Author Topic: ***SPOILERS Official Hero of Ages Spoilers Thread. Includes Q&A w/Brandon****  (Read 397489 times)


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Re: ***SPOILERS Official Hero of Ages Spoilers Thread. Includes Q&A w/Brandon****
« Reply #960 on: February 11, 2010, 05:19:54 AM »
^Well, that just means that the other bead isn't at the well.

^^If that means we have to wait like twenty years, that's okay, I'll wait.  If previous experience is anything to go by, then we'll be getting the third trilogy of Star Wars movies around that time.  YAY!
Let's see, he's got the Way Of Kings coming, which is supposed to be like ten books, that's a good decade right there, the fourth and fifth Alcatraz books, that's probably a year together, the last two Wheel of Time books, so that's maybe three together, and probably some other projects I'm missing.  So that's 14 years just by what I can pick off the top of my head.  He may throw Mistborn in there once he comes up with a story he gets excited about, so lets hope for that!
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Re: ***SPOILERS Official Hero of Ages Spoilers Thread. Includes Q&A w/Brandon****
« Reply #961 on: February 13, 2010, 12:43:53 AM »
*sigh* Mistborn was my favorite...we should petition him to write another Mistborn or two between WoK books :P


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Re: ***SPOILERS Official Hero of Ages Spoilers Thread. Includes Q&A w/Brandon****
« Reply #962 on: February 13, 2010, 06:55:55 AM »
^I'm not sure that would be a good idea.  If we want the next Mistborn books to be as great as the first we need him to want to write them.  Just give him time, if he does em, it'll be awesome.  Better for him not to do it at all then do it for the money and totally screw it up.
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I'm new here, Brandon is an awesome author, etc.

Questions about the development of allomancy in Future Scadrial...

(1) Would it be possible to design a machine that replicates whatever the "burning" process is in the human stomach, enabling a sort of automated allomancy? This would obviously be kind of worthless for metals like gold and electrum, since a machine doesn't really have a use for knowing what its alternate pasts or futures would be like, but a coppercloud engine would be rather useful, and I have a neat design for an iron- or steel- burning automobile engine... Not to mention that metal repulsion would be the obvious way to take Mistborn spacebound. It seems like it should be possible, since I think it was implied earlier in this thread that even a rock exists to some degree in all three realms, but obviously I don't actually know this.

(2) Scadrian transhumanism. Would the development of genetic engineering allow for the revival of Mistborns, or is that something that for whatever reason only lerasium can do? (I'm really curious about the chemical structure of lerasium and atium in general - they can be alloyed with normal metals, which implies they have electron shells, but the nucleus almost certainly can't consist of normal protons and neutrons...)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 03:19:30 AM by Menelmacar »
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(1) Would it be possible to design a machine that replicates whatever the "burning" process is in the human stomach, enabling a sort of automated allomancy? This would obviously be kind of worthless for metals like gold and electrum, since a machine doesn't really have a use for knowing what its alternate pasts or futures would be like, but a coppercloud engine would be rather useful, and I have a neat design for an iron- or steel- burning automobile engine... Not to mention that metal repulsion would be the obvious way to take Mistborn spacebound. It seems like it should be possible, since I think it was implied earlier in this thread that even a rock exists to some degree in all three realms, but obviously I don't actually know this.
It's an interesting idea, but I'm fairly certain that in future books that allomancy will be limited to human use, due to its magical origins, as well as inanimate objects not having any amount of preservation to augment to create allomancy.  The idea is that allomancy comes from having more than the normal amount of Preservation and while animals and such have Preservation in them (in equal proportions with Ruin) inanimate objects lack that.

(2) Scadrian transhumanism. Would the development of genetic engineering allow for the revival of Mistborns, or is that something that for whatever reason only lerasium can do? (I'm really curious about the chemical structure of lerasium and atium in general - they can be alloyed with normal metals, which implies they have electron shells, but the nucleus almost certainly can't consist of normal protons and neutrons...)
While genetics may contribute to the presence of allomancy, the actual cause of magic is on a more metaphysical level, putting it rather out of reach of normal scientific inquiry.

I've noticed some patterns in Hemalurgy and put together a rather rough table of Hemalurgic Metals.
This link goes to the page of DeviantArt where I have it uploaded since I couldn't get it to upload directly here.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 11:18:54 PM by Fireborn »
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Notice this from book 3 annotations:
(As a side note to this side note, the planet this is all taking place on is barren and virtually uninhabitable save for the poles, a situation caused by the proximity to the sun. [Editor's note: More on this in a much later annotation.] The Final Empire is at the north pole. What's at the south pole? Hum. I wonder. . . .)

This may be totally wrong since I don't know much about the Shadesmar, but assuming it must have some physical manifestation on every planet, do we know there what would be on Scadriel?


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And at least one more.
Oh?  Please tell us, if at all possible, where this went.  *pulls out clipboard to take notes*
Isn't it how Saze made Spook into a mistborn, somehow?


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No, Brandon says earlier in here that Spook is just a normal mistborn, not a Lerasium-endowed mistborn. 

I have a question- Early in the first book, Vin talks about saving up her 'Luck' for long periods of time, from metals from plates and bowls and such. How long do metals generally stay in the body? Is it the standard 48 hours like the rest of food, meaning that either Scadrial people are skilled, or Vin is just amazing. Or does it stay for long times? And another thing- did Vin get headaches from burning impure metals? Or was she just lucky that all the metals were pure?

What do you guys think?
“It’s a fun tradition.”
“So was witch-burning,” Melody said.  “Unless you were the witch.”


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I think it was too small an amount to give her headaches, as for the 'saving up' thing, It's a good point, and my excuse would probably go along the lines of 'that's why her reserve never got very big, even after weeks of non-use. it just stayed at that tiny amount she was getting every day.'


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No, Brandon says earlier in here that Spook is just a normal mistborn, not a Lerasium-endowed mistborn. 
And how would it be? If he Snapped and became a tineye, how would he evolve from misting to mistborn? If the power is just enough to make a man a mistborn, wouldn't Rashek use it to force his chosen men into mistborns and eat all the Larasium himself or keep it for a time when the power would be gone?

I have a question- Early in the first book, Vin talks about saving up her 'Luck' for long periods of time, from metals from plates and bowls and such. How long do metals generally stay in the body? Is it the standard 48 hours like the rest of food, meaning that either Scadrial people are skilled, or Vin is just amazing. Or does it stay for long times? And another thing- did Vin get headaches from burning impure metals? Or was she just lucky that all the metals were pure?

What do you guys think?
For that, the answer is simple - she didn't run out of reserve not because of some abilities, but because she was getting it everyday, drinking dirty water and eating with metal cutlery.
Of course we can speculate that maybe she was getting a little power from the mists, for Ruin wasn't that powerful back then and couldn't block it all. But I guess it's the first explaination.

And I have a question, for I can't really find it on TWG, and everybody's talking about it... What is exactly "the Shard"?


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And I have a question, for I can't really find it on TWG, and everybody's talking about it... What is exactly "the Shard"?
"Shard" is a generic term for Ruin, Preservation, and a number of other similarly powerful beings/forces that exist on the various planets most of Brandon's books are set on.  It is mentioned in at least one of the chapter headings in Hero of Ages, along with the being that all the Shards originally came from (Adonalsium*).  Adonalsium, as much as we can figure out so far, appears to be the equivalent of God.  He was broken into a bunch of Shards a long time ago, and the settings of Elantris, Mistborn, Warbreaker, the upcoming Stormlight Archives, and a few more planned for the future all feature one or more Shards of Adonalsium, each of which has a major impact on the nature of the setting and that setting's magic system.

* Hero of Ages has a typo in the name, calling it Adonasium.  Brandon has repeatedly stated this is a mistake, and the correction somehow got missed before the printing, and it's supposed to be Adonalsium.


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After a bit of thought about Hemalurgy, I believe that the metal that actually steals Allomantic Temporal powers is Gold.  The question that would seem to kill this theory would be "But wouldn't they have discovered this, since they had access to Gold the whole time?", but I have an explanation for this.  I don't think they would mainly because of Atium and the widespread belief of Gold as a useless metal.  The only "temporal metal" whose power they'd want to steal would be Atium, which can only supposedly be stolen from a full Mistborn with the extremely valuable Atium.  Why would the Inquisitors expend both a full mistborn plus a large chunk of Atium to transfer the allomantic use of Gold?  And since Atium can steal allomantic gold, they would simply assume that Atium steals both anyway.  So they have little to no reason to test Gold Hemalurgically at all, at least in a way that would actually do anything.
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Found the reference!

I take it either Spook did not have children or Sazed made him a reduced-strength Mistborn rather than giving him the full potency of the 9 originals and Elend?
Spook is a reduced power Mistborn. 

My guess is that since TLR changed the genetic codes for the Balance and to make people survive ash, Kelsier suggested to Sazed that he do the same thing to Spook, and since he already had the right spiritual codes to be a misting, those were close enough to become a mistborn. Just a guess.
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I've been reading your Wheel of Time since you thankfully took up the job (I need the end!), finished Towers of Midnight in a flash, and concluded that I loved your work and moved onto the Mistborn trilogy. I've finished it, grown unhealthily attached to it, and just wanted to suggest that you get Christopher Nolan on the job of making some movies out of this. Tim Burton would be waaaay to wacky for this... maybe Peter Jackson based on his work with Lord of the Rings. But I love Nolan since he almost always casts Christian Bale and generally his casts are superb. Plus he's a big name these days and your work definitely deserves association with someone on a high level. However I have no clue whatsoever as to how producers and authors meet up  :-\

Frankly, I'd rather read your brilliant novels than see the redundant movies being shown nowadays --- instead of coming up with their own frivolous plots, Hollywood needs to pick up some books (preferably yours) and get some inspiration! Please be assured that all of my frustration is a sincere compliment to your bountiful worthiness. I thank you.  ;D