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Messages - stridera

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Site News / Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« on: August 07, 2009, 09:50:36 AM »
My name is Matthew Jones.  I grew up in Salt Lake City (Holiday area) and left for the Air Force when I was 22.  I'm currently 29 (30 in less than a month) and I work as a Software Engineer for Microsoft in Silicon Valley.  Hobbies include writing (fantasy), programming, Japanese stuff (I've applied for a few jobs in Tokyo, so wish me luck.)

Always looking for more friends who will help keep me motivated to finish this book, so feel free to say hi!.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: August 07, 2009, 08:37:20 AM »
You're right, Cardinal rules never hurt anyone... except altar boys, but I'm way past that stage!

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: August 07, 2009, 05:23:23 AM »
Many thanks!  And, just in case, I'll start practicing dodging stuff. :)

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: August 06, 2009, 11:44:02 PM »
If I may be so humble, I would like to join this group as well.  I'd like to read/critique a few times before submitting my own work so that I ensure I don't break any cardinal rules. ;)

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: August 06, 2009, 11:37:11 PM »
Hello All...
My name is Matthew Jones, but I often go by StriderA online.  I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, joined the Air Force when I was 22, went to Iraq once where I drove convoys, and I am currently a Software Engineer for Microsoft in Silicon Valley, CA.  Main influences to my writing are common fantasy works (since you can't really get around that) and Japanese culture.

I was another one that found his way over to this side of the fence due to the Jordon/Sanderson deal, but actually quite enjoy it.  It's nice to see so many people from my hometown as well. :)  (Too bad there aren't many from down here in Cali though...) 

Writing Excuses as well as these forums gave me the inspiration to pick up a book I started writing before joining the Air Force and give it another go.  I hope that you guys will help me keep up the momentum and inspiration to finish it so I can truly call myself a writer.  Cheers!

That totally depends on the games you play. ;)  I think games sap the time better spent doing other things, but they can give some inspiration as well.  I just finished Assassins Creed and it's given me a few ideas that seem interesting.  Wow will give you ideas (if you look for them) but by the time you get around to doing anything other than playing wow, the world might be about to end...

I do agree with WriterDan though... read!  If nothing else it'll put you in a world, albeit someone elses, where you can look around and think of what you want to do.  Or you can follow in Dan Wells footsteps and become a serial killer.  Your work should give you lots of research for that, no?  Your call. :)

Role-Playing Games / Re: Any Roleplaying groups out there?
« on: August 06, 2009, 10:38:52 AM »
I was up in the Holiday area and spent most of my free times in the canyons.  I did have two groups that I played with, but they fell apart before I left the area at 22.  My parents now live down in Alpine, and I'm wondering if that's the place to be.  I'm in a (somewhat boring) D&D 3.0 campaign now.  Anyone in Silicon Valley area want to start something?  Anyone?

Everything Else / Re: Add +5 to your Charsima
« on: August 06, 2009, 10:34:03 AM »
Holy crap.. I am penniless now!  You amaze me with your ability to see the future... um.. spare a dime?

Dan Wells / Re: WorldCon and World Fantasy
« on: August 06, 2009, 10:27:48 AM »
i live in San Jose and will be at World Fantasy.  If anyone needs anything while they're down here or anything setup before hand (*cough* within reason please *cough*) let me know. :)

Writing Group / Re: Inspiration
« on: August 06, 2009, 10:21:09 AM »
Everywhere for me ;)  (Yea, it's a cop out, but oh well)  Whenever I have a dream I remember vividly, I try to write it down... but have yet to consider writing any of them.  They're cool to think about but, as someone else said, not really story worthy.  In my case, I tend to think of a lot of concepts I would like in my books.  Magic, innovation, good twist, etc, and I just think how I can do it in a way that is unique.  That said, my best ideas are almost always when I'm laying in bed attempting to fall asleep.  I'm constantly pulling out my iphone and adding notes at 2-3 am.  Sucks when I'm trying to sleep, but the next morning I'm glad I wrote them down.  Also, other books are great and making you think of ideas.  Brandon has said on the podcast a few times that he likes to read something and think how he can make it better.  I think that's great advice.

Recently, I've actually decided to buckle down and start writing my first novel.  (I started it well over five/six years ago but it got lost in the muddle of school/military/life/etc.)  Anyway, I'm writing in third person limited, and I keep getting distracted by small things.  For example, I noticed "he" everywhere in my text.  (The first scene involves him returning to his childhood home in the midst of a battle... so not much external dialog, just description and movement.)

So, first thing I do is look at other third person limited texts (Hills like White Elephants, by Hemmingway, for example) and now that I'm looking for it, I see other writers using 'he' about as much as I am.

So, now that you read all that... I guess the real question is... how do I train myself to ignore these things (and not stop writing to read other stuff... and post in a forum ;) and just keep writing?  Is it better to ignore everything I see (or think I see) and just keep going or is it better (since this is my first book and will probably be thrown away at the end anyway) to keep doing these side quests and call it a learning experience?  And, do hills really look like white elephants???  Aigh, the questions!

Thanks in advance.

Everything Else / Re: Add +5 to your Charsima
« on: August 06, 2009, 05:05:24 AM »
I don't mind if I'm flea ridden as long as I'm successful :)  Nobody can see the fleas on the other side of the book ;)

I just thought it was humorous that a forum directed to fiction writers, which by definition is information that is technically false, had that as the first 'rule.'  But, then again, I'm sure there are a million ways someone could spin the word or concept of 'false' information.

Video Games / Re: Steam ID
« on: August 05, 2009, 08:38:16 PM »
stridera :)

XBox gamer tag: Utaboshi
Steam ID: stridera

I play RPGs/Action on xbox and FPSs on steam.  Feel free to hit me up for a game. :)

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