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An Announcement You Will Not Be Interested In


House of Mustard:
In my ongoing effort to become more and more like you Utah County folk, I'm going to the BYU this fall.  In preparation for this blessed event, I'm moving to Wymount TOMORROW.  If you'd like to stop by and wish me well (and help me carry a piano and a truckload of other items), you're more than welcome to.  We plan to be there at noon.

It's 864 Wymount Terrace, which is in building 16-F.

House of Mustard:
Many thanks to those who showed up (Sprig, Fell, 42, EUOL and Tage).  It was greatly appreciated.

I showed up about the time you were leaving SLC. I must say, however, that seeing Live Free or Die Hard was a fantastic excuse to leave before you got there.

Also, on an unrelated note, you are a cheese head.

If you go by NFL affiliations, he IS a cheese head.

Aen Elderberry:
What an interesting announcement.  Sorry I was out of town.  No, really, I'm sorry I couldn't be there.


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