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Dead Man Walking

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As nice as it is to believe that TWG is a raging money machine, I do have a real job outside of it. Or at least I did. The company I work for is doing a large wave of layoffs, and this morning they chopped off a significant portion of people in my department. One of them, sadly, was me.

I have three months of severance, which is nice, so I'm not on the street yet. I'll spend most of my time looking for jobs (know of any good ones?), but I imagine you'll also see a large influx of quality Fellfrosch reviews. Feel free to post your condolences here, and if you want to send cash, then by gum I won't stop you.

Mistress of Darkness:
My sincere condolences. Do you want to try and find something in the area? Or will you maybe move to another state?

2002 was my year of unemployment, and I learned that there is very little to do in Provo except call centers. You might try some places in SL county though. I had a little more luck there, once I finally had a car and could drive up there.

I will keep my ears open for you though. What kind of jobs are you looking for?

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
There's a good chance the Teaching CO. will be hiring soon, Fell, if'n you want to move to NoVA. Sorry 'bout the job.

Man, thats bad luck. The job, not the reviews.

Hope you get a new job. Not a new jon, as i always mispell that word.

Yeah that sucks that you lost your job. I always felt that there was a dark-underbelly to NuSkin. Their world plan to sell skin care products to make the human population more tasty to alien invaders is just the tip of the iceburg.

I wonder how that would look on your resume?


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