Games > Table-Top Games

HC Origins!

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I've finally got excited about this since I have money to buy the figures, WK has been horribly slow posting updates to their site about figures but once they lost Bro Magnus that's been the norm so unfortunately I haven't seen pictures but I've got stats!


Vandel Savage  IL U
Gentlemen Ghost  IL U
Alfred   Bat Chaser
Mirror Maser REV
Copper Head REV
Green Lantern REV

Little disappointed in Savage, was hoping for more regeneration (ie General level) but he's got it on his second click with his first being invulnerability, that's nasty.  He's not much of a threat alone against V Green lantern (Arch-enemy) but against the rookie and Exp he could be.  Speaking of GL, the Vet is almost as strong as KC GL

A full REV of Green Lantern? I figured we'd just get a unique, but I won't argue with more. Bring on Alan Scott!

Okay: having gone through the link you posted, I'm not officially very excited about this set. All the previews they posted were boring as crap to anyone who's not a DC historian, and I figured the set would hold no interest for me, but it's actually full of awesome figures that people actually want. New REVs of Steel and Supergirl? A full REV of Cyborg Superman? A Unique of Sandman? Now I just need money.

I'm probably going to pick up a brick tomorrow, I have the money just haven't decided on exact number of boosters I want, I can stop by and open them at your place if you want.

Groovy. Just be prepared for me to pull a gun on you if you open any of the really rad stuff I want.

Do you want me to show up after the kids are in bed or after work (5ish)? 

I still owe you a b-day present too so I'm sure you'll walk away with something.


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