Local Authors > Reading Excuses

Aug 15 2011 – Asmodemon – Maiden of Thorns Prologue

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Prologue's by their nature tend to be a little enigmatic. By the end of a book (or even a series), I often read a prologue again because it makes perfect sense at that point. So, I'm kind of hoping that's how this will work.

I liked Black Rose. Even though I didn't fully understand what was going on, I thought her character was engaging. I liked seeing her motives and feelings, which should make her a more powerful villain.

I got a little lost in the details of the action, but I followed the general action pretty well. Again, the rest of the story should give the prologue more depth. If not, then you have to ask the all important question: Is it needed?

I guess it did seem like her Wanderer was defeated a bit too easily. But I didn't think she was. There was an overconfident undertone to her attitude from the beginning that set her up for a fall. It didn't shock me that the "emptiness" power she wielded and considered stronger than anything they could throw at her was overcome by something greater that was a "forbidden" or "ancient" power. Pride comes before destruction is a common theme with villains and it seemed to apply here.

Interesting intro. I think the story will pull me in more than the prologue, so I'm anxious to read the first chapter.



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