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Webcomics You Read Regularly

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I'm surprised no one's brought up Dinosaur Comics.  I'm working my way through the archives of that one.
I really enjoy Super Effective, a comic about pokemon.  However, there aren't many of them and it's not updated very often.
There's also Chopping Block, a really dark comic about a serial killer in day to day life.  This hasn't been updated since May 2009, though.  And it's not exactly family-friendly.
And my favourite, which I read religiously every day, Cyanide and Happiness!  This one can be pretty offensive, too. :o  It can be found at
Edit: I can't believe I forgot XKCD! Understanding this comic is a lot easier if you're a tech nerd, which I am not, but it's still hilarious.

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Business Ghostwriters

Juan Dolor:
They don't update more than once or twice a week, but I love Hark, A Vagrant!  and Nedroid Picture Diary.

I read most of the ones listed here, But I just resently found one web comic that bumped all others down a peg and skyrocketed to #1 on my list of favorites.

Homestuck at if you can count something made with animated Gifs and Flash movies (and entire Interactive game sections.) as a webcomic, which is what it Really is.

 I would highly recomend it to anyone as a truly great experiance.


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