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Topics - Fellfrosch

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CCGs / Turkey must be doing something right
« on: August 07, 2003, 07:19:11 PM »
The Magic World Championships are this weekend, and it's brought a certain fact clearly to light: Our National champions look like this:
while Turkey's looks like this:
Seriously...what are we doing wrong?

France's champions, in case your curious, look like this:

Role-Playing Games / D&D Miniatures
« on: August 07, 2003, 03:40:32 PM »
Well, Mr. Postman just brought my starter pack of the new collectible D&D miniatures, and since I'm home eating lunch I thought I'd give you guys my first impression.

a) The figures are very small. Well, not VERY small, probably about Warhammer scale, but for someone accustomed to Mage Knight they strike me as pretty tiny. They are also very dark, with a generally subdued color palette that obscures a lot of the detail unless you're looking very closely. The paint job and the sculpts are middling--better than Mage Knight's first set, certainly, but not quite up to current WizKids standards.

b) As a stand-alone game, it looks very complex. It doesn't have any of the elegance or simplicity of Mage Knight (it's only competition in the realm of collectible miniature games), and the rule book is thick and intense. On the bright side, the game looks essentially identical to a D&D combat round. If you're already into D&D and know the system, playing this game will be cake--if a bit lacking in the roleplaying department.

c) As a companion to the RPG, I have to admit it looks pretty cool. It comes with a big fold-out maps and several full-color map cards, and could facilitate battles quite helpfully. The problem, of course, is that you'll have to buy a ton of packs to get all the guys you need for a given adventure (or just structure your adventure around the random guys you open in a pack--but how many adventures require you to fight a lone kobold?).

d) A starter costs 20 bucks and has 16 guys, so you're getting a better cost-per-figure than Mage Knight. Still kind of expensive, though. I'm not sure what boosters cost or how many are in one, but we'll see.

Table-Top Games / Mage Knight 2.0
« on: July 29, 2003, 04:56:07 PM »
They call it 2.0, but it's actually very similar--old sets are still 100% compatible, and the powers and basic rules aren't changing. They are adding a few things, however, that sound pretty fun.

I have to say, though, I'm pretty upset about the fact that every starter will include the same set figure. It's free, I suppose, but I'd rather have a free random figure.

Here's a more detailed look at the new dial:

CCGs / Magic's new look
« on: July 29, 2003, 04:42:16 PM »
Magic's next block, Mirrodin, will apparently have a very strong biotech element to it, kind of harkening back to the phyrexians (in look and feel, though not in story). Whether or not the strong sci-fi elements are appropriate for Magic, I find them to be most pleasing.

Music / Cool Lyrics
« on: July 23, 2003, 07:10:00 PM »
Just a random assortment of any song lyrics that you happen to find funny, profound, interesting, well-formed, or anything else. You need not provide context or even an artist, unless you want to. I'll start with that old classic...

25 or 6 to 4

Site News / An Apology
« on: July 23, 2003, 05:51:02 PM »
I haven't posted a lot of articles or participated much in the forum recently, and there are two reasons for that. The first is that I've been incredibly swamped with work--not fun time-wasting work, but actual real work that results in me getting paid; you can imagine where my priorities are forced to lie.

The second reason is that our website is doing something really screwy every time we try to post an article. If it's an article I wrote then I can just try again, but if it's an article submitted by someone else (such as Jeffe's excellent Changeling review) I lose it completely. So Jeffe, is you could resubmit that I'd be most grateful.

We honestly don't know why the site is acting this way. We think it might be a problem with bad quotes, but that doesn't explain why we never used to have quote problems and now we have them in every single article. It's a puzzle. But keep heart--we'll get it fixed, and we'll toss out as many reviews as we can meanwhile.

Site News / Wizkids Publishing
« on: July 21, 2003, 06:41:15 PM »

Wizkids has created a publishing division, allegedly to produce novels and comicbooks. We all know the truth, though--when a game company that already publishes novels says it wants to create a publishing division, it means they want to do roleplaying games. It's a very good idea, actually: they've got the licenses for Shadowrun and Mechwarrior, and there's ample material in Mage Knight to do a killer RPG. I guess we'll see.

Wizkids is really pulling a WotC, which I think is a great move for them--they created a new genre of game (collectible miniatures), made a zillion dollars off it, and are using it to climb their way to a major position in the gaming world. And three years ago they didn't even exist.

Site News / Article #500!
« on: July 07, 2003, 04:45:23 PM »
The article we posted today was #500. Hooray! Could it be significant that the article in question references the Apocalypse in its title?

CCGs / Live Action Magic
« on: June 30, 2003, 11:34:03 AM »
This is both surreal and kind of funny.

Table-Top Games / Indy Heroclix
« on: June 19, 2003, 04:15:22 PM »
Finally, they've released some images! Here we have Hellboy, Danger Girl, someone who I think is Witchblade, and some dude I don't know:

And here we have Judge Dredd flanked by two more people I don't know:

The little press blurb talks about "unique powers," which presumably refers to the new team abilities. Do you think they might have new basic powers as well? I guess we'll find out.

Books / Evil Storytime: The Winter King
« on: June 17, 2003, 01:18:07 PM »
Use this thread for all discussions related to our current Evil Storytime book, The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell. If you're reading along at home, have the first sub-book read by Saturday.

Movies and TV / Death's Apprentice
« on: May 22, 2003, 12:41:10 PM »
A few years ago, Tage and I got involved with local author Dave Wolverton in his attempt to start a production company. We eventually realized that his eyes were a little bigger than his capacity to follow through, so nothing much happened with it, but in the process we came up with about a dozen in-depth treatments for TV shows. One of these, developed exclusively by Tage and I, was about a high school girl who becomes an apprentice to Death. She has to go around a collect souls from people who are scheduled to die, and occasionally she has to collect them by force from people who refuse to die. It had some very interesting elements, and in the years since Tage and I keep coming back to it and wishing we could actually do something with it.

The thing is, somebody already did--it's coming out on Showtime in a month. The people involved have no connection to us, so we're not crying plagiarism or anything, but the concept is remarkably similar. I mean amazingly similar. It's one of those times where you really wish you'd done something with the idea instead of just sitting on it.

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