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Messages - bamnptow

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: February 26, 2008, 04:26:32 AM »
I am new to Brandon Sanderson's work, having heard of him because of the recent WoT announcement.  I decided to try Warbreaker as an introduction to his work prior to the release of AMoL, and I am glad I did.

I love the fact that he decided to release this as an e-book, particularly the opportunity for his fans to participate in the writing of the novel in some small, but significant ways.  I assure you, Brandon, that I will buy a copy of Warbreaker when it is released in print, even if I have read a final, edited draft online, if only to show support for your efforts.

Overall, I liked Warbreaker.  There are certainly a few typos, missing words, and minor holes, but it is very good, particularly given that it is perhaps 4 drafts away from a final release (I read the PDF, version 4.2). 

I disagree with some of what I have read in this forum -- I found that I was hooked at the start of the book.  The opening line in the Prologue is outstanding.  I wanted to know, after just 1 sentence, all about Vasher.

A few of the other things I liked about the book:
  • I liked the humor, particularly where Lightsong was concerned.  It got a little thick at times, but it was fun and contrasted well with the seriousness of the overall situation.
  • I liked the fact that the "reluctant hero called to save the world" was a girl.  I also like that it turned out that she really wasn't special.  Siri wasn't the magician/wizard/hero, she was just a normal girl who matured and did the best she could with what she had.  She actually made things worse is some ways, but she did her best and grew along the way.
  •   Similarly, I liked seeing Siri's growth contrasted with Vivenna's almost complete collapse.  Honestly, I thought the contrast between the sisters was the strongest part of the characters in the book.

There were a few things that I think could use some work.  Please take these in the spirit they are intended -- suggestions for making a good draft just a little better.
  • First, I think the title is off.  The title suggests that this is Vasher's story, but I thought for 90% of the book that I was reading Siri's story.  As I was nearing the end, I kept wondering who the heck Warbreaker was going to be.  I certainly considered Vasher, but I also considered Lightsong and Denth.  Perhaps this was intentional, but it strikes me as a bit strange.
  • Second, chapter 45 is only 4 sentences long.  They are strong (Lightsong's dream of the sacking of T'Telir), but I was surprised to see a chapter of that length.  Again, perhaps this was intentional.
  • Third, I agree with what some others have said about the apostrophe's in the names of people and places.  I think it is vastly overdone.  T'Telir is the only one I can recall from Warbreaker, but I gather from other posts that there were more in earlier drafts.  Good idea to get rid of them.  I know part of the idea is to make the names seem more foreign to English speakers by including sounds that we do not normally hear, but I think there are better ways of making the reader feel that a character, a city, or a world are alien to him.
  • I thought the end had a few cliched moments -- Denth stabbing everybody in the left shoulder to prolong his duels, Vasher and Vivenna walking away into the sunset together, etc.   I almost would have preferred to have the book end right after the rescue of Siri.  I think the moment was stronger.  Perhaps this reveals my Robert Jordan fandom -- he is notorious for not giving you the whole story at the end of his WoT books.

Again, thank you Brandon for your work on this, and for releasing it to the public this way.  It has been a fun exercise.  I look forward to reading future drafts, and eventually buying Warbreaker in hardcover.

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