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Topics - PaperSword

Pages: [1]
Role-Playing Games / Forsakers, how to destroy.
« on: June 29, 2004, 11:38:08 PM »
In an upcoming D&D campaign, a player, using the Masters of the Wild Guidebook, is becoming a Forsaker by lvl.2. They recieve an extra ability point per level of the 10 level class, not only that, but they recieve fast healing, damage reduction, and other abilities. How could the other four members of the party get around to destroying this character if he became to strong. He also adds his Con mod to his AC. The others are: A Lawful Neutral Human Fighter from Cormyr, Knight of Helm(i'm going to multi-class into Divine Champion.), two Wizards, one normal the other necromancer, both are then going to go into Palemaster from Tome and Blood guidebook, oh..and finally..a druid going to multi-class into fighter...grumble, grumble....

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