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Messages - Green_Valkyrie

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoT Read-Through by Brandon
« on: March 12, 2008, 06:52:46 AM »
Nice, I like Nynaeve as well all though my all time fav is Moiraine. And yes she is comming back for sure, I swear on the oath rod. Just not sure if Olver or Jaim will be involed in her rescue. Will you include "New Spring" in the read-through? It answers a lot of plot questions, plus it gives a nice background on Lan, Moiraine and Siuan (who were "pillow friends" OMG!) Though since she's been missing for sooo long that I'm torn between Gareth Byrne and Rodel Ituralde as my new fav.

Geez I think I've read the books over about 20 times now. My husband forced WOT on me five years ago (I was a devout non-reader ever since the first grown-up book I read was Stephen Kings "Gerald's Game" .. bleh horrid book) I loved WOT so much I didn't dare pick up anything else to read to ruin my enthusiasm for the written word. I even started to catalog all the characters however minor in a searchable database so I could find new clues about the ending.

Well my husband was determined to find out the writing style of the author who was going to take over WOT's last book and so picked up "Elantris", "Mistborn" and "Wells o' Ascension". (Actually he really didn't need a reason to buy 3 more books, the man needs excuses to read like an irishman needs and excuse to drink) And so with a renewed eagerness to read I've finished Elantris and am starting Mistborn. Both of which I have enjoyed! It's interesting to note how many people you thank for helping you conceptualize Mistborn. I don't think putting yourself in the writing mindset of Jordan will be hard for you. I am also looking forward to reading more of your books! Make sure your next series will be longer than 3 books so I can have a bit more to re-read, over-analyze and disect. You are an amazing talent, you're invention of the magic system has broken the predictable and crusty old forms reminiscent of d&d.

A pre-emptive Happy St.Patty's Day to you...this occasion calls for a beer!  :D ;)

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