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Messages - Zilog

Pages: [1]
Well they have some spelling errors.. But I was perusing this site trying to find my next fantasy series to read.  At the very bottom of the page Brandon (Brian) Sanderson is mentioned.

Edit: Ok changed it so it is more accurate....

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Okay, I'm hooked.
« on: May 23, 2007, 11:25:37 PM »
To tell you the truth I don't even remember.. It was South East Orem.  We moved church buildings at one time If I remember correctly.. I wasn't in the ward to long, but I think the Bishop was Johnson?

Oh btw.  I just finished Warbreaker yesterday.  I really liked it.   I finished it in 3 days I gues..  But to my credit I read it all at work.. (I work in a call center)  But ya.. you are awesome Brandon!  I can't wait for the next Mistborn book to come out..  I've been hacing the hardest time finding a good fantasy book to read.. I've started and stopped like 4 other books.. So it was refreshing to be able to finally be able to read a book all the way through without getting so bored I can't stand it anymore..  It was a real page turner.  But unfortunately now I have to find something else to read..  :'(

Brandon Sanderson / Okay, I'm hooked too!
« on: May 19, 2007, 02:53:52 AM »
I was actually in Brandon's ward for almost a month before I found out he was a published fantasy author.  I made some comment to someone in the ward about really enjoying reading fantasy and was looking for something new..  They told me Brandon had a book out by TOR.  (which really impressed me)  So I asked Brandon the name of it and decided to buy it, to support my fellow member.(I used to be the kind of person that only read books from the library)   I was really impressed by Elantris.  I normally don't like Novels, ( I tend to think they are too 'short') but I really enjoyed this book.  I tried to get other people to read it, but no one gave it a chance.   Probably because they didn't have much faith in a local boy or something.    I was really excite when I was in Borders a few months ago and saw Brandon had a new book out.   Luckily I got one that was autographed.  I never did get Elantris autographed even though Brandon told me he would.. But I have since moved from that ward..  Anywho about Mistborn..  I was really blown away by this book..  I have to say it is by far my favorite of his books (considering there are only two out so far.. that doesn't say much).  I'm also excited that it is a trilogy, so I will be able to enjoy more of this world.  I really really really like the idea of allomancy.  It's really unique, and a very good idea!  But ya.. Brandon Sanderson kicks A.. Also it makes me happy that two of his favorite Authors (Orson Scott Card and Robin Hobb) are mine as well..

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