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Messages - Eerongal

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Reading Excuses / Re: October 11th Eerongal Journeyman's Manifesto ch 2
« on: October 14, 2010, 06:22:19 PM »
You should use doublespacing.  It's the correct format and it's much easier to read, especially with dialogue.  Singlespace is just annoying./end rant

Actually, it was 1.5, not single :P

I intended to make it double, but looking back at it, i must've clicked 1.5 by accident, and just saw the lines "shift" and didnt really think about the fact that its too small for double.

Also, in regards to my tense slipping, yeah, i do that a lot, and i'm not exactly sure how i do. It just kinda happens. And rereading it, i dont notice it readily while i'm still working on it. I have to step away from it and come back after like several days to be able to notice it.

Everything Else / Re: Mistborn vs. Asha'man
« on: October 14, 2010, 02:19:54 PM »
I'm gonna say Asha'man, no question about it.

and not because of any fanboy-ism for WoT or thinking it's superior to mistborn or anything like that, but because the one power has basically consistently shown itself to be way more powerful than just about anything a mistborn can do.

Mistborn powers are more a thing of "i'm physically more powerful, with a few neat tricks, that if i'm clever enough, can be pretty potent" where as the one power is more like "I melted your flesh off in about half a second simply because i willed it to happen, and you are defenseless against the one power since you can't use it"

Reading Excuses / October 11th Eerongal Journeyman's Manifesto ch 2
« on: October 12, 2010, 03:06:16 AM »
In this chapter:

We meet two new people, in the midst of some sort of "sham" about to fail miserably, who are also apparently on Thu'dane's "hit list", and our old friend Jobber gets into a bit of a pickle.

(for tags, forgot in the email, sorry, but maybe a little [V]? but that'd be it, if we could even consider any part of it "violence" per say, probably more so "comic mischief" or something)

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: October 09, 2010, 02:03:03 AM »
I should have something to submit this coming monday :D

Reading Excuses / Re: October 4th-fireflyz-To Fulfill a Promise, CH1-VLS
« on: October 07, 2010, 03:34:28 AM »
All in all, i think this was very well done.

I agree with Hubay, the "cold ones" need a less generic name, even though we don't really know what they are/do yet.

One small thing that kinda bothered me a bit, though, was your use of language. Or rather, the mix of it. Some parts were spoken like they were out of a modern day setting (e.g. "My thanks, Jeffe. May your lips never miss the taste of my ass.") while others felt like they had a more archaic/old world feel (e.g. "Just be ware lest your pupils accidentally prick you instead.") and the mix back and forth just felt kinda odd. Overall, it was pretty good, but the two mentioned lines are the two that, to me, struck the most opposing cords.

The first example, also, brings up something else i'd like to mention, though this may be a preference thing. The swear word. As a disclaimer, I have no problem with swearing in books. However, modern day, common swear words to me feel really out of place in a medieval fantasy setting. I think it's better if you use a less-common equivalent, or preferably make up your own that sounds like it fits the rest of the language pattern. Like i said, this could just be personal preference, but to me, it feels really out of place, so take that as you will.

Books / Re: anyone use
« on: October 06, 2010, 08:10:21 PM »
I use/love it. So far, i've only seen one book series cost two credits, and that's George R. R. Martin's song of fire and ice series. Nothing else that i've seen and/or gotten has cost 2 credits. Also, even at two credits, it's cheaper per book than just buying it (it's 36 bucks after member discount, and a monthly 2 credit subscription is...uh....22 i think? i dont know, i havent checked in forever)

Note that you can also buy books, you dont have to subscribe and use credits.

Also, i use audible on my android phone. It is awesome. I highly recommend it!

Edit: i just quickly went through both the NYT best sellers and new releases lists and didnt see any costing 2 credits.

Further Edit: Leo laporte's podcast network regularly runs specials for audible, as they are a sponsor. Stuff like discount for X months, free trials, etc.

Looks like at current, you go to for a free trial.

Books / Re: 2 ebooks cost more than hardcover books on amazon
« on: October 06, 2010, 08:05:54 PM »
If the demand for ebooks increases, it does make economic sense to charge more for them than hardcover books.

I'm gonna say no. Though charging customers a price they are willing to pay makes economical sense, jacking up prices because of higher "demand" doesn't make much since with ebooks, since you're cutting out the "supply" equation of supply and demand.

i dont use ebooks either, i prefer to have an actual book, but there's no possible way i would pay more for a digital copy instead of a physical copy.

im not against the idea of ebooks, but they should reflect what they are. Digital data. Which is easier and more convenient to supply and deliver than any physical product.

Everything Else / Re: Cool Stuff Found on the Internet, again
« on: October 01, 2010, 03:33:08 PM »
Replica Batmobiles, only $150,000!

I need one. Like badly. It has WORKING. ROCKET. EXHAUST.

anyone wanna spot me? :D

Rants and Stuff / Re: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours
« on: September 29, 2010, 08:22:16 PM »
I'm getting really ticked about health insurance...


...So I'm grumpy.
Newest problem. I am hopping mad...


...we did not own for the fiscal year that applies.

Man, that's lame.

I've always been of the opinion that dealing with insurance companies and the IRS are the worst situations to get into, because there's almost no chance of you getting anything that resembles being fair for you, and you're stuck between both of them at the same time.

Reading Excuses / Re: A poll concerning previous submissions
« on: September 29, 2010, 12:58:18 PM »
I don't use a Mac, but I can't imagine it would be particularly difficult to find an FTP client that runs on Macs. The use of FTP is too wide-spread.

oh yeah. There's FTP clients for all OS's, that's not a big deal. But mapping it as a shortcut on your desktop is what I dont know about on other systems. I know windows can do it, just not sure about other OS's. Heck, if you can download files from the internet, then your system can do FTP, because really that's all it is (it stands for file transfer protocol), there's just, at this time, no plan for a web interface in front of it.

There are a number of words and terms that mean nothing to me.  Maybe I haven't read enough stories of the era to have the knowledge I need.
Here ya go, that may help with this. Its just a small guide to some victorian slang. Some words I made up in the style, though, others are words that I do know, but may not be in here. If you have questions on anything in particular, feel free to ask. I tried not to go overboard with older and unused terms, but I wanted to use enough to give it a feel of a victorian setting, without alienating the reader.

What stands out on the negative side is your mix of tenses, especially when in the same sentence.

Past, then present:
Jobber stepped out and stretches his legs.

Present, then past:
She may loath dealing with customers, but by the gods she loved her work.

And there is this:
various horse draw coaches clopped by,

yeah, those are errors. This is pretty much in first(-ish) draft at this point, i've done some proofreading and re-reading but things slip by, but thanks for pointing those out. :)

Reading Excuses / Re: September 27-fireflyz-The Witching Hour (L)
« on: September 27, 2010, 05:35:20 PM »
Yeah, I agree with the others, there was probably a bit too much when it comes to the metaphors. The story was pretty well saturated with 'em.

Overall, it was a pretty good story, though, However, i'm unsure of who this particular author is (in the story), and searching online for the name given returns no results, so i'm assuming that's not his real name (?). At first, i thought it was going to be related to Ann rice, since she wrote a book by the same name and you said it was about an author. :P

The opening line stood out to me – you say 'match' twice in the same sentence, which makes it sound clumsy.

Are you talking about the use of the word "Match" in the same sentence as "Matchbox"? I dunno, that strikes me as just fine, since they are two separate words, however, i probably would have just said "box" and not "matchbox" since it's implied you're striking the match against a matchbox, and not just some random wooden crate.

Reading Excuses / Sept. 27th - Eerongal - The Journeyman's Manifesto Ch. 1
« on: September 27, 2010, 02:47:16 PM »
Synopsis: In this chapter, we meet 3 characters: Jacob "Jobber" Colgan Jr, a lowly street urchin; Zona Alloway Flanegan,  mechanic extraordinaire; and the man who approaches her with a job offer, the mysterious Thu’dane, servant of a currently unknown host.

Journeyman's Manifesto, Ch. 1 3883 Words [L]


I'm gonna throw this up here just to help out a bit with people who don't know what some terms are, in case anyone wants to know. Note that not all might be in there (i found a few real quick though just to make sure its relevant)

Victorian slang

Reading Excuses / Re: A poll concerning previous submissions
« on: September 27, 2010, 03:51:38 AM »
Do you think you could start this up now and put your work on it? That way we could have an idea of what it would look like.

Well, actually, I wasn't planning any sort of web interface, I figured that would be more covert. Instead, it would be utilized using any preferred method of FTP. If we do it, then i'll post a write up of how to map FTP as a shortcut to a windows XP/vista/7 machine, but other than that, you could use any FTP software you prefer (like cuteFTP or FireFTP or something).

If there's enough interest, we could look into doing some kind of web interface, but as for "how it would look", it would look like whatever FTP method you use. Me, personally, like i said, i map it as a shortcut, which I suppose I'll post some screenshots here to show you what it looks like (but its gonna look like a windows browser)

As you can see, when i have a windows browser window open, on the left, i have an FTP link. Anytime i click on it, it auto connects to my FTP site, and I see a list of all the files contained there. So if we did this with our works, it would just look like a collective folder of document files, and wouldnt really require you downloading them or anything, you could just run em from there. This way, anyone who joins wouldn't have to ask for anyone's work who has it in the archive, and you wouldnt have to worry if you lost a certain email or something, and you wouldn't have to worry about saving and organizing em yourself. To me, it just seems like a nice, simple solution, ya know?

Anyways, like i said, if there's interest in making some sort of web interface, it could certainly be done, but that's up to everyone. I don't want to change or do something that no one else wants, ya know? It's not my work, its all you guys', so you all have the final say in what goes on here, i'm just offering this up because i have it, and i could put it to good use for us.

Edit: Also - To the nay sayers, could you be so kind as to voice your opinions/concerns/reasons? I'm just curious about the reasons for NOT wanting, even if it's just something as simple as thinking it isn't really necessary or something.

Reading Excuses / A poll concerning previous submissions
« on: September 24, 2010, 04:23:30 AM »
Hi, all!

I got through speaking a bit to Silk about this possibility, and I wanted to get everyone's opinion. I have some webspace i would be more than willing to setup an FTP site on so that we can have an archive and dedicated location for all submitted works. This won't be a public page, so no one will be able to access it just randomly off the web and thus steal your work.

Anyways, i just wanted to offer this up for everyone as an idea, see who likes it, who doesn't, etc. I have more than enough hosting space and bandwidth to do so, so i wanted to see what everyone though, so vote, and comment or suggest other ideas if you want!

Also, with it setup as an FTP site, on a windows (not sure about other OS's but probably can, never tried) PC you can map it onto your PC so it shows just like a drive and/or folder.

Edit: oh, also, FYI, the poll is open for a month, so you have that long to think, discuss, etc.

Also, since there are people who will be against it (2 as of posting this) it can obviously be an optional thing to include your work in the archive.

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