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Brandon Sanderson / *spoiler* thoughts on the 12th metal
« on: November 02, 2006, 12:49:15 PM »
Howdy all, first time posting... but I did look around a bit first to see if this was already being discussed and if it is, I can't find it.

So, I recently read Elantris and Mistborn, and have some thoughts ont he 12th metal.  In my opinion, Atium and the 11th metal appear to be paired (at least arguably so) based on the fact that atium allows one to see but not inerract with future possibilities, and the 11th metal allows one to see, but not interract with images aboutt he past.  also note, that both of these are external, which is to say that they are in reference to someone else.

Gold on the other hand, is more internal, or introspective, in that it lets you see who you were... but a key here is that you can also inerract wihth that person.  My gues is that the 12th metal allows one to see who they are likely to become, and interract wit that person.  This is actually pretty cool, as it would allow you to find out about future events from yourself.  Essentially you could learn fromt he hind-sight of who you might become.

Just a thought  :)

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