Local Authors > Dan Wells

Buy Dan Bacon?

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There's a story here. I demand to know what it is (re: your link off the Writing Excuses website).


And don't tell me you just like bacon. That's a cop-out.

(I will say that I was laughing.out.loud at that list. Amusing on so many levels.)

I am feeling some serious love for that bacon wallet, man. It holds your money and it tastes good!

The only story here is that Brandon and Howard have books to sell, and I don't, so instead of a "buy's Dan's stuff" link under my author bio, there's a link to this wish list. And it works, too--so far I've received a wallet, an air freshener, some mints, some bandaids, a saint, and a T-shirt. All the REAL Dan fans are doing, and so should you.

I have never seen so much bacon inspired stuff in my life....I could have looked I suppose, but, I must not like bacon as much as Dan. ;) And the car air fresheners? Do they really smell like bacon? I love the list though, it is a treasure trove of gift ideas for you, and for  people in my own family. :)

The bacon air freshener is arguably the worst-smelling thing in the world. Imagine cardboard that has somehow gone bad, and then been left in a hot car all day. It is completely awesome.


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