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Messages - Inkthinker

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Allow of Law Excerpt 1
« on: June 17, 2011, 09:43:09 AM »
Nope, fair point. And there's a lot of awesome beyond that, so it's not like they're giving it all away. It's not quite a full third.

Plus, I think from 1-5 you get a nice sampling of just about everything-- characterizations, action, humor-- by the time the book hits the shelves, readers will definitely know if it's their kind of read or not.

I guess the serialization to release model isn't all that unusual when I think about it. Lucky bit of business for the fans.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Allow of Law Excerpt 1
« on: June 16, 2011, 10:14:17 PM »
Sooo... are they actually taking this all the way to Chapter 6? That's a lot of story.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Parallels in Mistborn? [Trilogy Spoilers]
« on: June 14, 2011, 09:58:48 AM »
I'd say it's worth pushing up in the queue. Being a Gainax production., the animation is very good.

Hulu Link

(Apparently I was wrong about it being on On the upside, you can see The Castle of Cagliostro on Hulu now, how awesome is that!?)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Parallels in Mistborn? [Trilogy Spoilers]
« on: June 14, 2011, 01:42:26 AM »
I noted the parallel between the Spiral King and TLR myself, but I think it's worth mentioning that Mistborn: The Final Empire was published in 2006, and Gurren Lagann first aired in 2007.

I'd also point out that both take place in a ruined, world where the population of mankind has been greatly reduced and is being ground under the heel of a tyrant, but one man stands up to represent Hope.

So unless the guys at Gainax are on Brandon's alpha list, I think we're seeing a pretty clear case of parallel convergence.  ;D

That being said, you're right in that they share several tropes. Fans of the Mistborn books might really dig Gurren Lagann, it's certainly one of my favorites if for no other reason than it's outrageous hot-blooded heart (WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!?!). And if you can get Hulu or, you can watch the whole show for free (with ads).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Don't listen to the jerks
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:51:08 PM »
Ahhhh... George is a poster-child for delayed gratification, but he's not alone in that particular corner.

Pratchett... before the disease, the man banged out a Disc novel every year like clockwork. Since he was diagnosed, he's had to change his writing style but his output doesn't appear to have slowed. He missed a year in 2008, but since then he's had a new one every fall again. This year we get a new Vimes ("Snuff") and then after that it looks like a new Moist book ("Raising Taxes").

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoT release date
« on: June 08, 2011, 11:30:50 AM »
The Rithmatist comes in 2012 and Brandon does need to do a solid rewrite.

There we go, then. I liked it as it was, so I expect it'll just get better.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoT release date
« on: June 07, 2011, 11:06:37 AM »
I thought that was the schedule for a while now... this year it's Alloy of Law (and I thought The Rithmatist, though I haven't heard squat on it lately), next year it's the final WoT, then in 2013 we get back to Stormlight.

Every year we get a book. If he can keep that up, he's doing better than most.

And lest WoT fans get antsy because other books are coming out this year, Alloy of Law was a book he wrote on his vacation, and so far as I know, The Rithmatist isn't changing a lot from its original form so it's a trunk novel. Either way he was going to do a re-read of the series, and it's not surprising that Harriet wants a deep edit. It's the last book folks, they want to make it awesome.

If I can suffer Butcher delaying the next Dresden novel (especially after that cliffhanger, DAMN YOU JIM BUTCHER!!), then Wot fans can suffer a similar delay for the final novel in an epic journey. I trust it'll be worth it.

I'm not a Tolkien scholar, so I got no basis for participation on the subject.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Need help finding a WE episode
« on: June 05, 2011, 08:16:02 AM »
HAH! So it was a trick question!

No, I think only moderators can modify thread titles. You can see if it allows you to modify your original post, that might allow for a title change, but most forums don't. Probably messes with the indexing.

Writing Group / Re: non-battle scenes
« on: June 01, 2011, 12:08:17 PM »
Travel time is character time... it's an opportunity to have conversations between characters that reveal things about themselves or their relationships to other characters. Lots of mundane crap happens during traveling, especially if you're being very realistic about it. There's time on the road, but also time setting up or breaking down camp, time spent gathering or preparing foods, time spent caring for equipment or mounts (horses have a whole routine you need to go through every time you start and stop for a decent period of time), time spent on watch while the others sleep.

Not only are these times you can build up on the characters through their interactions and conversations, but you can also slip in world-building details when describing the actions they perform as they interact. If they're gather food or caring for a mount, that's a time for some flora/fauna world detail. If they're caring for equipment, that's time for technology and crafting detail, and so forth.

If you haven't got anything to say between larger plot points and don't need to develop the characters or world further, then there's no real need to show anything happening as they travel. Sometimes it's enough to say they went from here to there, and it took this long, and nothing much happened. But honestly, if you think about characters spending much time with each other it's hard not to envision ways in which their interactions and conversations reveal things about themselves to each other and to the reader.

Writing Group / Re: Best. Word. Ever.
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:01:00 AM »

"the state of being able to achieve honors".


"small or insignificant". Also the longest word in the English language.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Need help finding a WE episode
« on: May 30, 2011, 08:38:50 PM »
Hm. For some reason, I thought that they had a more dedicated forum for WE that was linked off the main site. Now I feel a bit silly.

But there is a feedback/comments forum for the WE podcast here at TWG, it's in the Writing Group forum (at least, that's where the FAQ on the Reading Excuses forum says we should for WE topics).

The topic doesn't ring any bells for me, but as you say they do tend to blend together after all this time. Why not just extrapolate from that very basic concept (resurrection though attached souls/spirits) and make up the rest on your own? That's how most ideas come about... something you hear about somewhere else, which you then build upon to create a new idea.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Need help finding a WE episode
« on: May 28, 2011, 10:06:52 PM »
Whew... that's a little obscure. Can you remember what the larger topic of the show was? Otherwise, you might have better luck asking in the dedicated WE forums. The best you might hope for here is that Peter or someone else who runs into Brandon regularly will remember to ask him and come back here to tell you, but given that he's going out of town for a bit you might be waiting a long time for an answer on that...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn: Alloy of Law
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:20:14 AM »
What reviewer said that?

Anyhow, all Cosmere books tie together in some respect. Was Hoid always a skinny bald man? That description seems about right for Wit, and I can't recall what he looked like in Warbreaker...

Took a second to work out TWoTK... there's only one "The" in The Way of Kings. Unless I got the acronym wrong?

nono, long hair on 3D models can be a nightmare, I know.

The vest is stated black, so we're stuck there, but "brilliant white markings" leaves a lot of room for interpretation, and the entire ensemble being described as " a black and white uniform somewhat like a nobleman's suit" also gives us some room to play.

Of course, you can reasonably redesign his outfit to match anything you like (so long as you're staying within the established parameters of the various descriptions... for instance, other styles of suit would make sense. A toga probably wouldn't), but if you're looking to make the character as close to "canon" as you can, it helps to stick with the stated design markers.

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