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Messages - Wielder

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: I finally converted someone!
« on: November 28, 2008, 10:29:41 PM »
Nice job!  I've managed to get three of my friends to read Mistborn.  Two of them are finished, but one had to put HoA on hold due to the fact that she apparently has to pass her classes before her attachment to the book causes her to fail.

Good times.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Read now or wait?
« on: November 25, 2008, 11:51:39 PM »
I couldn't read it on the computer so I printed it at work. double sided and double pages on each side just like a bound novel. Then I punched holes in the middle and threaded it with yarn and folded it and put it under some big books for like three days. I know its a little involved and not quite the same as the real thing but it passed the time at work doing it and it was easier to lie down and read like I really enjoy doing.

Great idea, I may have to look into doing this so I can get my friends to read it.  They, like some members here, refuse to read a book off a computer screen. 

By the way, I say read it if you can.  I read it at a slower pace to save my eyes the trouble, and I think I ended up enjoying the book a little more because I devoured it over a longer period of time.  It gave me more time to ponder what was going on.

mking, that's flipping amazing.

BTW, if you're having trouble drawing Kels face, perhaps painting him from behind, looking over the wall of Luthadel would do.  I have a really bad sketch of one of my characters from behind and I think it looks pretty cool.  (He doesn't have a Mistcloak, though...)

If Rashek did it, it would have to have been while he was holding the power.

I could see Rashek doing something like this.

You know what I really love about all of this, Keliser's attack on the pits are all the more impressive after book 3.  He was essentially partially destroying a 'god.'

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: November 25, 2008, 11:38:23 PM »
I absolutely love that cover. It's flippin' sweet.

Agreed!  Oh, I can't wait for the release...I may actually have to take a solid ten hour drive to Provo for this one.  (I was going to do so for HoA, but my friends were too busy to go with...)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 2 Chapter Forty-nine Annotation
« on: November 25, 2008, 10:09:34 PM »
By allowing the reader to make these personal connections with Straff, it allowed us to yearn for his defeat as much as the other characters and to cheer Vin on when she came in for the kill.

Indeed.  I heard that Staff had a splitting headache after his final encounter with Vin. :P

They need an emoticon to portray the obligatory drum roll/cymbal crash that usually follows a statement like that.  ;)

Well, there are some fantastic artists in the fan art thread...I say we make a request.  :P

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« on: November 23, 2008, 05:30:59 PM »
Grats 42 and Rose!  Wooo!

Writing Group / Re: Everybody's Current Projects
« on: November 22, 2008, 11:57:21 PM »
I'm currently working on a series that has the tentative title should take a guess...


Wielder--a four part series.  I think the title of the first book will be entitled 'A Shard of Ellisar.'  'Ellisar' might change because I was told a couple weeks ago that Aragorn's kingly name is Elissar or something to that effect.  I have also been told by many of my colleagues that I shouldn't worry about it--and so I probably will.

You probably want to hear something about the book, but I have found that the further I get into worldbuilding, the harder time I have explaining what the story is about.  But, I'll give it my best.

Wielders are despised over all beings.  The process by which a Wielder is born is unknown, but it is a well known that the use of a mysterious power called Amash'ara is central to their unfortunate abilities.  Over thousands of years, there have been a handful of Wielders who scourged the world, some of which attained enough power to challenge the Gods themselves.  One Wielder was a curse, two nearly led to the destruction of the world. 

Three Wielders brings the ruin of mortal men.

Well, yeah.  That's just some random stuff that I crunched out really quick.  The story follows three Wielders as they fight to release themselves from the tyrannous hands of the Gods.  If you can't already tell, Greek Mythology has been a big influence on my work.  Two of the Wielders are pretty well known at the start of the story: Gareth (a banished king--I wonder why he was banished...) and Uriel (a devout priest who has come to question his allegiance to the Gods).

I am still working on the magic system, but it will essentially be very powerful with equally powerful consequences.  Wielders are not the only beings that posses magic, but they are definitely the most dangerous.

If any of you want to see a few short stories based on this world, feel free to PM me and I'll send you a copy.

Writing Group / Re: Suggested reading?
« on: November 22, 2008, 11:25:13 PM »
I was just wanting a list of suggested reads for someone like me who wants to be an author to keep up with.  I'm not talking novels or how to books, I'm thinking more things like writing magazines, or news feed websites that focus on the writing world (and more specifically (at least for me) the fantasy writing world).  So any suggestions would be really great.

OK, so I know you told us not to suggest books...but it's really all I have besides Writing Excuses.

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott.  After finishing this book, I was almost 100% certain I wanted to be a writer.  I have had a couple of my friends read it--they all love it. 

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« on: November 22, 2008, 11:19:05 PM »
Haha, I'm the other way around. The screen does bad things to the quality of my writing. Plus, I can take a pencil and paper anywhere. Not so my desktop computer...

I actually have kind-of noticed this as well.  When I am writing with pencil and paper, I tend to just write instead of constantly scrutinizing every single thing I type out.  When I eventually transfer it to the computer, it ends up in a much sleeker form then it would have if I just typed is straight through.  During the transfer process, you can add the little things that you missed and you catch a lot of your mistakes.  I think it also allows for your voice to come through a bit more.

It might just be me, though.  :P

On another note, I really wish I participated this year.  Time is running a bit for me as of now, though.  Next year is definitely a go, though.

EDIT: In reality, I have written a good 25k words this month, but they are either replies to other people's fiction, or just short stories.  I wrote one thing that's about 15k, but, meh.

Like I said, next year is a go.

Music / Re: What are you Listening to?
« on: November 22, 2008, 11:08:49 PM »
I'm curious, has anyone grabbed the new Snow Patrol album?  A Hundred Million Suns was just released, and it is AMAZING.  If there are any Snow Patrol fans out there, I highly recommend it.

Movies and TV / Re: Sword of Truth trailer
« on: November 22, 2008, 11:04:34 PM »
I haven't gotten a chance to read The Sword of Truth and this show didn't help pushing me any closer to reading the series.  Luckily, my friends say it's amazing, and that the show is pretty much an embarrassment to the world that Goodkind created.

If you can't tell, I think the show has been disappointing.  I didn't watch episode because I decided to watch Jeff Dunham's special instead.  It seems I made the right choice.

Movies and TV / Re: Bolt
« on: November 22, 2008, 11:01:51 PM »
Well well, this is great news, but wholly bad news.  I don't have the money for all these good movies, hah.  I need to go watch Madagascar two as well. 

I'm happy that the preview just show the best moments of the movie--because I thought the previews for Bolt have been amazing.  I can't remember the line exactly, but when the hamster/gerbil thing says he's going to kill some guy...I was laughing pretty hard.

Movies and TV / Re: review: Twilight
« on: November 22, 2008, 10:58:17 PM »
Based solely on the previews, the movie looks LAME. This review makes it sound at least possibly okay. But I still won't be spending money on it. At least not in theatres. I'd hate to support Smeyer in her writing endeavors. Because she sucks.

Still. It's good that the movie will stay true to the book. I don't like it when movies differ from the book on all levels (*cough*The Bourne Identity*cough*)


It just looked cliche and ICK.  This review makes me think twice about it, though.  I'll probably just end up renting it.

Movies and TV / Re: review: Quantum of Solace
« on: November 22, 2008, 10:56:23 PM »
I loved the movie.  It wasn't perfect, but it was definitely entertaining.  Bond is finally a complex character!  Woo!

I'm actually going to go see it again Thanksgiving weekend.  It's definitely worth the ten bucks.

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