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Brandon Sanderson / Word Counts?
« on: April 23, 2008, 09:50:02 PM »
Hey all!

I was just wondering what the rough word counts of Brandon's books were. Anyone know?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: I want info about Goodkind/Brandon's comments
« on: December 13, 2007, 11:04:24 PM »
Just so you know achren, Goodkind is not Catholic. He was raised catholic, yes, but he became an objectivist around the age of 20. And Objectivism is purely an atheistic philosophy.

As for this entire thread about Goodkind, I am actually quite the opposite of all who've posted so far. I do NOT think he disrespects his fans, in fact he is the only bestselling author who wrote back to an impressionable 14 year old kid(me) when I first started reading his books in 2003. He's very open and forthright with his fans, and I believe he is correct when he says that those who say they liked his first four books "But then the last seven were crap" are not fans, because they aren't. True fans don't turn on the author.

As for the whole "Fantasy? It's  not fantasy!" debate. I think that the author, all authors, have every right to say what genre they think their book is. After all, they did write it, so I think they've at least earned the right to name it what they would. That being said, I am a HUGE fantasy lover (could read anything that's even vaguely well written fantasy) and it doesn't bother me that TG is not, nor does it bother me that he loathes being pigeon-holed into a genre that he did not intend to be a part of.
Bottom line is this: As you can obviously tell, I am a Goodkind fan. Have been for the last 5 years. And in those last five years I've still read fantasy and still managed to avoid being offended by TG's dislike of fantasy. Not only that but reading his books has, in my mind made me a better person as it was the first series I had ever read with characters I could actually look up to and be inspired by, rather than the immoral characters that (admit it) seem to grace a lot of novels anymore. I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority here, but I'm not unused to it. I hope Mr. Goodkind keeps to his ways and does not allow critics or readers(there's a stark difference between "readers" and "fans") to sway him from his point of view.


P.S. Just so's you know, the answer is yes, that "Goodkind is God" forum is a trash trick made by detractors. TG fans like myself love the books and the author who wrote them, but trust me, that IS beyond us.


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: December 10, 2007, 09:56:48 PM »
HOLY CRAP! Wow! Congrats Brandon! And I can't wait to see what you do! Wow pressure, huh?

Music / Re: Evanescence!
« on: December 06, 2007, 08:19:47 PM »
They're not bad, but there are several foreign bands that came before them that are so much better. Among of them are: Within Temptation, Xandria, and Lacuna Coil. All of whom are, in my opinion, far superior.

I'm sending a signed copy of Mistborn to my bestest friend. She hasn't read it yet, so I'm hoping to have my first convert! :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: I completely hate fantasy...
« on: December 06, 2007, 08:14:40 PM »
Great story, notxaxlie! It's good to know that there are some kick a$$ intelligent cheerleaders out there! Nerdy fantasy guys will now never give up hope ;)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Rumors of Brandon Jr.
« on: October 09, 2007, 09:56:57 PM »
WOW! Congratulations to you both! I wish you both, as well as the kid, the best! I hope all goes well!

Do either of you have a name picked out yet?

Thank you, Luke, for the kind words.  They mean a lot! 

You'll see a lot more of TenSoon in book three, and find out some more backstory on Zane in a round-about sort of way. 

This was a tough book to write, being the middle of a series, and I'm happy people are enjoying it so much.

Your welcome! And I am extremely glad about TenSoon making a reappearance in the third book, you just made my day! I can't wait for the third book now, if only I could discover a way to time travel...........

Brandon Sanderson / I also have finished Mistborn 2
« on: October 03, 2007, 06:53:07 PM »
I just finished my reading of The Well of Ascension not all that long ago and even though I've sent Brandon an email letting him know of how well I thought of his book I thought I'd post my opinion on here as well.

While I enjoyed the first mistborn novel slightly more (due, I think, to the incredible growth we the readers saw Vin go through) I don't think Brandon could have ever written a more fitting and thrilling second installment. The twists and turns are, in my mind, enough to boggle the mind without causing it to explode. Just when you think you know what's going to happen, WHAM, Brandon thinks it's funny to blindside you!  ;)

One thing I also enjoyed about the book was the characters. For some reason, although I loved the characters in book 1, I found myself more attached to the characters here (even though most of them were just reprising roles from the previous novel). I don't know why, but I guess it must be because the tension and danger was much more palpable throughout the book and hence helped me to attach to the characters all the more.

And I especially liked reading about two characters in particular: Them being Tensoon and Zane, although each for entirely different reasons. I liked reading about Tensoon just because he was such an incredible character and I love the nature of the kandra, and of course the plot twist at the end made me love him all the more. And Zane, well.......Zane I liked reading about because I hated him so completely. I think I must have shouted at my copy at least 5 times and pounded my head with the palm of my hand endlessly when I saw Vin trusting him and thinking of leaving with him. Yep, he was so slimy and detestable (in my opinion) that I was almost sweating everytime he had a scene with Vin.

I especially liked the ending although I remember vaguely thinking: Good God, can't you give her a break?

So all in all, Well Done BRANDON! And Congratulations on crafting another superb novel! Keep them(and the plot twists) coming!

P.S. I do want to warn all posters here though, that I think our own Brandon is an allomancer. I could have sworn he was pushing and pulling my emotions throughout the tensest parts of the story. I think we can trust him, but still, I would caution us all to be wary.


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Acknowledgements...
« on: August 23, 2007, 09:49:47 PM »
You'll probably remember me, I'm the guy who pestered you with all manners of emails for a time there asking about writing and commenting on your book. It'd be cool to be in the front of the book. Think of me ;)

Luke Ganje

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 2 book missing pages...
« on: August 23, 2007, 09:47:58 PM »
Whew, thank God. I'm SAFE!!!! ;D

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