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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #405 on: April 06, 2009, 03:21:23 PM »
It is a good question though, why Myrelle and not someone closer to hand.  Moiraine's accepted "trick" was crystal scrying she'd have been able to locate someone close enough to limit the risk that Lan "accidentally" get himself killed traveling cross country.

Myrelle was chosen because of her talent with warders that have lost there bond partners.  Also someone closer was not really applicable at the time she set up the passing of the bond.  I am about half way through book 2 right now and just read the part where Moraine told Lan that the bond had been set up to pass on the death of her.   She knew long ago that she might die and that when she did she did not want Lan to die as well.  She did not know who was going to be close at the time of her passing and it may take the two of them together (both Aes Sedai) to set up the passing of the bond.  That means one on one contact and they need to do it ahead of time.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #406 on: April 08, 2009, 06:29:30 AM »
Amazon had the year set to 2025....

I'm pretty sure that was done recently as a jab at Pat. I've been checking that status for over a year and it always said April of 2009.

Pat posted on his blog (here) a screenshot of the B&N site with a 2025 release date for Wise Man's Fear.  A B&N employee explained what was going on in a comment to that post: 2025 is their computer system's highest date (for now), and it is the default for books with unknown publication dates.  I imagine Amazon's system works similarly (it might even be built on top of the same codebase).

Amazon and B&N are probably big enough that they could afford to take jabs at authors, but there's no reason for them to do so.

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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #407 on: April 08, 2009, 04:31:37 PM »
Well her success rate wasn't that high it was only in comparison to other Aes Sedai and wasn't what you would call a common practice to begin with...anyways it is also known that the biggest success rate is when a warder is given a mission they won't let themselves fail and they have to stay alive to achieve it...such as Lan protecting Nyneave from darkfriends.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #408 on: April 09, 2009, 03:38:05 PM »
Joe - It's been too long! I need my vicarious WOT fix!

No pressure though.  ;D


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #409 on: April 10, 2009, 12:00:28 AM »
And your patience is rewarded! LOL

Update you guys! I made it to page 502 on Crown of Swords last night! A lot has happened and this book is getting better and better. Let's see.......

-Rand continues to battle Lews Therin in his head. He frequently battles for control over saidin with Therin, sometimes it requires all of his concentration. Lews Therin still hasn't had a conversation with Rand since he was trapped in the Aes Sedai chest in the last book.  Cadsuane was introduced and she kind of put Rand in his place. She is the oldest Aes Sedai alive, no wonder nothing would faze her. I like her and I think she could add a lot to the story, but I'm not sure what her motivations are. Apparently she comes in and out of retirement for big events and every other Aes Sedai treat her with as much reverance as they would the Amyrlin. She asks Rand if he has heard voices yet, because other men who can channel hear them before they go mad. This makes me think it might not be THE Lews Therin in his head but a side affect of the taint. The madness is trying to take control of saidin to do Light knows what. I bet this is what happened during the Breaking of the World. When all male Aes Sedai went mad and destroyed almost everything. Earlier in the book Rand thinks of the possibility of cleansing saidin. It was a quick though but I have suspicions that it may become a huge plot device later on.

-Mat remains in Ebou Dar with Elayne, Nyneave, Aviendha, Thom, Juilin, and Birgitte. Seems he has attracted Queen Tylin's affections. She basically raped him in his room. Those Ebou Dari women sure get what they want! He also spotted the woman who tried to kill her and Rand back in EotW (I think it was EotW.) I remember that scene vividly and I'm glad RJ keeps bringing these characters back. She works for Jaichim Carridan the questioner, who is also a darfriend. He was visited by Sammeal recently too. Interesting that the man whose sole purpose is to hunt down darkfriends when he is one himself. Perfect cover I guess!
 I get bad feelings in Ebou Dar, especially when it's Mat's viewpoint. Those damn dice rolling in his head always seem to signal bad luck and they are in such a dangerous place. He has had multiple battles with people trying to kill him already. At least he finally got his apologies from Nyneave and Elayne. Now THAT was  a fun scene to read. He recognized Birgitte and they actually decided to get drunk and talk things out. At the same time Elayne was somehow drunk too through the bond she has with Birgitte. VERY well put together scene. I'm honestly glad to see them working together now. I always felt Mat deserved a fair shake.

-Elayne and Nyneave discovered the Circle of women who were either Tower rejects or ran away from the Tower. After a VERY frustrating scene where they tossed out Elayne and Nyneave, not believing they were Aes Sedai, Elayne returned with Merillille and the rest of the Aes Sedai from the palace and brought them all to their knees. This was the first time that Elayne REALLY took charge as queen and Aes Sedai. She put Merillille in her place by explaining that since Egwene raised her to the shawl, and Merillile follows Egwene, then she WILL get the respect she deserves. Elayne also promised the Circle that they can return to the Tower and resumse their training. They were more than grateful and FINALLY revealed their knowledge of the Bowl of the Winds. I thought they'd never find this damn thing! LOL Reanne (leader of the Circle) also revealed that she is 412 years old. Merillille fainted at this news but I'm not entirely sure what the big deal was. If she was Aes Sedai or Accepted, wouldn't it be normal for her to age slower??

-Moghedian has been VERY humbled. She is now under the watch of Moridin whom I haven't met yet. He wears a small box on a necklace that is linked to Moghedian. If he crushes it, she will be crushed. I'm sure it burns her BIG TIME to be controlled by someone she's never met before. She is sent to Ebou Dar. I don't know why she was but I assume it's to hook back up with her Black Ajah pupils she sent there. On the way she spots Nyneave and balefires the ship she saw her on. She suddenly realizes that she was disobeying her instructions from Moridin and quickly gets out of there. It's fun to see Moghedian being the one who is controlled now, but I still worry about her quest for vengeance against Nyneave most of all. Now they are in the same place, perhaps looking for the same thing???

-Alvarian, Elaida's secretary, is a Darkfriend. She answers to Mesaana who I would like to see more of. She teaches Alvarian to Travel....for what purpose I don't know. This also kind of deflates my notion of Elaida being a darkfriend. Although I don't know that for sure, she may just be a witchy Red with a bad attitude afterall.

-Perrin was kicked out of the palace by Rand. I have NO idea why this happened. Is Rand losing it?! When the viewpoint is on Rand his actions are explained. When it's somebody elses viewpoint Rand seems so weird. His actions and his words are so strange and different then when we are in his head. I don't know yet where Perrin went but Berelain and Faile and som Maidens and soldiers went with them. It kind of seems that Rand is wasting a lot of time not going after the Forsaken. Maybe I'm just impatient but I want to see battles!! LOL

-Sevanna and the Shaido Wise Ones are unknowingly working with Sammael and Graendal. They use disguises when they meet with Sevanna though. I'm not sure what they are planning or why they still don't just gang up on Rand. Also, I'm a bit tired of the Shaido in this story. I never liked them opposing Rand and the rest of the Aeil and I always felt that they were one antagonist too many. It's frankly annoying and I was upset that they weren't completely wiped out in either the Carhein battle or Dumai's Wells. I'm sorry if this bothers people, but whenever the Shaido become the focus it kind of deflates my enthusiasm for the story. I feel that everything with them has gone on way too long. That's probably my biggest complaint about the books. Since Shadow Rising they have been a problem. Do they still think Couladin was the real Ca'racarn?? Do they really think they can destroy Rand and the rest of the Aeil?? Is their only motivation being Sevanna's revenge?? It's really annoying and kind of seems to throws a wrench into the flow of the story. I really hope they get taken care of SOON.

 -Also, when Sammael and Graendal leave the Wise Ones and are walking through the woods, they are being followed by someone called simply the "watcher." He sees black flecks across his vision and somehow avoids detection from either Forsaken. I think this is Moridin. When he met with Moghedian she noticed black flecks across his eyes and the story explained that is was from the "saa." I hope I learn more about the saa and why the Forsaken are being followed now. Also, who is Moridin?? Another Forsaken reborn??

-Morgase has been "rescued" by the Seachan from the custody of the Whitecloaks. They say they will restore her to the Throne only is she submits fealty to the Empress. They feel that it is time for their "return." Morgase escapes with Lini and Tallanvor and HOPEFULLY she will go straight back to Andor. I also have a feeling that the Seanchan and Mat have a big storyline coming up. They claim to be Artur Hawkwings armys decendants and we all know that Mat is Hawkwing reborn. Also, Mat apparently is supposed to marry the daughter of the Nine Moons, which is also something I've heard the Seanchan talk about. We'll see where this goes......

Okay, that's not really all of it but this is long enough and I'm going to go make myself something to eat! I'm really enjoying this story, except the Shaido, and I'm almost done with the book! I read 100 pages last night!! I hope you guys get your fix and I amd glad this board is so popular. Thanks for the responses guys and I will talk to you later. Have a great day!!! Happy Easter!!



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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #410 on: April 10, 2009, 12:37:41 AM »
Yeah! An update from Joe.

I agree with you about the Shaido. It's pretty ridiculous they're still against Rand when Couladan is long dead. My only advice is get used to it. The Shaido don't go away any time soon.

Mat is Artur Hawkwing reborn? I'm not so sure on that, but I've been wrong before. :)

I LOVED that scene where Elayne and Nyneave finally apologize to Matt. I NEVER thought that would happen. Oh, and the scene where Elayne is getting drunk through the warder bond is hilarious.

Aes Sedai age slower than most people, but they don't get close to 412 years old! This was news to me when I first read that part, since it never really says how old Aes Sedai get.  Just that they "age slower". I think you'll soon learn a theory about why the Kin live longer than Aes Sedai. It's pretty interesting.

I hear you about Rand not making much sense when you're seeing him through other people's POV. That's one thing I missed in the later books is more insight into what Rand is thinking. I guess it makes sense that Jordan started sharing less and less of Rand's thoughts, since that's now a large part of the suspense. "What will Rand do next?"

Oh, and thanks for the nice long update! Reading them totally brings back the memories of reading this awesome story for the first time.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #411 on: April 10, 2009, 12:39:44 AM »
You will see battles.  

I'm ambivalent about Nyneave's trials.  She is such a spoiled brat that it's good to see her receive a taste of her own medicine, despite the fact that it makes you want to scream when it's a person so stupid and stubborn they won't take the help she's offering.

Mo'adim Lesimkha ;P
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 12:42:42 AM by Renoard »
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #412 on: April 10, 2009, 12:52:19 AM »
I loved the Mat getting an apology as well, I love that it was Avi and Brigitte BOTH who told the two to apologize. It gets even cooler when they mention *A* forsaken being there and Brigitte gets even angrier. "He never said anything about a Forsaken." Wow someone needs to do some math again I believe there was at LEAST Four Forsaken running around Tear at the time lol. Nynaeve and Elyane BOTH deserved this humble pie as far as I am concenred my beef is that I don't think they managed to actualy swallow it *sigh* They will eventually give Mat his fair shake but it's going to have to wait.

I guess it would sorta ruin some of the suspense if we knew what Rand was planing all the time. Plus it is interesting to see from outside his perspective so you can see why others see him as really going crazy.

Cadsuane is just this side of awesome, with Moraine gone Rand really needs someone to keep him in check somehow.

Moridin is a Forsaken reborn though I think it's fun for you to try and figure out which one. Here's a hint though it's not Asmo, Bel'lal or Rahvin.

As for action yes be patient, big battles usually come in the end.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #413 on: April 10, 2009, 02:29:58 AM »
This makes me think it might not be THE Lews Therin in his head but a side affect of the taint.
The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Those damn dice rolling in his head always seem to signal bad luck
Not bad luck so much as significant events that Mat is part of.  It's just that a fair number of those that involve Mat also involve things he'd rather avoid.

Reanne (leader of the Circle) also revealed that she is 412 years old. Merillille fainted at this news but I'm not entirely sure what the big deal was. If she was Aes Sedai or Accepted, wouldn't it be normal for her to age slower??
Yes, but not by that much.  Reanne is older than any Aes Sedai on record.

Do they still think Couladin was the real Ca'racarn?? Do they really think they can destroy Rand and the rest of the Aeil?? Is their only motivation being Sevanna's revenge?? It's really annoying and kind of seems to throws a wrench into the flow of the story. I really hope they get taken care of SOON.
It's a combination of stupidity and stubborn refusal to accept what they perceive as a Wetlander as their leader.  They seem to think they can just ignore the larger conflict against the Dark One.

Also, who is Moridin?? Another Forsaken reborn??
Yep.  Process of elimination should tell you which one pretty easily.

Mat is Hawkwing reborn.
If he were, Hawkwing would not have been available when Mat blew the Horn at the end of The Great Hunt.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #414 on: April 10, 2009, 08:57:22 AM »
Reanne (leader of the Circle) also revealed that she is 412 years old. Merillille fainted at this news but I'm not entirely sure what the big deal was. If she was Aes Sedai or Accepted, wouldn't it be normal for her to age slower??
I think the oldest Aes Sedai now living is about 270 years old. And thats VERY old according to Aes Sedai themselfs. You will meet her later on :) or maby you allredy did.. i dont remember when she turns up. It is a chock for the Aes Sedai to realise that a kin woman can be over 400 years old.

EDIT: Cadsuane is the now living oldest Aes Sedai. I think its safe to write that now. She is aprox 270 years old.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 09:00:14 AM by Casco »


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #415 on: April 10, 2009, 03:17:20 PM »
Actually, Cadsuane is closer to 300 than 270, and there is something about her that's different, although she is still way too arrogant and proud.  A little hint without giving it away.  Did you notice that the Kin, and the Wise Ones and Windfinders for that matter, look different than Aes Sedai?  What is the one thing Aes Sedai do that other channeling groups do not?

I will tell you now that Mat is not Artur Hawkwing reborn.  If he was, then Artur Hawkwing would not have been there when Mat blew the horn in book 2.  He is a reborn general from Manetheren, if anything. 

I remember reading an explanation as to why Rand boots Perrin, but I am not sure if it was in the book or in an FAQ somewhere.
I wanted to write something profound here, but I couldn't think of anything.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #416 on: April 10, 2009, 03:26:26 PM »
There is an explanation and it will be from Perrin's POV.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #417 on: April 10, 2009, 04:15:04 PM »
Yes I think Rigney's Aes Sedai are a study in power corrupts and ignorance arrogates.  He gives the Whitecloaks so real substance to their complaints so that they don't turn into one of those 2d Evil Horde conspiracies (fnords?) that populate so much of SF&F.

I say they are ignorant because their educational system is degenerating because of secrecy, paranoia and the lack of any great incentive to share .   Any system where raw power and age are the source of political power is guaranteed to have similar decadent trends.  After 200 the Amyrlin is just the most vicious bully who has the best connections, and the most raw power.  That is the only reason the Sally Daera crew are organized the way they are.  Dog's have a similarly vicious system. :)
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #418 on: April 10, 2009, 04:36:18 PM »
Oh the Aes Sedai are a perfect case of how a group of people and even a society can stagnate. Due to their own sense of superiority, secracy and paranoia they have ignored so much that is around them they have lost knowledge merely to incompetance. They wait for girls to come to them instead of going out and finding them, they rather let a Ter'angreal collect dust then try to find out what it does. They rather ignore a severed/burned out woman then try to help her, they rather gentle a man and let him die then help him.

Too often they have swept things under the rug and too often they have felt others too stupid to know what to do. The Aes Sedai have really needed a shake up for quite a long time now.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #419 on: April 10, 2009, 08:06:12 PM »
Actually, Cadsuane is closer to 300 than 270, and there is something about her that's different, although she is still way too arrogant and proud.  A little hint without giving it away.  Did you notice that the Kin, and the Wise Ones and Windfinders for that matter, look different than Aes Sedai?  What is the one thing Aes Sedai do that other channeling groups do not?

I will tell you now that Mat is not Artur Hawkwing reborn.  If he was, then Artur Hawkwing would not have been there when Mat blew the horn in book 2.  He is a reborn general from Manetheren, if anything. 

I remember reading an explanation as to why Rand boots Perrin, but I am not sure if it was in the book or in an FAQ somewhere.
Yepp i saw that now, she is exactly 295 years old. She was however 267 years old in New spring, thats why i did remember that number i think. My mistake.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 08:08:17 PM by Casco »