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Messages - Miang

Pages: 1 [2]
Reading Excuses / Re: June 15, The Junction, Ch. 4 - RavenstarRHJF
« on: June 16, 2009, 02:23:40 AM »
Alright, I'm going to jump in here but take whatever I say with a grain of salt since I'm picking this up in the 4th chapter with no context for what happened before. From what I gathered trying to pick up the setting from just this chapter I think its unique in the sense that most writers I've read don't deal with primarily reptilian or reptile-like species as protagonists in their work, so I liked that very much. There is a very brief section on pg. 2 where I think the dialogue is a little unclear in terms of who is speaking at what point. Otherwise I think that it comes off very well (the dialogue specifically) with realistic emotions and emphasis. I particularly liked your description of the "people" your characters were viewing. You did well keeping it in their perspective while giving the readers a clear idea of what they are looking at.

That's all I have right now. Sorry it's so brief, it's a little tricky adequately critiquing something you're picking up a few chapters in.

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: June 16, 2009, 01:13:47 AM »
Hello all :). I'm 27, working and in college full time which can make finding time to write difficult. I've been trying to establish the habit of working on my book every night and getting down at least 500 words of something but I'm not always successful. I have a lot of ideas, its translating them to paper and making sure that a new idea doesn't displace my old ideas to the extent that I can't write it out that I have been having problems with. I've been desperate for people to share my work with so this site is like a godsend for me. Trying to get the people you know to read your stuff doesn't work I've discovered. When I can get friends or family to read my work they say to me "It's good", which I hate. I think those are probably the two worst words in the English language.

Reading Excuses / Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« on: June 16, 2009, 01:00:30 AM »
I'm new to the group (so HI everyone) and I just started working on a new novel. I've gotten offtrack on several of my other projects; I was just to frustrated with them so I've set them aside for awhile. Since I just started a new work it's barely starting to get some notes to flesh it out. I'm currently trying to decide if I want to write a full outline / chapter by chapter summary  or just outline and summarize a few chapters at a time and then do the actual writing for them. I keep tossing the pros/ cons of each style back and forth but haven't made a decision yet.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: June 15, 2009, 05:25:03 AM »
Please add my email to the list.


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