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Messages - polaris

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Local Barnes & Noble Issues
« on: September 08, 2007, 08:31:58 PM »
I've stopped buying at B&N. The last 8 books i've been looking for in new release, they didn't have.  Waldens/ Boarders ((They're the same company for those who didn't know)) only had 4 of the last eight.  The only book store that has always had whatever book i've been looking for, including both Mistborn books, was Joseph Beth's. They might not have many copies of their books, but at least they always have them.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Come to Pittsburgh!
« on: September 08, 2007, 08:24:37 PM »
All i needed was to see the title of this thread to get all giddy. YOU MUST COME TO PITTSBURGH!!!

Come to the burgh and enjoy all our unique backwards customs! We'll take you out to Primanti's and get you a sandwich with coleslaw and french fries right on the sandwich!!  ;D  Just be prepared to deal with words that don't exsist, like: "Jeet jet?" , "Yinz",  "Dantan", "Sa'side" and my personal favorite "n'at"

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Value of Fiction
« on: September 01, 2007, 07:42:12 PM »
Not being there to acctualy hear the argument, i can't add much more that could've been said. Well a few jabs about the bitterness of authors who think their books are superior when no one wants to read them come to mind, but i'll be nice.

I read fantasy novels to escape reality. I can enter a fantasy world and watch a story unfold. To me, that's far more fun, insiprational, and creatively stimulating than a book about the real world. If i want to read about reality, i'll pick up a newspaper.

As for fluff, I wouldn't catagorize Mistborn as fluff. Trashy romance novels are fluff. There's lots of lovey- dovey happy scenes punctuated by melodramatic fights/mysteries/ whatever. When you read fluff, you know you're rotting your brain. if you don't feel like you're rotting your brain, it's not fluff.

And anyone who claims fantasy novels are children's stories has never read Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Campbell Award
« on: September 01, 2007, 07:24:27 PM »
Naomi Novik? Aren't those the books that treat dragons like bloody airplanes or some such?  And worse yet she sticks them in 19th century Europe.

Why isn't there a smiley to express my level of disgust? While I'm not surprised that she's nominated ((because people will read anything the the NYT claims should be a bestseller)) I'm still disappointed that she's there.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A gift...
« on: August 30, 2007, 11:57:28 PM »

I'm sorry to take so long getting back to you on this!  I think the picture is fantastic, and I'm VERY happy to get it.  I really need to get that Fan Art section of my website up and running, if only to display this!  Thank you so much.  I saw it right when you posted it, but I had a rather interesting week last week.

I'm linking this today on my website!

*faints away all fangirl like*

but seriously, if you build it they will come. I've got dozens of ideas on all the characters from Mistborn and even Elantris so if you put up the fan art site, i'll be happy to throw all my copious fanart at you.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A gift...
« on: August 25, 2007, 07:15:01 PM »
Thanks, polaris!  This is really great.  Personally I think I like this version better than the colored pencil version, but both are very cool.  You are talented!

 :) Thank you. I'm glad everyone likes it so far.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Coming 'round Chicago?
« on: August 25, 2007, 07:01:01 PM »
Any chance of some east coast dates? Preferably Pittsburgh Pa. or Charlotte Nc.? Hell, even Baltimore Md. would work... Just something that requires less than a 10 hour drive.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A gift...
« on: August 23, 2007, 01:06:21 AM »
As my brother would say, "That's a slice of nice!"  ;D  Thanks for sharing with all of us, Polaris, not just EUOL (Brandon)!

The colored pencil is cool too. I think I like it better because it makes Vin less cartoony. Both are nice, though.

Hey, can I use it as a screen saver??

Sure thing, knock yourself out.  ^.^  And everything i do looks cartoony, thats why i decided to major in animation. If you can't beat it...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A gift...
« on: August 22, 2007, 06:34:58 PM »
Thanks!   ^.^;;  It's not great, but i rather like it... it was supposed to be the scene where she's fighting Shan at the ball+ cloak  ((Hence the undies)) but now it appears to better suit the first battle in WoA.

There's also a colored pencil version here:

Brandon Sanderson / A gift...
« on: August 21, 2007, 11:34:18 PM »
This is just my way of saying thank you, Brandon. Mistborn was one of the best novels I've read in a long while. I'm one my way out the door to pick up No.2, but first I wanted to give you this, and I figured this was the best place to do it.

You're officially the first author to inspire me to do fanart.  Now I'll never hear the end of it from the Potter-heads.

If the image doesn't load you can also checkout the link here:

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