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Topics - vegetathalas

Pages: [1]
Reading Excuses / Dec7 -- Godsplay -- Chapter One -- Vegetathalas
« on: December 07, 2009, 04:02:50 PM »
Check out my sexy new icon. 

Post Chapter 1 comments here. Go wild!

[WARNING: This chapter is rated 'G' for Extreme Girly-ness.]

Reading Excuses / Godsplay Prologue
« on: November 10, 2009, 02:48:04 AM »
This novel is finished and has been through a couple drafts so I'm looking for fresh eyes to tell me what you think.

What are you confused about? What don't you like? Is there anything in there that would make you put the book down?

Most of the chapters I email out will be shorter. And not as graphically violent.

Here is the "Wheel of Time" type prophecy/scriptures that open the book:

“And the Ur-Lord gnawed on himself and did not bleed and so decided He was God.

“Other Gods formed from men’s thirsting dreams and so died when unloved, but the Ur-Lord leapt from void to void and dream to dream, and none had power over Him...

“He stretched out fingers whittled by great hunger and quenched the younger stars. ‘Kill me,’ He cried, and the lesser Gods slew Him again and again, but He did not die.

“...After the war ended and the ravens had gorged themselves on the flesh of dead Gods, the survivors sealed the Ur-Lord away in a tomb of fire and pain. And His followers cried out: ‘O, Great Father, deliver us! Death itself is crushed in your mouth!’

“But the Ur-Lord slept on, oblivious, turning in his bed of fire and ash...”

--Luc 1:11-21, 23, The Tome of Heresies.


“If even the Gods are mad, what chance do mere mortals have?”

--Anonymous itinerate philosopher, 1145 L.B.

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