Alternate Realities > TW(i)G

intresting idea

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You know, I should really pick your brain for things like this more often, Sprig.  With all that History channel you watch, you probably see lots of interesting things like this.  Maybe you should become a history major, eh?  (Not that you can do anything with a history degree....)

Well I am the type of person that is seriously considering ordering the first 5 of these books over getting a new desktop, each $120+.  mmmm, that's good reading.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I felt their history of the Middle Ages was a touch weak, actually. Nothing about the culture of extra-roman Europe. Maybe they did Japan better.

well there's less to cover since they're focusing on one small country instead of a region.

Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock:
You can get them for 120 used and/or new. But that is a bit lewdicris. To me anyways. Unless they're hardcover and bound in pure leather.

I have this book and this book waiting for me to get a chance to give them a good go-over. Of course I also have this book and this book to sift through right now. I've actually gotten through a few more tales of Lovecraft's. I tell you what, Lovecraft is one tough cookie to sift through.

As well, for class I have this book and peoples own work I have to correct and essentially grade.


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