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Messages - Nicadymus

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Role-Playing Games / Re: The Nerdery #16
« on: April 21, 2005, 03:03:19 PM »
Well, well.  Lookie what we have here.

It's about time you showed yourself, Mulch.  I mean I understand you don't want to be seen in public, and frankly, I don't blame you, but this is the internet man!

(Just Kidding Mulch.  You know I had to harass you for waiting so long to post.)

Role-Playing Games / Re: Nerdery #19
« on: April 20, 2005, 12:56:17 PM »
I can't wait to begin this process with Sprig.  And, as a practical application, I am creating a new world for a Ceeptin Morgan and Rican which will work nicely as a basis for the articles that Sprig and I will put together.  Hopefully you all will enjoy what we come up with.

Everything Else / Re: I have a JOB!!
« on: April 14, 2005, 03:30:29 PM »
Congrats!  I would love a job there.  Best of Luck.

Role-Playing Games / Re: The Nerdery #16
« on: April 10, 2005, 02:01:54 PM »
Well they have frequently been quoted as saying that I enjoy coming up with new ways to kill off their characters, but I have always taken that as a compliment as it illustrates that I don't use the same monsters in the same situations over and over again.

Role-Playing Games / Re: The Nerdery #16
« on: April 08, 2005, 01:40:26 PM »
Well, the roll was in the open, and I decided to stick to my guns and have the character die.  The other character tried to save the dying one or at least take his body to a priest to get him resurrected, but he ended up not making it out of the dungeon while trying to carry the dead wait of the other character.

We have since moved on to a new campaign, but I would like advice on how to handle a similar situation should it present itself in the future.

Role-Playing Games / Re: The Nerdery #16
« on: April 08, 2005, 01:09:09 PM »
Had a situation in our last gaming session that brought this article to mind.  I know.  That is just wrong, but it happened anyway.

I had just started a new campaign with 2 players.  Their was a trap they encountered that shot one of the players with 4 poisoned darts.  Naturally he attempted his Fort. save to resist, but botched...bad.  The poison dropped the characters constitution score severally with the first waive, and was likely to eliminate it when the secondary effects hit.

It has been a policy in our group that even the GM rolls in the open should the players request it.  I am fine with this as it allows chance to dictate what will occur and aids in what has been called "fairness," which the players have been very insistent on.

So, in fairness, I rolled the secondary effects of the poison, and it dropped the character.  Of course he was a little upset as we had just started the campaign, and expressed his disfavor with the outcome.  I shrugged, and replied, "Well, that is the way the dice fell."  He responded with, "Well, you could have fudged the roll.  You ARE the GM!"

Put me in a very awkward place.  Any suggestions? ???

Role-Playing Games / Re: Ultimate RIFTS
« on: March 31, 2005, 12:52:26 PM »
I would pick this up just so that i had the new rules.  Something about keeping tabs on one of the first systems i ever played is important to me.

Everything Else / Re: Elantris on Ebay
« on: March 21, 2005, 12:15:23 PM »
Gotta go with SE on this one.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Today is a good day
« on: March 21, 2005, 12:13:04 PM »
To die.

Somebody was bound to say it.

Role-Playing Games / Re: Dragon Lords of Melnibone
« on: March 09, 2005, 12:12:13 PM »
EXCELLENT!! There was a scare that Moredew would not be able to game this month, or any month in the near future, with the new job getting in the way.  But, like a truly dedicated gamer, he quit the job, and is back on for the gaming session.

Role-Playing Games / Re: Dragon Lords of Melnibone
« on: March 08, 2005, 10:28:24 PM »
That was still on the weekend Sprig or during summer break.

We still pull all day and night sessions when we can.  We usually start about 10 or 11 AM on a Sat. and play thru til 3 or 4 AM Sun.

Role-Playing Games / Re: Dragon Lords of Melnibone
« on: March 08, 2005, 09:32:33 PM »
no way i could do it the 16th or 17th as i have class.

Role-Playing Games / Re: Dragon Lords of Melnibone
« on: March 02, 2005, 02:47:35 PM »
It doesn't look like they are going to be doing any additional supplements to DLoM.  I think they have the Corrum books, but I can't remember whether they are for the D20 system or for the D100 system.  MoreDew has them, I think.

Last I checked DLoM was not the biggest seller, which is upsetting because I think that is why they nixed the Lords of Law and Chaos Supplement book they were going to do for it.

It think that the game is pretty good for the most part.  There are a few things that I dislike, mostly to do with the demon summoning and binding rules.  Because there is no such thing as POW in the D20 rules, to bind a demon you have to sacrifice XP (which I don't mind) and an ability point (which I do mind).  This is entirely contrary to the typical D20 rules, and, as normal magic weapons are a not common in the DLoM world, an injustice to the players who can't use the fun little towys.  In addition, the Invoke and Compel Spell is a Sor/Wiz spell only; clerics can't cast it, which I find entirely contrary to the nature of the world.  This is odd as The Theocrat of Pan Tang, a cross class Cleric Fighter, if I remember, has about 5 bound demons.

Another problem that I have is that all of the NPC have astronomically high attributes, that are entirely unattainable by the normal creation rules.  While I understand that the PC's are not the "heros," who appear in the books, it makes it a little daunting for the players when they see the numbers of the NPCs and compare them to their characters.

Other than that I don't have any real complaints.  Mostly just mechanics.  The world is great.  I have about 6 different campaign ideas that would be a blast for the guys to pursue.  We'll just see where the Lords of Chaos take our players.

Laugh like Balo.
Whisper like Pyray.
Slice with your weapons.
Let the Blood Spray.
Praise Chaos!

Role-Playing Games / Dragon Lords of Melnibone
« on: February 25, 2005, 11:39:27 AM »
So our group has started another new campaign.  It is set in the Young Kingdoms, as created by Micheal Moorcock.

The group is a motely assortment of chaos worshipers.  What follows is a short description of each character, but hopefully the players will post more info on their charachers before I post the first segment of the campaign.

Moredew is playing a half Pan Tangian/Nadskorian cancer mage who worships Narjhan, the lord of beggars.  I will let Moredew give the description of his character, but I will warn you that you shouldn't eat before reading it.

Morgan is playing a Pan Tangian mariner who worships Pyray, the tentacled whisperer of impossible secrets.  He is currently the captain of catamaran; such is the life of one low on the totem pole.

Rican was playing an obese war-priest of Jubilex, a chaos deity of ooze and slime (as taken from D&D), but he didn't last very long.  Now he is playing a swashbuckling Pan Tangian follower of Balo, the Chaos Jester.

Everything Else / Re: Want a job?
« on: February 25, 2005, 11:23:58 AM »
Nice Sprig.  Nice.

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