Alternate Realities > What's this?

Avast Ye!

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Okay, here's the skinny:

Cinematic, swashbuckling, pirate tale of derring do and such.   I'll be using Savage Worlds to run it, which is very light and is made to handle lots of characters (such as a boarding action) not that it matters since I'll be doing all the rolling and such.  

The way your characters are described to me we'll have some varying power levels, which is fine since advancement isn't tied into combat ability as in D&D.  Savvy?

It will be a light fantasy game and I will probably pick up and use 50 Fathoms once it comes out in fact.  So monkey-boyish folks fit right in.  There are 2 other races available on PEG's website in the 50 Fathoms preview in fact.  Just if you're interested.

Also, I'll probably take six players to start out with.  Hopefully that won't be too many.  I'm happy to take any suggestions.

Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock:
Ok, how do I play? What do I do? How many times do you have to lick a tootsie pop to get to the center?

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
Obviously, you've already accepted me and MoD who have character ideas?

If not, I'm putting my vote in to play, esp since Fell said I have to help design setting. Mr. P, if you need/want my help, send me an email.


(side note, one of my co-workers is like Pirates of Carribean SO Much that he walked around talking like a pirate for 3 weeks. It still comes up occasionally. Until last night, when another co-worker suggested Chinese pirates. Now he wakes around saying "Rok the prank rand rubbers!" and "Ahhhhhhhllllllllll!"

I'm in, I'll try and catch you on IM sometime.

You know Mr. P with the release of Soul Calibur 2 today do you actaualy think you'll get to this in the next month or two? :)


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