Alternate Realities > TW(i)G

Quick Question

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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
y'know, on that note, if we're really going to have a lot of stuff for TW(i)G, we might want to establish it's own heading. If there is going to be fiction and table top for it, than it doesn't work in RPGs or OTher.

And on THAT note, what's the official category for board games? Table top? what about non-collectable card games... Other?

Ya non-CCG card games are other, as board games are other as well.  Fell's been lamenting for quite sometime on where to put them but he feels that CCG should be collectable and table top are minature based games.

As for adding a TW(I)G headder.  If we actualy get a complete rules, setting etc, Fell will probaly add a TW(I)G icon and deparment.  But I don't think he wants to goto the hassel untill we have something worth posting that deserves to have it's own deparment.

Oops, sorry.

Guess I didn't completely understand what TWiG was about.

Still could use the help though. Or at least inspiration.  I'll post up the details under a more appropriate heading later.  Probably in TableTop Games.

Lieutenant Kije:
Let me know when you get around to designing the rpg system.  I had an idea along those lines the other day (just a small one.)

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I put Fell in charge of the RPG system.


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