want to be involved in some aspect of this project in a future phase: We'll eventually need playtesters, system developers, rules writers, fiction writers, editors, and possibly artwork.


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