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Messages - mbarker

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On the topic of new outfits:

What exactly does Dr. Bunnigus think she's going to be doing on this mission?  Besides having waaaaay too much fun?
It seems as if Nick is going to be looking to be kissed, while Dr. B is planning to find out who she can lay out for trying to kiss... kind of symmetrical, in a skewed fashion  ;)

Nick in civvies looking for a kiss... that's going to be good for a few strips, I think?

After all, while the tailor is fixing up Dr. Bunnigus, might as well dash up some for the naked folks, eh?

Howard Tayler / Any speculations about Dr. Bunny's new uniform look?
« on: January 04, 2010, 11:29:27 AM »
Hmm... leather and lace?

Howard Tayler / Re: "Massively paralell"
« on: January 01, 2010, 02:27:58 PM »
Oh, that. Sure. I forget sometimes just how "dead" the electronic media are -- guess I need to hit the emoticons more. Although thinking about it, I'm not sure Dan has actually said that he reads Schlock. And he may not read between the lines with the fervor that we do?


Howard Tayler / Re: "Massively paralell"
« on: January 01, 2010, 01:54:47 AM »
Well, I do think it was at least an allusion to "I am not a Serial Killer."

Howard Tayler / Re: "Massively paralell"
« on: December 31, 2009, 05:15:44 AM »
Hum, do you suppose that's a comment on a book called "I am not a Serial Killer." I wonder if Dan reads Schlock...

Howard Tayler / Re: A missing clone and ...
« on: December 29, 2009, 06:14:40 AM »
Let's see. So far we have a missing clone with craters (is there a joke in there somewhere? A clone falls in the craters...) and General Tagon. Lunesby and Ennesby? Schlock and the morphs... I wonder if we're going to run into other family relations?

Howard Tayler / Re: A missing clone and ...
« on: December 28, 2009, 12:27:52 AM »
Maybe. But was there an earth-shattering kaboom? Where is the earth-shattering kaboom?

Howard Tayler / A missing clone and ...
« on: December 27, 2009, 05:20:32 AM »

All right! A few more hints ... and then we'll be in real suspense while we go shopping at the mall. But at least we'll have a mystery to wonder about.

Howard Tayler / Re: Ennesby really is a mercenary
« on: December 22, 2009, 06:26:44 AM »
Is it The Moon is A Harsh Mistress that talks about which jokes are funny once and which ones are funny many times?

Howard Tayler / Re: Credomar's mysterious origins...
« on: December 19, 2009, 01:08:37 AM »
If she did, that would say an awful lot about Ventura.

I'm pretty sure Lota is well past the point where pre-creation simulations have any validity.  Too many unexpected environmental factors have come into play.
Oh, I agree. But remember how proud Ventura was of her simulation testing? It seems like a good opportunity for Kevyn to remind her that simulations aren't the real world.

Howard Tayler / Re: Credomar's mysterious origins...
« on: December 18, 2009, 12:22:46 AM »
Perhaps the Pax Lota? Since you meat people don't seem to be able to run things well, I shall help you. Emperor Lota the First declares the Pax Lota?

One scene that I'm looking forward to is Kevyn talking to Ventura, asking whether those simulations that she ran on Lota included Lota having a 200-year-old superweapon to hold the galaxy hostage with -- and if she remembered just what the outcome of that simulation was?

Howard Tayler / Re: Credomar's mysterious origins...
« on: December 17, 2009, 03:42:08 AM »

I think I'm going to go with "No" on this one.  Lota seems to have gone out of his (what the heck, his) way to have witnesses present able to say exactly what they saw.  Frankly, the whole thing seems like a carefully orchestrated presentation designed to intimidate others without actually saying the threats outright.  The implications are quite clear without using extra words and without directly destroying anything anybody cares about.

I'm tending towards the idea that Lota is trying to control the weapon now that he has found it.  Of course, one wonders why he simply didn't destroy it outright.  How hard could it be?

I agree. He's demonstrating what he's got, but what's he planning to do with it?

As for destroying it -- right now, he's part of the weapon (the ghost in the control systems). So he would need another place to live if he destroyed it. Perhaps as part of the Fleetmind? Hum, we've got Tag (I forgot how to spell the current name -- tagioloosa?) and Lunesby and now Lota all probably headed for the same crisis in the near future -- how many AIs does it take to screw up a catastrophe? We're probably headed for a critical mass of AIs, anyway. And we haven't even been shopping yet!

Howard Tayler / Re: Credomar's mysterious origins...
« on: December 16, 2009, 05:23:15 AM »
OK, so does anybody want to speculate on *why* Lota is doing all this?

We've managed to deduce an absurd amount correctly in this plot arc, but character motivations are still a complete mystery to me.  Was Lota really interested in keeping the people of Credomar safe?  What's the next step?

Just guessing. Let's say Lota transferred himself (itself?) into the annie plant control systems, and discovered just what the system was. Now, what do you do? First, get the people out of the way -- they've already tried to blow up the system once, and aren't particularly safe to have around something with this kind of power. Having done that, if you are Lota, perhaps you plan to sit back and provide a safe repository for the power -- after all, the one entity that Lota can trust with this is... Lota. But... like most strategic superweapons, I have to wonder about MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) and other terminal scenarios.

Hum. Does Lota want to keep the existence of this weapon a secret or not?

Intriguing questions.

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