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Messages - Silk

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Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: November 18, 2008, 08:36:00 PM »
Oook oook. What?

Reading Excuses / Re: Genre?
« on: November 18, 2008, 07:42:26 PM »
Don't say that! I haven't written much either - only about 4300 words since the start of November - I still figure I can make 50k if I work my rear off. And, uhh, ignore homework for the next two weeks.

That's okay, though. It's not like there's ever anything important due at the end of the semester.




Space opera is a funny genre. Space oooooooperaaaaaa!


Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: November 18, 2008, 07:39:55 PM »
Huh, I thought I'd done that already.  Changed my profile, that is...

Wilson: You blame your brothers, I'll blame my friends, since all of my friends at university are guys. I dunno about this no women on the Internet thing, since I have far more female friends online than not. ::)

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: November 18, 2008, 10:14:27 AM »
Sure, I'll change it. I have no idea what handles people usually go on this forum, so yeah, don't mind me.

And yes, entirely right. It's funny, though, the number of people who are genuinely surprised when I tell them I am a girl. I must project a particularly male vibe or something.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List
« on: November 18, 2008, 09:52:19 AM »
Haha. Great minds!

Yeah, was just thinking of doing that. Off to do that now, and I am totally not re-reading this thread first because I totally have not forgotten already what we've decided. ::)

Reading Excuses / Re: Genre?
« on: November 18, 2008, 09:48:08 AM »
Wait, what? Five what? (fear not, Raethe being confused is a fairly normal state of affairs...)

I don't oppose romance in any way. I just don't read it. And I don't think there's anything wrong with having romance drive your characters forward/through plot points/whatever, to whoever said that. (It's past midnight, my memory's going.)

Dan Wells / Re: I have a thread
« on: November 18, 2008, 09:44:35 AM »
Well darn. Was hoping that it would come out in Canada at the same time as the UK, which sometimes happens. I guess we'll see which wins out, my impatience to read your book, or my phobia of buying things online...

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« on: November 18, 2008, 09:37:54 AM »
So I'm not the only one who writes pencil-and-paper? Sweet.

Yeah, don't ask me what my word count is. It's a low number. It embarasses me.

Reading Excuses / Re: The Rules Of Reading Excuses
« on: November 18, 2008, 09:32:46 AM »
Haha. If I went around spamming threads they REALLY wouldn't promote me.

(Heck, if I caught someone doing that on the forums I mod, I'd block their sorry posterior. Politely, of course.)

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List
« on: November 18, 2008, 09:31:13 AM »
No way is NaNo writing allowed!!


Yeah. If you're comfortable submitting your NaNo writing, go for it. Essentially, as long as you feel like you'll get something useful out of the critique, go for it, would be my advice. (That's why I'm not volunteering myself for the 1st - I could totally submit NaNo writing, but to do that I'd have to give you the other eight chapters first, and THAT would totally not be useful for me right now.)

It alright if I sign you up for the first, Ben? what about you, WEKM? Being impatient to get some feedback and all. ;)

Reading Excuses / Re: Genre?
« on: November 18, 2008, 09:29:49 AM »
Aww. I like books that make me bawl.

Well, as long as they make me bawl because they're good books.

Reading Excuses / Re: The Rules Of Reading Excuses
« on: November 17, 2008, 08:57:45 PM »
Yeah, they probably don't really wanna make someone with under 20 posts a mod...

Reading Excuses / Re: How To Submit to Reading Excuses
« on: November 17, 2008, 07:43:18 PM »
Haha. Nah, I just threw together a bunch of the things we'd been saying in the other thread anyway...

Chaos - you've one heckuva memory, man. I think it took me about five minutes to figure out what you were talking about. That episode was posted months ago, and there are days when I'm incapable of remembering my own name.

*cough* Just kidding on that last part. Really.

But yeah, I was thinking the same thing, if someone could pin those two threads that'd be helpful.

Reading Excuses / The Rules Of Reading Excuses
« on: November 17, 2008, 10:56:19 AM »
I just threw this together from what seemed to be the general consensus on the other thread, so tell me if there's anything I'm missing (or that you passionately disagree with) and I'll edit.

Deadlines: Sorry, you can't just submit whenever you feel like it. Instead, we'll hand you a submission deadline. If you don't make the submission deadline, we'll laugh at you. If you're late, we may not be able to read and critique it in a timely fashion.

Currently RE is experimenting with a new way of doing submissions. Instead of monthly submissions, we will have submission "applications". Submission dates will be Monday of any week. If you want to submit, you will apply by posting in the e-mail linked thread below by Saturday of the previous week. Chaos and I will choose who gets to submit based on who hasn't had critiques recently. There are few enough of us right now that all of those who want to will probably be able to submit, but pay attention to the Email/Submissions thread just in case.

Formatting: Do NOT post your submission to this forum. Instead, send your submission to everybody (just once, please!) on the Reading Excuses email list (available here). Attachments should be .doc, .rtf, or .pdf files (not .docx, not everyone can read those!); please use 1.5 or double spacing and a legible font. Courier and Times New Roman are manuscript standard.

After emailing, start a thread here on the Reading Excuses forum. Title the thread "date of submission - piece title - chapter number (if applicable)". You don't need to say much, it just gives us a place to go at it, and eliminates the possibility of three people starting the same thread at once. You'll start a new thread per each story or chapter so that threads don't get too huuuuuuge.

Length: We have come to a very democratic, very arbitrary decision that around 3500 words is a reasonable maximum per submission. This is a ballpark - if you want to submit a complete story or chapter that runs above this, go for it. But If you give us 50 pages to read all at once, we will whine. And throw stuff. And we might not read it all.

Genre: We're not putting any restrictions on genre (for now).  We'll still read literary fiction. You should bear in mind, though, that most of us are speculative fiction writers, getting together to critique mostly speculative fiction-y stuff. That doesn't mean we're not discerning readers, but if you're doing something wildly different you should probably take some of our comments with a grain of salt. (Well, an extra grain of salt.)

Content: We don't want to restrict content either. We do ask that when you email us a submission, you label it for Language, Drug Use, Violence,  or Sexual Content if necessary.

Ettiquette: Be fair (not nice). Don't be nasty, but do say what you think. And don't apologize every time you offer a criticism.

Say what's working exceptionally well as well as what isn't working at all.  If something isn't working, tell us why. Sometimes it's best to let the author figure out what to do. Sometimes specific suggestions help, but don't try to write someone's story for them.

Don't spend too much time critiquing grammar, punctuation, etcetera (unless the author asks for it for some reason). Focus on the big things.

You get what you give. If you skimp on critiquing our stuff, we'll skimp on yours. (We we realize that not everyone will be able to critique everybody's submission every time. That's fine. We do think it's reasonable for everyone to critique at least one manuscript for everyone they submit. Beyond that, do your level best to give as many critiques as you can without killing yourself over it.)

Defending your work against people's criticisms is generally not useful. Asking pointed questions is perfectly fine.

Finally, do NOT share someone else's story with anyone outside the group, unless you have their express permission to do so.

Reading Excuses / Re: Genre?
« on: November 17, 2008, 10:47:16 AM »
Um, I write mostly fantasy. Which implies action and adventure, I guess. (At least, that's what I keep telling myself.) Except sometimes I write mainstream fiction. Oh, and I've got a couple of science fiction stories waiting to happen...

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