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Topics - Master Xaio

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Movies and TV / Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman
« on: March 11, 2005, 06:11:00 AM »
First off, I'm not sure if there's been a thread about this.  If I've missed it, pls direct me to it and I'll shutup.

Zatoichi (or Zato Ichi) was a comic book character - a blind swordsman who posed as a masseur, a gambler, who wandered the countryside.  He was a master swordsman, the best alive.

The movie itself... acting - most of the acting was terrible.  Its going to sound racist and harsh, but its like a lot of japanese movies, at least the cheap ones.  

Characters were as thin as paper, despite the attempts to show motivation etc.

Storyline was.... pretty pathetic really.

Action: Hm... pretty much the bloodiness of Kill Bill, though not quite so comedy like as that.  It doesn't really follow any of the conventions these days eg. the 'showdown' sword fight ended in 5 seconds after it began.  Kinda a letdown.  

It had some interesting points - Zatoichi himself was ok, there was a little bit of Zen (not worth watching for though) and there was some interesting music which tied in with the rythm of extras in the background, digging in fields etc.

The thing which was really wierd, was that after the storyling was all over, just before the end, there was a general conglomeration of all teh good characters who joined in synchronised japanese line tap-dancing... kinda wierd.

So yes...

Rants and Stuff / A&F Galore 3.2 - Oh Father, What Art Thou?
« on: February 23, 2005, 06:29:36 PM »
Ok ppls - this is the new, better, and updated thread.  It follows on from Angst and Frustrations Galore mk1 & 2.

So, the basic facts.

Saturday & Sunday, Beca was having a huge fight with her parents.

It ended with her father half strangling her, threatening to kill her, telling her it was her fault, and chucking her out.  Her mum was going to sydney for two weeks.

Beca was put on the school bus with only her school books, told she was lucky she was getting out without a slap, and that if she came back, she'd get one.  

I'd convinced her to go to school counserlor - she did.  They talkedto Docs etc.  She spent the night in a refuge, ther ehave been a few dramas, but yeah.  Tuesday she spent the night there as well.  Wednesday she went down by train to sydney.

Her plan is:
Go to sydney, meet up with mother.  
Stay with mother for weeks while in Sydney.
Go backup.
Her mum has promised to help her moveinto a place sh'es found with two other girls who have moved out, about 15kms away.

I've talked to her about my concerns -
(My main concerns are:
1. The fault thing, and the psychologist thing - she can't start thinking its her afult. I'm going to have to be very careful to ensure that.
2. That she never goes bback.  Not even for a day, and accepts no compromises about that.
3. My other concern is that if she goes with her mother, etc. she may come back under the control of her stepfather again... not cool.   )

- and yeah, she's good about them.  THings are starting to go ok.  There'll prob be at least one more big altercation but its ok for the min... *crosses fingers*.  Now we all just catch up on our sleep.  

If you want details, or there are things i've missed etc. - pls ask me, I'll repost them.  And I'll post with updates.

Thank you to everyone for your support.

Rants and Stuff / Angst & Frustrations Galore Mk2.
« on: January 27, 2005, 06:45:54 PM »
Ok, ppls, first of, this thread is not intended to reinstate the various arguements about who's insulting who, who's taken who's toys, the meaning of life, existence of god etc.  Thank you.


Some fairly big developments:

- We've been having a lot more dramas, you can go, you can't, etc.
- A few failed attempts.
- We're picking Beca up tomorrow.
- We've finally found out what the root of the problem is.  

So, we've finally had to offer to drive the 6 hours over and pick her up (they wouldn't even let her catch a bus 3 hours into armidale even tho, y'know, they've kinda let her catch a bus from brisbane to here... well over 6 or 7 hours).    

And this morning, in a nice big lecture to Beca we found out what the problem is:

<please insert drumrolls, cymbal clashes etc.  These sounds are not complimentary from the establishment>

The mother is concerned about -her- reputation.  I mean, ----ing hell.  She's happy with letting Beca go, but she's concerned about their REPUTATION!?? Even among Beca's friends, who all really want Bec to go, and have been trying to help? Its a joke, I swear the woman is stupid, constipated, and more scatter-brained than concievable!

At least we're seeing each other.  Ye gods, someone shoot me, 5 months wasted because the mother was too constipated to just come out and discuss her worries... *sigh*

Rants and Stuff / Angst & Frustrations Galore
« on: January 05, 2005, 05:53:17 AM »
Ok, this is going to be long.  To some of you it may just seem like whinging, and in the big scheme of things its not that important I spose, but... yeah.  Anyway.  'The story so far...'

This is about a girl.  Some of you obviously want to tune out now.  Thank you.  So...

I met her online, and she lived near me, so we met up.  One thing led to another, we started going out, etc.

Then she moved.  Her parents wanted money to buy some surrounding properties, so they moved to a little town called Premer (hole++) to run a general store.  Its 5 and a half hours away.  So this was back in september.  

For various reasons, we weren't able to see each other, but we were told early December, we'd be able to meet.   We finally get to late November.  Her mother:

"Oh, no, definitely not until the 9th, we're too busy".

About the 8th.  Again, her mother:

"Well, its the harvest season now, sorry, you'll have to wait until early January.  Definitely then."

All throughout this we've both been told various lovely things by our parents including:

"Stop being so selfish"
"Its only a zillioneth of a lifetime"
"Just get over it"
"A few more months doesn't matter"

You get the point.  We get to January, and her mother is putting off calling, again and again, refusing to give us a date.  My dad has to go away on the 10th, and we were kinda hoping for it being before then, as her mother wanted to meet both my parents.  Her mother's opinion:

"Well why don't we wait until he gets back?"  Because, y'know, as we *(&%#ing told you, my father will be away until the end of Febuary.

So it went on and on like this until monday.  Then we get the killer.  This is a general overview of the conversation between Beca and her mother, excluding the half hour of expletives from the parents...

Her mother and father were discussing 'whether or not Beca was mature enough to stay over at someone's place' (though she's done it **many** times before).

Beca: The reason you're saying that is so you don't have to organise the trip.
Parents:  We don't need our "integrity impugned" (sp?) by a 14 yr old! You can't go visit him until you're more mature.

And... now they won't talk about it AT ALL, and we're left wondering.  We don't know how long its gonna be, its been about 4 months since we last saw each other, so... yeah.  


Everything Else / Request
« on: November 21, 2004, 06:15:41 AM »
I'm trying to sign up for a Photobucket account.  Unfortunately, they are only accepting sign ups to free accounts during a certain window of time, during which I actually don't have access.  Therefore....

Could someone please, if they have the time, create me an account?

Just for the email: master_xaio at yahoo dot com dot au
username: any variant on 'xaio' is fine by me
password: just, 'password' is fine.  

I would very much appreciate this.

Rants and Stuff / Really, Really... Great
« on: June 08, 2004, 11:49:08 PM »
Ok, a few weeks ago some idiots got in trouble at school for looking at pr0n.  It was thanks to a friend of mine that the system admins found out - and fair enough, its his job to keep an eye on the computer room.  However, since then they've been targeting my friend and I.  I've had comments posted on my webpage (extremely foul), I've had things thrown, snide remarks etc.  However, yesterday something else happened.

They attacked my laptop.

I stepped outside for a minute in an unsupervised class, and came back in to find a nice large hole in the casing.  It could only have been done by someone belting it with something.  This has voided my warranty, and it lets dust in.  On top of this, the chances of them paying for this are low.  So I'm in a great mood.

Rants and Stuff / Fire Alarm
« on: May 12, 2004, 12:15:19 AM »
Well, that was fun.  We just got dragged out of the computer room, away from the BOFH Archives (Bastard Operator From Hell, To stand in the sun for 15 minutes.  As it turns out some student managed to set it off by accident or something.  There are a few things about this which irritate me:

1. Getting Dragged out of computer room
2. Having to sit in a room for lunchtime while they try to make someone own up
3. I'm disappointed the student didn't cover their tracks better, they should have made it look like a real accident.

Incidentally, has anyone here actually heard of one of these alarms actually being true?

Everything Else / Chat
« on: May 05, 2004, 08:34:52 PM »
Well, we have a bit of a problem at my school.  

At out school, we have several computer rooms of computers, and they all used to have MSN Messenger installed on them.  They were wiped of it, due to abusive conversations going on during class.  However, until a day or so ago, students who brought their own computers in were able to access MSN (ie. Me and my friends).

That was fine.  But now some idiots, thanks to an ex-friend of mine spreading it around, are bringing in their computers and using MSN.  So its been blocked, port blocked.  We suspect that we can fairly easily get around it (if u know what you are doing, which the idiots don't) but if we fail, what are our other options.

Ie. what can you suggest for alternative chat clients, or free (private) forum setting-up

Everything Else / Thread of Beating, Abuse, and Wierd Conversation.
« on: April 26, 2004, 07:33:04 PM »
The Idea of this thread is, if u have an argument, remove it here and abuse and pay each other out as much as you like, but keep it of the more serious threads

Everything Else / The Meaning of Life
« on: April 24, 2004, 10:02:39 AM »
Ok then people, bring it on.  Whats your theories? And if you dare say "There is no point", I will castrate you.  

Books / Eragon
« on: April 24, 2004, 09:42:14 AM »
Ok, well I've just finished reading Eragon, which I got out of the library.  I'm not sure if you've read it, but if not the basic story is that a kid discovers a dragon egg, and become friends with it, decides to overthrow evil king etc. etc.

Now though the writing was good, the book *really* irritated me.  Why? Because it was pretty much a complete series of rip-offs.  It is a classic case of formula writing.  Plus there are rip-offs from tolkien and robert jordan to name a few.  "The Thirteen Foresworn" - sounds a bit like the Nazgul, no?  The 'Urgals' are almost exactly like trollocs.  "The Last Battle" is *very* similar in format to the last battle of the first WotR.  

I'd be interested in your comments, because tho it was a good yarn, all the rip-offs and the formula writing irritated me.

Rants and Stuff / Seriously...
« on: April 06, 2004, 10:48:47 PM »
Ok, this is where I complain about the state of education in Australia, while also enjoying the fact that i can do literally *no* work and get full marks in an HSC course.

First things first.  For all you foreign suckers, the HSC is the test taken at the end of High-School.  A lot of people stress about it.

Now I'm doing 1 subject for the HSC this year; IPT.  Information Processes and Technology.  Its about computers, and well... Information Processes and Technology.

Today, I have an exam for IPT.  I have done nearly *no* study.  And yet I still expect to pass with flying colours.  Why? Because it is ridiculously easy.  Most of it a completely un-computer-literate person could answer.

One of the questions in a sample paper: "What is an email?"

I mean please...  I should now go to the exam soon, and I should study, but I can't be bothered, and as it won't affect my mark... who cares?

Rants and Stuff / Identity
« on: April 03, 2004, 08:53:24 AM »
Ok, there is something you people should know.  My full name is Beau Horton-Hunter, and I live in coffs harbour.  my middle name is Kim, so I wasn't lying when I said my name was kim. I go to the same school that JP used to, plus I'm doing uni.  i am fourteen years old.

I came on anonymously because in general I don't like advertising my prescence, and I wanted to get established here first.  my apologies if any of this offends you, but i thought you ought to know now.  

Rants and Stuff / Suicide, Depression and Nerds
« on: April 01, 2004, 08:13:47 PM »
Ok, I'm not really sure if this is the right place to put this, but if nessercary i will post it somewhere different.

I have a friend who is a nerd.  He is currently very depressed, due to the fact that he has no life, and spends his whole time in front of a computer, both at school and at home.  So he needs to get out.  However, he also has a problem with his parents; they won't seem to let him go out at all.  He was invited with me and some others to a LOTR movie, and he couldn't come because his parents chucked a psych.  He wants to move out, but he doesn't have enough money.

Now, I'm getting kinda worried cause for example, just the other night he asked me whether there was any point to life.  I'm really hoping he won't commit suicide.  Any suggestions?

Rants and Stuff / Good Gods
« on: March 29, 2004, 06:08:28 AM »
I don't believe it! It has been about 3 or 4 hours since someone posted here! This is incredible...

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