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Messages - Renoard

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Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: April 08, 2009, 03:09:46 PM »
See I took the option of playing dumb.  Now you've gone and put a point on it.  I thought that pretending not to understand and referencing fiction would get the point across without having to be blunt.  But okay!

Reading Excuses / Re: 6 April 2009 - Sea of Sand - Part 2
« on: April 08, 2009, 02:59:49 PM »
I'm sitting here reading over the comments we've all made.  It's ironic that you are worrying about being too long for a short story, while we're calling for more text.  I really think sprinkling the personal description of Selendy in part one and describing the men in part 2 would be helpful.  If your present outline really calls for 10K then maybe it's too much story for this format and you would do better reserving this plot for a novel.

That said, let's see where it goes, finish first then worry about issues like is it too long for a publication or venue.  So far those of us who are reading want more give it up dude!  :D

Books / Re: My readthrough of WoT (**Spoilers**)
« on: April 07, 2009, 11:12:47 PM »
Baerlon is a cool place to hang out. Kesumi almost never finds me there...

Oh was that outloud?

I still think your inadvertent suggestion of This Approaching Storm has a better ring, a more charged tone and fits far better in the succession.

I agree it would have been better if the knife of dreams theme had been integrated into more of the book and possibly previous volumes as well.  Why I feel it is charged is not that it is well used but because knife is not an overused term or item in SF&F.  It has more emotional tension than sword for that reason and Mat's obsession with short blades has made it an important theme in the series.

Of course the 20 copycat novels that come out in 2010, all using main characters who are knife wielders will blunt the impact... }-P

I was just picking a name out of a hat, Baen Books.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel **SPOILERS**
« on: April 07, 2009, 08:19:06 PM »
Remember the good old days with the Brother's Hildebrandt?

Maybe Baen needs someone...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel **SPOILERS**
« on: April 07, 2009, 07:16:57 PM »
Umm has anyone seen the cover art for Way of Kings on Amazon (tm).  Quite disturbing.  Certainly wouldn't entice me to buy.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: April 07, 2009, 07:13:37 PM »
Dry cleaners?  I would have suspected you were Illianer...


 talking about This Approaching Storm ...

See now that should have been the title.  Maybe you should still be a book-store guy...

Reading Excuses / Re: 6 April 2009 - Sea of Sand - Part 2
« on: April 07, 2009, 07:02:11 PM »
To clarify, Frog is right that it's not usually gender specific, but I could have bought it if Selendy were male and reacted with the shock of cold anger, the third leg of fight or flight that males a biologically programmed for.  Guess you could call it fight flight or arrogate? Hah! Not that I meant to stir a gender debate in the middle of ry's critique thread.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: April 07, 2009, 02:01:55 PM »
I'd imagine EUOL is really busy right now.  He's talked about a mind numbing amount of work that has been growing nearly exponentially for about two years on his web site.

I do not know the man, but knowing a little bit about things work I imagine the following is how things fall.
Just the highlights:
Warbreaker Edits
Final edits of the WoT split (which probably includes small rewrites on demand to fix issues).
Mistborne (sp?) merchandising to authorize or not.
Fan Mail
New Employee orientation (read that as letting someone else into the dark recesses of the laboratory. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!) :P

I have to say he probably needs someone to manage his business contacts and fan mail and personal time for forums or time wasting is probably not very accessible right now. 

Trademarking titles from merchandising has gotten out of hand.  The result is in my opinion beginning to eat into the fabric of poetic expression.  I see the need to prevent  pirate from stamping out unlicensed copies of books and paraphernalia, but I'd like to see criminal penalties for commercial plagiarism displace the use of trademarks in literature and entertainment.

I can see why "Wheel of Time" need to be a brand, but trademarking the words means that another author who has a completely different take on the term is prevented from doing much with it without awkward constructions.  It's an old argument though.

Upshot is that the names of the individual volumes don't really need to be all that unique as long as they are fitting.  And frankly, I believe most people are concerned more with the series title and volume number.  A gathering storm fits the tone of the other volumes.

The problem I might have with it is the issue of passivity.  Rigney's titles follow a pattern that describes the beginning, plateau, climax and if it had ended with AMOL falling off point.  The book titles help you know where you are in the concise novel The Wheel of TimeA Gathering Storm has less punch than Knife of Dreams where it should have had more and lead seamlessly into Tarmon Gaiden, a good title.

Reading Excuses / Re: 16 March 2009 - Sea of Sand - part 1
« on: April 06, 2009, 10:17:09 PM »
I'm late on this one, so I think most things have been covered.

I got the sense that the her loading crane was a powered machine.  I didn't know how it was powered and it didn't seem necessary to the story for me to know.  I can see you are laying a foundation for her to be a little too loose lipped around priests.  She seems to be trying to convince herself that she doesn't believe their teachings, but they throw her.  I can see where this ties in later.

The only negative that I would bring up this late in the game, is that the Left-Right decision is vague and a little ambivelent.  It looks like it could be an attempt to use chance to weed out those whom the god doesn't want on the journey.  But it was also evocative of the debarkation lines at Auschwitz without really punching it enough to have an emotional impact. 

Rants and Stuff / Re: Jobs and stuff
« on: April 06, 2009, 05:47:32 PM »
With Ookla's influence will Brandon's characters start looking out of the page with exaggeratedly large mouths when they yell?  At (@) symbols for eyes when they are daunted?

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