Local Authors > Brandon Sanderson

Official WoK Fan Art (Here there be spoilers)

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You're right, I stand corrected.

Though every suit of shardplate is unique, so any suit may differ from another in various ways. But yeah, there should probably be something like a traditional eyeslit or holes or something in the faceplate, if for no other reason but that you'd like to be able to keep seeing if the gems crack and your suit goes dead.

Ok, thanks. Now that you mention it, I recall Dalinar describing the plate at one point.


Can anyone actually see this picture? It's a sketch I did of the scene where Kaladin jumps over the bridge.

If you can't actually see it, here's a link.


i need to fix my scanner >:O

fixed the scanner but..... i tried to put something on deviant art but it had a little red bag next to it! How do i get out of the gallery?!?!?!?!?!?  :-[


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