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Topics - Entsuropi

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Rants and Stuff / The Darth Smilo Betting Ring (DSBR)
« on: March 04, 2006, 08:01:13 PM »
Ok, place your votes people. Odds are listed. Minimum bet £10, maximum £10,000, all bets to be made in Pounds Sterling.

Darth Smilo is...
( ) 12 and too young to know better. (2:1)
( ) 21 and a college student, trying to troll. (1:1)
( ) 43, a pervert, and trying to troll. (2:1)
( ) The next level in human existance, trying to educate us in the ways of higher evolution. (100,000,000:1)
( ) A small parrot. (5:1)

Movies and TV / Snakes on a plane - trailer
« on: March 03, 2006, 08:17:51 PM »
I couldn't find the original thread, so meh - either it didn't exist or it'll be linked by a mod closing this thread, so it's not my problem.

Trailer available here. It looks pretty cool actually.

Video Games / BFME2
« on: March 03, 2006, 06:29:13 PM »
...Battle For Middle Earth 2.

I own it, and it's awesome. Though perhaps i just take undue pleasure from riding down gollum with Glorfindel. Either way, the AI is bizarre in difficulty - it spams out units like no tomorrow, making it tough going to fight, but doesn't use them at all well, barely takes heroes, etc. I hate AI in RTS games, it almost never gives a good fight.

Video Games / Defcon
« on: February 20, 2006, 05:02:39 PM »

The new game from Introversion software (Darwinia, Uplink). It's a computer game version of thermonuclear war, and looks amazing. My favourite part of the interview:

b]Eurogamer:[/b] Care to give an example of the sort of Machiavellian disasters we can see?

Chris Delay: We've seen alliance members shooting overhead friendly planes down because they believed the planes were scouting the area for targets in preparation for a strike. This results in arguments in the chat channels, followed by skirmishes at sea, followed by retaliation, before finally the whole alliance collapses and everyone starts nuking the hell out of each other. It's awesome.

Movies and TV / New Farscape?
« on: February 16, 2006, 12:51:41 PM »

Read the last sentence of the last paragraph. Huh? It was brought up at a panel with the Henson Company and Tokyopop.

Movies and TV / Evil Aliens
« on: February 13, 2006, 12:21:42 PM »

Huh. Upcoming British comedy film about abductions. It has the AI from Red Dwarf as one character. Looks very silly.

Rants and Stuff / Mohammed Cartoons controversey
« on: February 03, 2006, 11:16:40 AM »

Several months ago a Danish newspaper published some satirical cartoons of Mohammed. This was in response to the fact that a picture book author was unable to get cartoonists to draw Mohammed for her book. In Islam, depictions of Mohammed are banned in order to prevent him becoming a false idol.

This has resulted in a huge international melee, with the Islamic world (11 countries, including most of the middle east and Pakistan) calling for the governments of Denmark and Norway (a Norweigan paper re-printed the cartoons soon after they first appeared in the Danish paper). Several cartoonists have gone into hiding. The newspaper has had to beef up security among death threats. The governments of both countries have said, effectively, 'sorry your offended' but refuse to take concrete action on the grounds of freedom of speech and the fact that they don't control the press. Denmark has a large muslim minority, and has had considerable tensions even before the newspaper cartoons between the main white population and the muslim community, who generally live in their own districts.

The EU has had a foreign minister meeting, and has declared that the governments of Denmark and Norway has the full support of the EU, does not accept that the newspaper should be prosecuted, and that the boycots of Danish and Norweigan produce in Saudi Arabia and other places is unacceptable and will, if the EU thinks the governments of those countries are involved, be brought before the WTO. However other EU officials have started saying that it was bad for the newspaper to publish them.   It's kind of mixed atm in terms of how the EU is responding.

Basically, it's all a giant furball D: It's interesting to see Europe and the muslim world go toe to toe. It's high time the muslim countries stopped trying to impose religious ideals on post-enlightenment Europe and learned what seperation of state and church actually means.

Video Games / Star Wars Empire At War
« on: January 19, 2006, 12:11:23 PM »
SP demo is out. Fileplanet / Gamespot download links.

RTS space/land game, with a galactic map you use for building stuff - think Rome Total War style, only with some building on the actual battlemaps.

It is very awesome. Space combat is fast, fun and yet easy to control (pop up icons showing hardpoints for bombers to target, fighter squadrons having big icons next to their lead craft for easier spotting and selecting... very well done). The tutorials are annoying as hell, as per usual. Ground combat is slightly odd feeling, but the ATAT takes an absolute beating to go down and you get bombing runs from bomber squadrons in orbit. For once I feel like they have combined the space and land arms of the two sides and made them feel like a real concept.

Graphics are quite nice but run fairly smoothly, for once.

Video Games / Day of Defeat: Source
« on: December 14, 2005, 01:30:12 PM »

I've been playing DoD:S since it came out, and love it. It's fast, frantic, lots of fun. Though I always try to go german - the M1 Garand sucks a**. K96, the rifle of champions and war criminals. It's managed, with very well done levels and HDR to be more 'real' in it's feeling than the vast majority of other games, and i'm looking forward to a few of those new effects - motion blur and depth perception especially. The film reel effect can go away and die though.

Everything Else / Spacey spaced
« on: December 13, 2005, 10:22:47 PM »


Everything Else / Vatican comes out in support of Darwin?
« on: November 08, 2005, 09:18:18 PM »

Suggestions Box / Nanowrimo thingy
« on: November 04, 2005, 09:35:02 PM »
Uh, why is that on the top of the front page? While it's undoubtedly fascinating to SE, this isn't a personal site. Perhaps that should be moved to the forum?

Role-Playing Games / nWoD corebook - free
« on: October 21, 2005, 12:49:25 AM »

Free download. Hurray. Make an account if you need to, and it'll let you grab it. 12 meg file.

Video Games / Call of Cthulhu
« on: October 17, 2005, 07:07:10 PM »
Dark corners of the earth is released on PS2 and Xbox on the 21st.

/me screams

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