Author Topic: Allomantric Table-Theory+Mistborn SPOILERS.  (Read 11510 times)


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Allomantric Table-Theory+Mistborn SPOILERS.
« on: August 17, 2011, 05:36:18 PM »
I was looking through the list of metals and their properties and it struck me-what if the alloys don't belong on the chart at all? There are supposed to be sixteen allomantric metals, not alloys.
What set me off was how very dissimilar some of the alloys were when compared to their base metals: gold and electrum for example.
My theory is that there are sixteen allomantric metals which can combine to form  allomantric alloys.

ulysses sword

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Re: Allomantric Table-Theory+Mistborn SPOILERS.
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2011, 06:21:35 PM »
I think that the "16 metals" includes alloys.  This may not fit the Wikipedia definition of a metal, but fits common usage well enough.  In addition, the alloys are specific in formulation, and grant powers that are distinct from their component elements.  For example Pewter (lead + tin) does not grant you the powers of tin (increased senses) and lead (? counteracting Tin, and giving strength? etc...).  Thirdly, it would require a pretty huge break in continuity from the 16/100 mistsickness being implied to include Mistings of all kinds, as well as a huge revision of the Allomantic table of elements.  Lastly Sazed says there are two metals they don't know of, not 9 or 10 as he would have said if there was 16 non-alloyed metals (although it's possible "nobody" knowing about them could be a valid counter point, if others knew about other non-alloyed metals).  Sorry, but I don't think this is very likely.


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Re: Allomantric Table-Theory+Mistborn SPOILERS.
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2011, 06:43:37 PM »
Sazed said that there were two they didn't know about, yet the Allomancy poster included four new "metals": chromium,nicrosil,cadmium and bendalloy.
My argument runs as follows and centers around the gold-electrum pairing:
1. Gold allows you to see what you might have been-that is alternative presents.
2. Electrum shows you what you will do-it's more absolute, unless your opponent is burning atium.


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Re: Allomantric Table-Theory+Mistborn SPOILERS.
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 09:24:51 PM »
Electrum shows what you will do if you continue your action, if you consciously change your action the shadow will change before it can happen. Also, you could say the same about malatium.

PS when sazed said that there were two more metals, I think he included the two god metals in his count of 16


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Re: Allomantric Table-Theory+Mistborn SPOILERS.
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2011, 10:48:18 PM »
PS when sazed said that there were two more metals, I think he included the two god metals in his count of 16
Somewhere in the big Mistborn Q&A thread, Brandon said Sazed was referring to two base metals.