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Topics - The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Everything Else / Homemade Banana Bread
« on: September 29, 2003, 11:58:15 AM »
... is yummy.

Everything Else / I am a sick, sick man.
« on: September 26, 2003, 09:41:32 PM »
Now that I've given everyone on the forum fodder for teasing (that's my job, despite what MoD thinks of herself)...

In the last two days I have won two auctions for old school GI Joe Figures. Jinx and Scarlett. I only paid $3 for Jinx, AFTER shipping. I paid $8 after shipping for Scarlett, but she has the "file card" and all the gear too.
I needed more ninjas for my desk. Also, if I'm ever going to do the digital camera comic, I need more girls, so everyone can have a girlfriend. The problem is, I need more villains too. Maybe I'll just say all women are evil. That will even things up a bit.

Suggestions Box / Hey Jeffe
« on: September 26, 2003, 08:51:36 AM »
I don't see your article for the hero games expansion. Did you send that in? ( I only asked because I thought you had told me you wrote it already)

Rants and Stuff / grrr.
« on: September 23, 2003, 11:25:15 PM »
I'm bored and mad. someone challenge thelemur to a button man game

Everything Else / headache
« on: September 23, 2003, 11:11:54 PM »
ok, there's a big background image, but that's it.

break your brain on that.

Rants and Stuff / What is it with girls...
« on: September 23, 2003, 09:40:57 AM »
And their email addresses.

I'm looking over the roster of girls in the YW program (my wife is the YW secretary) and fully a third of these girls have email addresses that refer to "blonde." Usually "blondie." Are they TRYING to be stalked?

Every single one of them has a "cutesy" address like "prettyinpink" or "crickette" or something. One exception. One girl has her last name. it's... it's icky.

Rants and Stuff / pictures
« on: September 23, 2003, 09:13:19 AM »
Because none of you are interested, I uploaded more pictures of my incredibly cute family.

Rants and Stuff / birthday
« on: September 23, 2003, 12:04:49 AM »
because you asked for it (yes, I know you didn't). The 2003 saintehlers birthday/christmas list is up.

If I wasn't lazy I'd convert all those white backgrounds to match my gray. But guess what? I'm lazy, and this wil be enough to get my point across to people who will actually use the page (ie, my mom and my wife) who care very little about design.

Rants and Stuff / ugg..
« on: September 22, 2003, 11:03:58 PM »
I just (in the last 25-30 minutes) single handedly at half a bag of potatos chips and a third can of French Onion (flavor) dip
It was good, but I'm going to be paying for it for hours.

Role-Playing Games / Old School gamin
« on: September 20, 2003, 01:04:57 PM »
I finally bit the bullet and re-purchased SWRPG (and the sourcebook). The core book just arrived here at work. I'm full of Glee. As if the action figure war zone and the superhero posters (I finally settled on a JLA collapsed building rescue scene poster, and the ad poster for Superman/Wonder Woman: Whom Gods Destroy for my wall decoration) were not enough, now I've run around showing htem all the geeky little ads for astromech droids and Imperial Navy recruitment in the full color glossy pages. Sigh, it is now confirmed that I am an uber-nerd.

I also broke out my original Greyhawk setting manual. With the full size posters. Two of 'em to make the whole map. I thought about hanging them, but that would make me such a nerd that no one would even talk to me... which may actually be a good idea... hrm...

Movies and TV / 24 (first season, first 4 hours).... spoilers
« on: September 20, 2003, 10:48:21 AM »
Ok, I know I'm behind the curve, but I finally decided to see if it was all that. It is. I've only watched the first 4 hours though, so until I get back to the store and rent disc 2, please keep it to that.

Question, to anyone else who's seen this. The chick in the photograph at the end of ep 4, the one who told Joe to bomb CTU, is that Sutherland's wife? (I saw it at like, 2am, and didn't have the energy to go look for one of hte scenes with the family portrait, and the DVD had to go back this morning)

Suggestions Box / staff picks reminder
« on: September 15, 2003, 11:02:44 AM »
The first one has been submitted.

The next one will be about fantasy movies. I expect to see a lot of Lord of the Rings submissions for this, so if you could treat the whole LOTR series as ONE film, so we have a little more diversity on this, that'd be nice.

So email your picks to [email protected]

Rules Reminder:
  • No more than three recommendations
  • Limit your explanation for WHY we should watch the movie to 50 words or less.
  • email them to me at the above address. Don't post them.
  • Deadline is 11:59 PM (that's 23:59 for you military folks) on September 19, 2003.

Again, if we're to be realistic about the deadline, I'll still include your comments if it gets to me before I write the thing, which this week was on Monday mornnig.

Rants and Stuff / Funny
« on: September 12, 2003, 05:58:02 PM »
I like Dave Barry. But I really love it when he has an actual effect:

MIAMI, Sept. 12 -- Now it's the telemarketers who are getting the calls, thanks to Dave Barry, humor columnist for The Miami Herald. In his Aug. 31 column, Barry urged readers to call the American Teleservices Association and
"tell them what you think" about telemarketers.
    "I'M SURE THEY'D love to hear your constitutionally protected views! Be sure to wipe your mouthpiece afterward," wrote Barry, whose column is syndicated to some 500 newspapers across the country.
      Thousands of readers responded with a flood of calls to the group's offices, causing the association to stop answering its phones.
      ATA executive director Tim Searcy said the added calls will be costly to the group because of toll charges and staffing issues. "It's difficult not to see some malice in Mr. Barry's intent," Searcy said.
      Barry hardly sounded apologetic.  
      "I feel just terrible, especially if they were eating or anything," he said. "They have phones like the rest of us have phones. Their attitude seems to be if you have a phone, people are allowed to call you."
      Callers to ATA now hear a recording that says because of "overwhelming positive response to recent media events, we are unable to take your call at this time."

Suggestions Box / Hey Fell
« on: September 09, 2003, 01:01:58 AM »
I finally sent in that Light Speed review. since I understand that both it and Timeline are short reviews, maybe you could post them both at once, even linking to them both in the same blurb

And on that note, Button Men ends up getting three reviews. One for the game (by Cheapass). one for the Button Men Online site (by a masochistic individual who programed it), and one for the Buttonlords expansion (By Green Knight, and the only one that we actually got sent material for). They could also be a one day thing. I was even going to do them all in one review, but it was too scattered. Just an FYI

Suggestions Box / weekly fiction?
« on: September 06, 2003, 12:16:50 AM »
I'm considering taking one of these half-arsed ideas I had in high school and doign a weekly serial.

If I did so, would you rather see
Comedic space-faring, post-apocalyptic androids?
Comedic epic fantasy staring a ninja alter-ego of mine?
four-color superheroes fighting against mysterious  oppression, sort of a Teen Titans meets X-Men meets The Prisoner
Me shut my big yap.

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