Local Authors > Robison E. Wells

Awake 2

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Oo!  I want to see that.  Do you think you can post it?

House of Mustard:
I can't.  Actually, due to me posting some of my editor's emails on my blog, she's now started putting a little confidentiality blurb at the bottom of her emails.  I'd mentioned a little too much of their processes that they didn't want competitors to know.  I think it's hilarious.

The email wasn't really anything great, though, so you're not missing anything.  Basically, I'd told them the book would be done in February, and it isn't.  I'm not on a contracted deadline, but they want to see it as soon as they can.

JP Dogberry:
heheh...Stick it to the MAN!

Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock:
So, what's the 'E.' stand for? I did enjoy the book. The acknowledgements and about the author pages were my favorite two. =P You should write an afterword for the second one discerning where all this goofy material came from and how you got your info on just how subtle airport security would be at 3 am and what would happen if someone continued using their broken wristed hand after it's been broken for days. Fell must not of been too happy about those little trials and tribulations.

House of Mustard:
The E stands for Earl.

And yes, no doctors were consulted in the writing of the book.  (However, doctors were consulted for the writing of the sequel.)


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